Carrie Crippen has been granted a divorce from Ira Crippen, of Superior. Mrs. May Rose died at the home of her daughter Mrs. George Barnes, in Ypsilanti, Monday evening, aged 79 years. It is reported that the cow sheds which adorn the principal streeta of Ypsilanti are to be ordered taken down at the next meeting of the common council. Mr. Franklin Begole. of Ypsilanti town, was married near St. Marys, Ont., Peb. 23, to Miss Lucinda McRoberts. They will be at home to their friends after Maren 15. Azro Fletcher, the well known superintendent of the Ypsilanti Creamery Association, was badly scalded Tuesday afternooa. He was putting on tbe flttings to a new boiler when a stopcock blew ont. Steam barned bim badly about the face, chest, bands, left leg and both feet. His injuries are not considered fatal. Thé fourth prominent business cbange in Ypsilanti sinoe Jan. 1 occured Tuesday, Gany Densmore pnrobasiijg William Fell;s interest in their clothing business. Tbe dissolution of Larub, Davis & Kishlar, dry goods; Barnuin & Showerman, jewelers, and George Harria, olosing out his grocery jobbing business to remove to Detroit, being tbe pieoeding ohanges. At tbe regular village oaucus held in Saline Wednesday evening of last week, George J. Nissly, Geroge R. Lutz, G. C. Townsend, Ashley B. VanDuzer, William Jackson, George E. Schairer and George Burkhart were placed in nomination to sucoeed themselves as president, clerk, treasurer, assessor and trustees (three), of the village. The elección will take place next Monday. Deputy State Game and Fish Warden, L. Whitney Watkina received by expresa here Tuesday morning of last, week, 7,000 brook trout, vhich he will put in suitable Btreams iu this vicinity. The little fellowa were ooly "pin heads" but in a few years we tiost they will furnish niuoh sport for devotees of toe rod. He says he intends to plant large nninbers of piokerel, biown bass, eto., in onr snuounding lakes, in the near future. - Manchester Enterprise. There will be two tickets in the field at the Manchester village election Monday. The Citizens ticket is: President, A. J. Waters; trustees, J. E. Blum, F. Widruayeir.E. C. Westgate; treasnrer, J. F. Schaible; clerk, C. E. Lewis; assessor, W. Kinible. The Yonng Men'B ticket whinh will oontest the election, is as follows: President, O. L. Torrey; trustees, Frank Spaiïard, J. W. Rauschonbergfir, Fred Widinayer; clerk, Fred Hall; treasurer, C. W.v Case; assessor, H. Townsend. At the annual meeting of the Ypsilauti Arbeiter Verein Monday evening the following new officers were elected : President, Jacob Schruid ; vice president, R. Kopf; seoretary, Williaru Dusbiber; cashier, .7. L. Foerster; treasnrer, Jos. Meyer; ttag carrier, Jos. Block; trustees. George Riohel, Adam Sbaner, L. K. Foerster, G. J. Aruent, Fred Warner. Peter Dusbiber, Nimbólas Schneider. After the business of the meeting was over the wives of the memoere served refreshments and the Light Gnaid Baad serenaded the party.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Azro Fletcher