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Charter Elections

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Monday was oharter election day íd the villages, and in praotically all but one case the eleotions passed ofE very qnietly and with no speoial issue entering into tbera. The one case mentioned was tliat of Chelsea where the oleotion was one of the most stubboruly ccntfisted tbat has ever been held in the village. The qnestion hinged npon tbe subject of water works, and resulted in a complete reversal of last spring's eleotion. There were two tickets in the field, the workiugmen's tioket, beaded by Frank P. Glazier fnr president and the citizens' tioket beaded by William Bacon for president and W. D. Arnold for olerk, Warren Gnerin, John Hoover and Fred Kantlehnerfor trustees, Al va Steger for treasurer and .1. VVilbnr Van Riper for assessor. The resnlt of the election was that the workingmen's or waterworks ticket was elected by a vote of only 19 less tban two-thirds of a total vote of 472 in favor of waterworks and eleo;rio lights, giving Mr. Glazier a roajority of 124, nearly doublé that ever given any candidate at any previons village eleotion. The tioket was eleoted by majorities ranging frora 91 to 130, as follows: President, F. P. Glazier; clerk, Henry Heselschwerdt; trustees, J. Edward MoKone, Israel Vogel, John W. Schenk; treasurer, John B. Cole; assessor, James P. Wood. In Manchester two tickets were in the field, the citizens' and the young men's tickets. Some of the oamus of :hose who were running appeared on both tickets. The citizens' ticket came out on top and the new village officers are: President, A. J. Waters; trustees, J. E. Blum, Fred Widmayer, E. C. Westgate; clerk, C. E. Lewis; treasnrer, J. Fred Schaible; assessoi, W. Kimble. It was a quiet eleotion in Milan althougb tbere were two tiokets, the citizens' and the Milan village in tbe field. A portion of each tioket was eleoted tbe "villagers" getting president and two trustees, and the "oitizens" olerk, one trustee, treasurer and assessor. Tbe new officers are : President, Andrew D. Jaokson ; clerli, Charles E. Patterson ; trustees, Fred G. T. Wilson, Horuer C Sill, Charles E. Davis; treasurer, Eddie W. Black - mer; assessor, Nelson S. Rice. In Dexter the eleotion resulted in favor of the republioans. A good deal of work was done and a large vole was polled. Tbe officers eleoted are as follows: President, Peter Rieder; olerk. John Barley; treasurer, Jay Keith; ttustees, Alfred Davis, Robert Sleator and D. E. Quish; assessor, George Alley. In Saline there was only one tioket up and the interest manifested in tbe eleotion was but sligbt. Geo. J. Nissley was eleoted president, Geo. Lutz olerk, G. O. Townsend treasurer, A. B. Van Duzen assessor, W. Y. Jackson, Jobn Gates and G. E. íáchairer, trustees. The Union tioket was tbeonly one in tbe field in Pinokney, and the l'nllowing officers were eleoted : President, Claude L. Sigler; olerk, Roy H. Teeple; treasurer, Daniel W. Murta: assessor, Warren A. Carr; trustees, Edgar L. Thompson, Charles L. Bowman, Frank J. Wright. Tbe village efficers of Dundee are as follows: President, George Sbaefer; clerk, H. G. Drew ; treasnrer, David Wilson; assessor, Horace Wilkerson; trastees, Jolin Uavnes, Joseph Hilton, Alfred Hunt, The question of buying fire protection was defeated by a large vote.


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