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Governor Pingree is bonnd to inake tbe l...

Governor Pingree is bonnd to inake tbe l... image
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Governor Pingree is bonnd to inake tbe legislators show wbere they stanc ou tbe qaestion of railroad taxation. Tbere will be an election in tbis ciiy next month bnt yon wonld not tbiuk so from the Jack of interest and talk ooncerning it. War has not yet been deolared anc bids fair not to be. Guba is not yet free and the starvation procesa continnes v?hile diplomáis negotiate. Tbe blood of tbe ruurdered sailors and sea men of tbe ill fated Maiue yet cries alond tor vengeance. They died that Cuba ruight be free. And still Cnba is not free. Ypsilanti is going to bave a street fair during tbree or four days in the latter part of September. eays the Times. It is to be hoped tbat oor twin sister vrill not decide to bold it on the 27th, 28tb, 29th and 30tb, for they are the days on wbioh the Washtenaw fair is to be beid in Ann Arbor. Snob. an action would only resalt in a failure for both fairs. Onr readers shonld attend their townebip cancuses and see tbat tbe best men in the townsbip are nominated for the looal offices. Especially is this advio commended to onr democratie readers. Tbe best way to ensnre snecess in an eleotion is to deserve it. Democrats can do no better servioe to their party tban to attend their party cauouses and see tbat their best and strongest men are nominated. The Argos is rigbt, eternally right aboot that W. Huron st. bridge. Wheu the eJeotric cars come in on that Street, and they will be bere before fall, the railroad orossing there will be estreme]y dangeroDS. - Courier. Yon bet, we ar rigbt, Mr. Coorier, and the W. Huron st. bridge shonld be bnilt before one on NV. Williani st. is even given a tboaght, now that an lectrio line is to cöme into the city on W. Haron st. Tbe common council shonld give this matter grave atfcention before it acts in the matter. Be snre it ja right and tben go abead. But do not lock tbe stable door after the norse is stolen. In other words: Do not give the Lansing, Dexter and Ann Arbor Kailroad a right of way into the city on W. Haron st. then possibly have a serions, fatal accident happen, and afterwards bnijd a bridge. Baild tbe bridge at once, then there will be no possiblity of an accident of the kind spoken of in last week's Argns. Tbe flgbfc in the republican ranks in this county still goes merrily on and is spreading so tbat mutterings from it may be heard in every paper in town. The Register has nolonger a monopoly. Tbe Times bas Communications froin uno sida or the other every evening. The Nene Washtacaw Post takes np the codgels for Jadson and inquires into Editor Moran's sanity. The Conrier has a defense of Judson against tbe Stockwell charges, and on the other side au article by Dr. Darling favoring a city looknp and, tbe Register comes back at tbe sheriff with a number of new charges, snoh as lettiug out prisoners before their time is out, juggling things so that a prisoner serves two sentences at once, etc. In the general newspaper melee besidea tbe papers named, Paris Baniieid, G. Frank Allmendinger and Dr. Darling have appeared in print together with an unJtnown "Onlooker" who desoiibed the overthrow of Moran's sideshow beoause he aspired to be lingmaster in the big ring. The astute ex-field seoretary in reply tells of hie efforts to rescue the elephaut from tbe tent whioh has fallen on him owing to the cutting of the gny ropfis by the Jndsonites. The sobool board has one of the most important tasks to perform that ever feil to the trastees of any school district in the state, in selecting a new soperintendent of schools. Upon their success or failnre mncb depends. Favoritisru shonld be sent to the rear and the best judgment of each trustee is demanded. Onr high school deservedly occopies a front rank in the schools of the country. lts high standard should be inaiutaiued aud the uew superiutendent should be oue wbo also sbonld be thoronghly interestbd in the ward sobouls and able to place them in the very front ranks of the oomtuon sohool8 of the country. Ann Arbor is an edncatioual center. lts w hole life is bound up in its sohool work. Its very existeuce dependa largely npon education. Saine oitips are built as luanufaoturing oenters, otber as meroantile oeDters but Ann Arboi's distinotion is that of an edooational center and along tbat line it has grown, and can yet ruake its greatess growtb. Bnt in the great advanoe made iu the methode of bigber edncation, oor common school work has not kept pace. The Argus does not mean to assert that onr ward sohools are not as good as the average. Bot average goodness vvill not do for Ann Arbor. Our ward soohols shoald be bailt np co tbe plane of our high school, they should be the best in the oountry. It sboald be known far and wide that aJl ages from the youngest to the oldest oould find in this city the very best ncational methods in vogne and tbe strongest teachers. It should be the Mecca of fafcners and mothers who desire to give their little ones the best educatiun and keep tbem with them as they grow into maDhood and wotnanhood and complete tbeir education. The greatest number of people even in this eduoational center, get tbe beginning and the ending of their schoul education iu the ward schools. Henee if these schools are greatly improvsd the greatest good to the greatest nnmber results. The sobool board shonld take this into consideration iu selecting a new saperintendent.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News