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IT'S WONDERFUL. A Reporter Spendsan Interesting Hour One Case n Which Modern Science Appears to Have Attained Perfection. Having beard so muob recently of the amons remedy, Dodd's Kidney PiJls, aud tbeir many startling oures, a rejorter called at the office of the Dodd's Medicine Co. in searcb of information on tbe subject. It bas been reported ;hat the company were almost cverwhelmed with letters frorn thonsands of people who have been snatched trom uffering and death by these wonderful )ills, and who expressed in letters to he company tbeir warm gratitude for ;he succor afforded them. The reporter was bent upon aBcertaining wbether or not this report was exaggerated. The scribe baving stated bis object in calling, the manager drew from bis desk a bundie of letters so large tbat the reporter wondered how time was 'ound to read them all. A perusal of several showed tbat tbe facts bad not jeen exaggerated; bad, in fact, not jeen half told. There were letters from all over the land, from New York to San Francisco, from tbe frozen wilds of Northern Canada to the sunny olirne of Florida. And they all overflowed with tbe warmest gratitude - messages of tbanks and blessiDgs. It was a profitable hour the scribe spent looking over tbose letters telling of lives saved and snft'ering ended everywbere by the use of Dodu's Kidney Pilis. One in partioular touched his heart. It was writteu by James A. Ells, of Saginaw, telling how he bad sat by tbe bedside of his dear son, expecting every hour that death would claim hie preoious boy, wbom all the best doctors had given up to die of Bright's Disease; of how someone suggested trying Dodd's Kidney Pilis and of how they had saved his son's life. Tbe letter pouied out the richest blessing from a heart overflowiug with gratitude. Anotber short letter from Mrs. Philip Webber, of Boston, N. Y., spoke for itself. Mrs. Webber wrote: "Dodd's Kiƶuey Pille have been a bleseing to me. 1 bave no pain nor baokache now, and I rest well at Dight, for wbioh I thauk God. I enolose 50 cents for anotber box." The reporter carne away convinced that there was never auutber reruedy on earth tbat had done so much for hatnanity as have Dodd's Kiduey Pilis. - Bnffalo Express.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News