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Kodaks Are Used

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Tbe Anti-Saloon League, or some of its sympathizeis, bave adopted a very qnestionable inetbod of agitating the public sentiment in their endeavors to down the saloons. On Saturday afternoon some of the most enthusiastio in the woik were around at the different Baloons in the oity, supposed ta be most frequented by studente, with kodaks, and tried toget snap shots of those wbo came into the saloons to get a drink. At Fred Besimer's plaoe on W. Huton st., a youngish man was detectad by the proprietor in nis soheme to thns obtain information againts bis fellows and was promptly taken by '.he oollar by tbe irate Fred and nncerernonioasly made to "walk tnrkey" on bis tiptoes the wbole length of the store much to tbe amDsemennt of those who wete present. Fred Brown's place was also visitod.but af ter waiticg around for a few minutes the kodakers left tbe store wben a conple of yonng man who had seen the episode at Besimer's came in. It is seid tbat anotber saloonkeeper stationed two men ut the entrance to nis store and instruoted them to throw out into the street anybody who tried to come into the saloon with a camera, adding at tbe same time tbat be would stand the costs, tbis statement the Argug has been unable to verify.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News