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THE PRACTICAL MAIDEN. Hecailedherhisqueen aslie knelt it hor feet. "Get up, you monkey !" she said. , "I can't be your queen, for you aren't a kinsr, But my father has inoney and won' t üoathingBut purchase a marquis for me!" -Cleveland Leader. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Krapf, of Detroit st., March 10, a son. Mrs. E. K. Sunderland preached at the Church of Our Father in Detroit, Sanday. Mrs. Frances E. Allen has bought the property at 1318 Willard st. for $3,200 cash. Gregory E. Dibble has purchased the house and lot 815 E. Washington st. He paid $2,300 for the property. Dr. A. C Nichols will deliver an address on "Intemperance" at Harris hall tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'olock. Judge Newkirk has purchased a fine specimen of a ruounted peacock froin Ed. Kief, of Manohester, says the Enterprise. Sunday eveniug's song service at St. Andrew's church was a beautiful oue. Every seat in the churoh was ocoupied by an attentive confregation. Koch Brothers have the contraot for a brick addition to the block owned by Mrs. Walker on W. Liberty st., in rear of Henee & Stanger's furuiture store. The First M. E. church society was teinoorporated Monday night, and Charles H. Worden whose name headed the original inoorporators in 1865 was the first to sign the new papers. Petitions for the passage of laws reqniring equal taxation of all property are being cironlated and signed by people here, addressed to the legislature, whioh meets in speoial session next Taesday. Joseph Donnelly, of the fourth ward, is a candidate on tbe demooratio side of the fenoe for supervisor of his ward. Mr. Donnelly has oocupied tbe position before and oaine within one vote of being elected last year. Fraternity Lodgo, F. &. A. M., would like to return to its old meeting night of Wednesday, instead of Friday as at present. The subject is beiug agitated. If such be doue it will necessitate a ohange in the meeting night of the Eastern Stars. George Rawson, of Bridgewater, James L. Qilbert, of Chelsea, and Fred Hutzel, of Pittsfield, the oommissioners to arbítrate the J. V. N. Gregory olaim against the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insorauce Co., will meet next Wednesday for that purpose. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Nagel, on Sunday, a daughter. Dr. E. C. Pettyjohn has been ap pointed assistant surgeon of the Ann Arbor railroad. A horse whioh had got its leg broken, was killed by the humane offloer Saturday on the Northside. Friendship Lodge, No. 7, D. O. H., will give a o'rfhno dance and supper al Garmania b;0 Tbnrsday, April 38. The A. A L I. will soon send out its invitaious lor the governor's bal] and reception to be held Monday evening, April 11. The Argos offioe is oontinnally turniDg ont fine printing at popular prioes. A trial is solioited if yon have never had any work done by us. Stephen Harvey, of Ypsilanti, for resisting an officer snme months since, was on Saturday sentenced to six montbs in jail by Judge Kinne. Ex-Postmaster F. J. Hammond, of Whittaker, will be a candidate for register of deeds in Wasbtenaw connty this fall iu the deruooratic ooanty oonvention. Fred Howlett while in Ann Arbor attending the Webb will case in the probate court snooeeded in seüing some rnachinery to some of the witnesses.- Pinckney Dispatch. Tbe fancy drill given by the ladies and gentlemen at the miltary minstrels entertainment last week will be a feature of the military reception and ball at the armory on Easter Monday evening. A Washington dispatob says Congressman Spalding has presented to congress a series of petitions in favor of bilis to impiove pablio moráis signed by the Women's Christian Temperence Union of Ann Arbor. The Ypsilantian says John Chioken's , hennery was ransacked and "several cbickens of the feathered genus" were carried off. Did you ever hear of ohiokens that had anything other than feathers on tbein? Hair, for instanoe. The life, fire and casnalty insuranoe companies doing business in Michigan have paid taxes for the year 1897, aggregating $218,320, an increase of $6,944 over the amount paid the previous year. Tbe taxes are levied upon the premiums received. A. G. Sobellenberger, of Blooruington, UI, would like to bring a well established manufactory to Ann Arbor, and bas been corresponding with Mayor Hiscock relative to it. He does not want a bonus, but plenty of ruoney on good security is required. The rite of confirmation will be administered to a olass of young people at St. Andrew's church on Sunday evening, Maroh 27, by Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, bishop of tbe diocese. In the moruiug of that day be will confirm a class at St. Lnkb's church, Ypsilanti. Two fraternity studeuts stole a Iarge beer sign from a ealoou Tuesday night to add to the decorations of tbeir room. Patrolman Colliuns arrested them. They begged that their carnes be kept from the facluty anti were released Wednesday morniug affer receiving a lecture on the evil of tbeir ways. Debaters from the High School Lyceum No. 1, and the Detroit High School House of Representatives, will meet at ' Detroit this eveniug, and discuss tbe ' question: "Resolved, that the Initiative and Referendum should be ! duoed into the state, county and 1 nicipal governments of the United States. :' The Ann Arbor Water Co. 's office has been removed from Hutzel & Co. 's store to 114 8. Fourth ave., Cook house blook. This is only a temporary ohange as the corapany will oocupy offices in the uew building to be erected by Lawrence & Butterfield on N. Fourth ave., opposite the court house as sooii as it can be oompleted. Postmaster Beakes has received a letter from Mrs. Margaret Regina Erns, of Whittemore, Iosoo oounty, Mich., making inquires after her father, John Fry, whom she believes to be in this neighborhood. She has not seeu him sinoe the war. No such man receives mail at the Ann Arbor offioe, but there may be some persun here who eau furnish the desired information. John Adam Fry, an old soldier answering the desoription given was taken from this city to pontiao two years ago and i placed iu the iuspne asylum. