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Common humanity demands that the inhuma...

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Cummon hnmanity deruands that tbe inhuman strife in Cuba cease. Cuba mnst be free. Peaoefully. if we cao obtain it, bot Cuba mnst be free. ■-. What an imposing spectaoJe of the way patriota sink party differenoes and nnite in defense of a oommoo country was shown by the unanimous passage tbrongh senate and house of the bill giving President McKinley $50,000,000 to expend as he saw fit to put the country in position for war. It was the best metbod to insure peace. Is there still another faction in the repnblican party in this connty. One prominent repnblican referring to the Moran-Judson embroglio said it reminded him of tbe old adage, "When thieves fall out, honest men get their dnes." nnd atill another prominent repnblican said it was a oase oE "dog eat dog." In the light of these remarks it is pertinent to enquire if there is still another faotion in the repnblioan party. Gov. Pingree has called an extra sesión of the legislatura tu consider railroad taxation. The governor is partially rigbt in bis position and partially wrong. Railroad prop&rty sbonld be placed npon the same plañe as other property, but when this is done specific taxation of railroads should cease. 'It is no more rigbt that their taxes shotld be paid directly into tbe state treasnry than that taxes on other property shonld be so paid. Let tha oorporations of all kinds be compelled to pay taxes;!the' same as individnals are oompeiled to pay them, and in the same mariner. That is exact jnstice and it is oommóñ een se. Tbe common oouncil has ordeied the city engineer to raake plans for a bridge over the Aan Arbor railroad on Vf., William st. While tbere is no doubt that a bridge is needed at tbat poiüt, the conncil should have ordered plans ior one on W. Hnron st. also. For, with tbe Lansing, Dexter and Ann iátrbor street railway ooming into tbe ci'ty on tbat street it will be one of the most dangeroas places to life and limb tbat can possibly be fonnd. A steep hill on eacb side of a tailroad track laid in a valley. A railroad train passing over the street ou that railroad. A street car on one of these hills stopped to allow it to pass, the brakes slipping and not bolding it in control. These are the necessary and not at all improbable factors in an aocident tbat might in■volve a score or more of lives worth the cost of a huudred bridges. The Register explodes its usual sensations tbis week. The first is the case brought through A. J. Sawyer, as attorney, againsc Sheriff Judson and otber6 to recover $600 paid in settlement of a charge of criminal assault brought against Howard Stockwell, of Salem, on cnmplaint of Joseph Doane. Jn a long article "Bobs" Judson, as he is called, is charged with either "gross breaob of social duty" or "rank injustice" in frightening Stockwell into a settlement. Aid. Brown is called a "penny-in-the-slot pettifogger" aDd Sweet is threatened svith snre dofeat if e runs for sheriff. It is charged that tbree of the aldermen are ovpned by Boes Judson. It also states that if anyooe directly or indirectly concerned in 4he killing off of the Yoong' Men's Republican Club is made postmaster at Aaa Arbor, it believes that it would bnry the repnblioan party in Washtenaw county nnder a 1,000 or more democratio majority. In all of this the Register claims to speak for tbnnsands of republicana who are opposed to boes diotation. In the meantime Sheriff Judson is still sawing wood.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News