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COUNCIL C11AM15EK, Aön Arbor, March 7ih, 1898. J Regular Session. Oalled to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. lioll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Moore, Sweet, Spathelf, Pres. Luick. Aid. Koen moved that Aid. Coou act as President pro tem. Adopted. Whereupon Aid. Coon was declarad elected President pro tem. PETIT10NS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by W. J. Miller and Ü3 others asking for crosswalks across Detroit street was read and referred to the Sidewalk Gommittee. A petition signed by Perry Manwarring and 24 others asking for an order to prevent the dumping of garba ge wïthin certain parts of the City of Ann Arbor was read and referred to the Board of Health. A petition signed by J. Q. A. Sessions and 5 others asking for correcting alleged wrong in numbering was read and referred to Aldermen Danforth and Cady and Engineer Key. The communication from " City Government " was read and referred to the Finance Committee. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith subrnits the estímate of the City Engineer for paving on Main street with asphalt. Respectf ullysubmitted , Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. To Board of Public Works: Gentlemen: The following is an estímate for the cost of asphalt pavement in the proposed paving district on Main st. E.xcavatton per lineal ft. eaen side $ 47 CurbiDg " " " " " 58 Concrete " " " " " 1 82 Asphalt " " " " " 4 00 Total 96 85 Less 20 per cent 1 39 Estimated price per foot frontage to be assessed on property tor agphalt pavement .' $5 48 Estimated price per loot frontage to be assessed on property for brick H 97 Difference 51 Thia makes the total estimated cost forasphalt pavement $37,388 5G As against the total estimated cost for bricK pavement 25,083 48 Estimated total difference 2,305 OS Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Received and placed on file. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works presents the following resolution for the consideration of your honorable body: Whereas, The petition circulated among and signed by the taxpayers in the proposed pavement district on Main st. specified brick pavement on a concrete foundation, and Whereas, at a joint meeting of the said taxpayers and Board of Public Works it was the unanimously expressed opinión in favor of brick pavement. Theref ore the Board of Public Works recommend that the Common Council order the above ïuentioned improvement and direct advertising at once for bids for eonstracting said improvetnent. Respectf ully submitted, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Dell moved that the recommendation of the Board be coDcurred ín by this Council. ' Ádopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodess Soule, Coön, Danforth, Cady -11. Nays- None. , Aid, Sweet and Spathelf entered. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith presents to your honorable body the report of the work ordered by you and done under our direction duriug the year 1898. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Received and placed on rile. REPOKÏS OF STANDING COMMIÏTEES. FINANCE. YourCommitteeoii Finance respectf ully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allovvance and that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. Kespectfully submitted, Artiiur Brown, Michael Grossinan, Harrison Soule, Committee on Finance. CONTINGENT FUND. Glen V Mills, salary $ 83 34 PatrickO'Hearn " 83 34 Thos D Kearney " 50 OU Edward L Seyler " -- 8 34 Ann Arbor Electric Co., lighting 514 09 Wm. H Mclntyre, suppiies 2 75 E W Grovos, salary 75 00 V W Wetmore, suppiies ---- 3 0 GeoF Key, salary 100 00 Ann Arbor Argus, pj'inting 8 00 Bid W Miliard, printing 35 50 John LDuffy, fees 2 50 New State Telephone Co., rental 27 00 Ann Arbor Register, printing 7 50 MrsC A Greene, rent 29 17 M E Kasterly, janitor 10 25 Glen V. Mills, poage 125 Edward L Seyler, postage 7 00 Edward L Seyler, dog tax ïeiunded... 8 50 O M Martin, ambulance - 2 00 Builey & Edmonds, repairs... 1 65 George Lavear, baryingdog 50 David Ciawíord, rent 10 00 John Burg, acct. assigned t 75 Wm Lausky, acct. assigued 5 00 Total Í1.0H3 03 STREET FÜND. Daniel J Koss. salary fifi BB MrsLuoy DS Parker, rent 75 00 Total ..' $ 14166 PÓLICE FUND. Zenas Sweet, salary - $ 75 00 Keuben A rmbruster, salary 50 00 John O'Ma ra, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 George lsbell, galary 50 00 Total ----% 275 00 F1RE DEPARTMENT FÜND. Fred Sipley, salary $ 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary... 55 00 W H McLaren, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West.salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary .- 50 00 Herman Kirn, --- 50 00 Samuel McLaren, salary 50 00 Edward Hoel.le, sajary 50 00 Charles Carrol], salary.. 20 00 W L Schnierle, salary 8 00 Geo Hoelzle, salary - 8 00 A WSorg. salary 8 00 Ed Hill, salary 8 00 M Staebler, coal 14 38 Clark & Bassett, coal 19 54 Mrs Heam, washlng .- 6 00 Goodale&Co., suppiies 3 92 Walker & Co., repairs 13 35 Total - 574 19 POOB FOND. Fred Sipley, salary % 10 00 Treas. Anti-Tramp Society, labor 4 50 ,T. Burg-, shoes.- - 3 00 Frank Burj;, groceries 3 75 F Bisalke. jrroceries 13 OU J. A. Brown, groceries 2 31 Chicago Slioe Co., shoes 3 00 Davis & Seabolt, Kiocerie6-- 6 05 E Dieterle, ambulance 1 60 Ed Dnffy, (rroceHes 4 18 Bberbach Drug Co., medicine.. :i 45 L Gruner, shoes 1 25 John Goetz, Jr, sroceries - 6 6ii Goodyear & Co., medicine 1 25 John Goetz & Son, groceries 7 13 ,T E Harkins, dampor 35 Mrs Hillman, boarei for Mrs Evans 5 00 A Hagan, grroceries 4 00 Heusel Brothers, bread 1 00 G Hoefer. groceries 4 00 A Kearnoy. rroceries 7 00 W F Lodholz, groeeries 4 38 FCMiller, jrroceries 2 UU Wm H Molntyre, groceries 16 99 J H Maynard. jiroeeries 8 70 O'Hara & Boy Ie, sroeeries 7 00 l' Kinsey, jrrooeries 11 46 KlnseySc Seabolt, uroceries 2138 VV F Stim8on, groceries - 11 60 M Staebler, coal 27 10 StaeMer&Co., groceries 3 49 M PYoprel, meat On C W Vogel, meat 2 20 Wahr& Miller, shoes 4 00 Total $ 223 4S KKCAPITULATION. Contingent Fund $J,083 03 Street Fund 141 BB Pólice Fund 275 00 Firemen's Fund 574 19 PoorFund 223 48 Total ï 8,897 36 Adopted asfollows: Yeas - Aid. Harnilton, Grossman, Kocli, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarkerer, Khodes, Spathelf , Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady - 13. Nays- None. ORDINANCE. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An ordinance changing the Oxford street to Oxford Road" whtch was given its iirst reading by titlé. Aid. Soule moved that the ordinance be given its second reading. Adopted as follows : Yeas - A.ld. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown. Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady - 13. Nays - None. Whereupou the ordinance was given its second reading by sections. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An ordinance authorizing the Lansing, Dexter and Ann Arbor Railway Company to construct and maintain a street railway in the City of Ann Arbor" and defining the powers, privileges and restrictions of said railroad company. Aid. Dell moved that the ordinance be given its second reading by sections. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady- 13. Nays - None. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An ordinance authorizing the Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor Railway Company to construct and maintain a street railway in the City of Ann Arbor," and defining the powers, privileges and restrictions of the said railway company. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth. Cady- 13. Nays - None. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to repeal an ordinance entitled 'An ordinaïice relative to the governing and controling of the cemetery in the Pifth ward, ' passed June 7, 1875, " wbich was given its third reading by sections. Whereupon the question was: Shall this ordinance pass'? Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Sweet, Grossman, Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady -12. Nays - Aid. Brown - 1. Aid. Dell 's amendment was lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Dell, Sweet, Danforth- 3. Nays - Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Brown, Grossman; Dell, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Cady- 10. The original motion was adopted as fo)lOW8: Yeas - Aid. Grossman, Koch, Brown, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady- 8. Nays - Aid. Hamilton, Dell, weet, Vandawarker, Coon - 5. STREETS. To the Comrnon Council : Your committee on streets , ■ uld recommend that Pred Belser bo allowed $100 00 as payment in full for all gravel alleged to have been taken from his premises and tbat be fill in his lot at his own expense. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, G. C. Rhodes, Harrison Soule, Arthur Brown, M. Grossman, Committee on Streets. Aid. Dell moved to amend the report and to include the estimate of the engineer. Aid. Hamilton moved as a substitute that the report be laid on the table until the next regular session. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Soule. - 2 Nays - Aid. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Coon, Danforth, Cady. - 11 To the Common Council: Your committee on streets would recommend that the engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications for brick pavement on Main street between Catherine and Liberty. And further that the engineer prepare plans, speciflcations and an estimate for a bridge over the Ann Arbor railroad in the line of William street. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, H. Soule, G. C. Rhodes, Arthur Brown, J. A. Dell, M. Grossman, Committee on Streets. Aid. Cady moved to amend the report by ad ding to the specifications for a bridge on West Huron street across the Ann Arbor Railroad. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch. Dell. Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady- 13. Nays - None. Whereupon the original report as amended was adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady- 13. Nays- None. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman Cady. Hesolved, That the Board of Public Works proceed at once to place a tile drain across Paekard street on the north line of Hill street of sufficient capacity to carry the water down Hill street west Adoptea as follows: Yeas- AM. Hamilton, Grossman, Kouta, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rbodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Dauforth, Cady - 13. Nays - None. By Alderman Cady. Resolved, That a committee of three of whicb the City attorney shall be one, be appointed to ascertain the number of arrests for all criminal oft'enses or misdemeanors tryable before the Justices of the Peace in the City of Ann Arbor from and including tbe year 1894 until the lst of Marcb, 1898, together with tbe amount of fine moneys and fees from same going to the City of Ann Arbor, also the amount of fine moneys and fees going to Washtenaw county and tbe fees going to the olïicers who acted in the respective cases, with the name and total amount going to each offlcer, and the city clerk is hereby directed to assist the committee in securing and tabulating the information secured. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Dell, Coon, Danforth, Cady - 5. Nays - Aid. Grossman, Koch, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rbodes, Spathelf, Soule- 8. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, That the registration for voters for the several wards, to be held March 29th, 1898, be, and the same is hereby appointed to be held in the several wards of the city at the following places, viz. ; First Ward - Washington street near 5th avenue at the Zion Germán school house.. Second Ward- 111 West Liberty street. Sid W. Millard's office. Third Ward - Basement of Court House. Fourth Ward - Engine House. Fifth Ward- " " Sixth Ward- " " Seventh Ward - 904 South State, rear of Weinberg's store. And be it further resolved, that the city clei-k do give notice of said registration pursuant to law. Adopted as folio ws: -Aid., Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Whereas in the opinión of rnany of our citizens the case of typhoid f ever at 526 E. Jefferson street should be investigated, and its cause, if pos6ible, ascertained and removed. Be it resolved that the Board of Helath be instructed to investígate the same and report to this Council. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid., Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soul, Coon, Danforth, Cay- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Whereas, some four hundred citizens of this city have subscribed for New State Phones, and whereas the M. C. R. R. Co. has refused to place one of these phones in its froight offie in this city, and whereas the placing' of one of these phones in said freight office would be a great convenience to many of our people. Therefore be it Resolved, that said Railway Company be respectfully requested to place one of said phones in its freight office in this city, and that the Clerk be requested to send a certifled copy of this resolution to the agent of said Company in this city. Adopted. Attorney J. W. Bennett presented a deed of tbe following property from Mary J, Maynard: This Indenture, Made this seventh day ot March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetyeight, between Mary J. Maynard, of the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, party of the iirst part, and the City of Ann Arbor, a municipal Corporation within the County of Washtenaw, Michigan, party of the second part, witnesseth, tbat the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable considerations hereinafter set forth, to her in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, alien and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and its successors and assigns, fokeveb, all that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenrw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of lands owned by the St. Andrews Episcopal church society, on the east side of División street, and at the northwest corner of land owned by said first party, running thence east along the north line of said first party's land thirty-six (36) rods, more or lsss, to the northwest corner of land now owned by Lucy B. Whitlark; thence south along said Whitlark's west line thirty-nine (39) feet, thence west parallel with said first line to the east line of División street; thence north thirty-nine (39) feet to the place of beginning being a part of the northeast quarter of section number 29, town 2 south of range 6 east, for the uses and purposes of a public street and highway. This conveyance is made upon the farther consideration that said second party shall and will forthwith pay, lay out and expend upon the improvement of the street so dedicated a sum of money not less than two hundred dollars. And it is furtbur expressly covenanted and agreed that should said second party at any time begin proceedings to condemn any of said first party's land for the purpose of a street, on the north side thereof, this deed shall become nuil and void and the land herein consigned shall revert to the grantor, her heirs and assigns together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenancee thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining : to have and to hold the said premises, as above describecï. with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to its sueoessors and a-,8igns forever. And the said Mary .) . Maynard, party of the tirst part, her heirs, executors and administrators, does eovenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said party of the second parr, its suceessors and assigne. that ut the time of the ensealiug and delivery of these presenta she is well seized f the above granted premises in F-e Simple; that they are free trom all incuaibrances whatever and that she will, and her heirs, executors, administrators shall warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatsoever. In witness whereof, the said party of the 'first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Mary J. Maynaed. Signed and deliverèd in presence of W. J. Maynard, J. M, Bennett. State of Michigan, "1 County of Washtenaw. j On this seventh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared Mary J. Maynard to me known to be the same person described in and who executed the within instrument, who acknowledged the same to be her free act and deee. J. W. Bennett, Notary Public. Aid. Koch moved that the Councü accept the deed and order a warrant drawn for $1.00 in payment for said property. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Brown , Vandawarker, Soule, Coon. Cady - 7. Xays - Aid. Hamilton, Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Danforth- 6. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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