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Radke, of S. Second st., March 10, a boy. Foor persons ware baptized at tbe First Baptist obnrch last Sunday evening. Wech Corps, W. R. O., wil] hold services io memory of Miss Francés E. Willard next Tuesday afternoon. Tbe books in tbe high sohool library are to be classified and Mrs. A. B. Finney bas been engaged to do the work. Bishop Ninde's leoture next Sunday evening at the M. E. oborcb will be op the subject "The Heart's Hanger and Satisfaotion."' Moslem Temple, of tbe Mystic Shrine, will meet in Detroit, Friday ovening nest, Maroh 25. There are soine in Ann Arbor who will be present on the oocasion. Tbere will be a song service at tbe Unitarian cbnrch next Sunday evening. Tbe regular ohoir of tbe ohnroh will be assisted by Mr. Saunders and Miss Greening, violinista, and Miss Young, soprano. Wm, Guest, a Miohigan Central fireman, had tbe lid of bis right eye injured Saturday l.y the breaking of the glass water guage on bis engine. It is not thought tbat the sight will be perraanently injured. Charles L. Miller, formerly shipping cleik for Dean & Co., and Henry Robïnson, formerly of Emory, have ntered into partnership and will engage in the grooery and meat business iu Toledo, O. Success to them. Lieut. A. C. Pack has designed a very handsome monogram for the nse of the A. A. L. I. on the printing for ts reception and ball. An embossing die bas been oast from it which will be worked in black and gold. McCJare's Magazine for April will contain four short stories by new writers. It is remarked as significant of a torn frorn the reuent morbid and discouraging tendency in fiotiou that all of these new writers look upon life with a deoidedly cheetful eye. Thfi marriage of Miss A. Clare Overton, daughter of Mr. .7. M. Overton, of 25 Forest ave. west, Detroit, and Mr. Bernard A. Parsons, formerly of Ann Arbor, will take place Tuesday evening, April 12. Both parties are well known in Ann Arbor. Wm. Larkins, one of the men who was charged with being implicated in he death of James Richards and was acquitted, was arrested Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff Coy at Plymouth on a charge of non-support. His wife, who is living at Wayne with relatives, has a baby eight weeks old to take care of. City Treasurer E. L. Seyler has made his final report to tbe mayor fcr be past year, and it inakes a most excellent showing The total tnxes collected amouuted to $107,506. 6, leaving less than $1,000 uncollected. The city's expenses ainounted to about $40,000, and nearly $40,000 was expended for maintaining the city schools. Monday morning about 1 o'clock a fire broke out in a sbed belonging to Moses Lajoie, on Cbubb st. Although the fire department made good time n going out there was no pressure in the water mains and the building and its contfluts were destroyed. A quantity of farming implements and berry orates were in the shed. The loss was about $800, with $500 insnranoe. The fire íb believed by Mr. Lajoie to be of incendiary origin. At the State Horticnltnral Sooiety's spring meeting to be held in Hudson next Wednesday and Thursday, two evening lectures of unusual interest will be given by members of the university faoulty. Tha first evening Prof. Volney M. Spalding will speak of "Plant life as oontrolled byman;" and tbe second evening Prof. Dean C. Worcester will teil of "Farming in tbe Phillipine Islands." Both leotures will be illnstrated by means of the stereopticon. Thursday next, Maroh 24, at2:30p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. rooms, wil! occur tbe annual meeting of the Womans' Christiau Tempéranoe Ünion. The annual address of the president and reporta from the supriutendants of the different departments will be giveu, followed by the election of offlcers for the ensuing year. At the close of the meeting light refieshments will be served and a social hour spent in sisterly greetings. Invitations will soon be sent to eaoh member with a request for íaoh to bring one friend. M. Brenner bas brnkeu ground foi bis nes addition to tbe St. James' hotel. The St. Valentine's kettle drum given for the benefit of the Ladies' Librarj netted the association about $175. R. H. Kempf and Master Fred Daley are booked for a oonoert at the Detroit Harmonie, Monday evening, Jdaroh 2?. The Congregational amateur orchestra, assisted by Miss Fannie Louise Young, will give a benefit concert in Newberry hall tomorrow evening. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, and Athens Lodge, A. O. O. W., will hold a joint meeting tbis evening for the initiation of 52 new membeis. E. J. Helber, proprietor of the Nene Washtenaw Post, will build himself an elegant residence corner of S. State st. and Arbor ave. the coming season. The trial of the case in the cironit oourt against C. Lincoln McGuire for obtaining money under false pretenses has been postponed antil next week. John C. Buins, who has been proprietor of the Arlington Place on N. Fonrth ave., oinoe Jan. 1, bas fitted it np in good style and is catering to a guod olass of oustomers. F. Stofflet will open a bicycle and repair shop in the store formerly occupied by Tocker & Co., on M.Fonrtb ave. Harvey Stofflet and an experienced assistant will have oharge of the business. Jacob Braun.deputy county treasnrer, is a candidate for the nomination for the treasurership on the republican ticket tbis fall. Jake bas made a good, faithful and effioient deputy and shonlc be supported by his party. Tbe "dawn of spring" bas strnck Wahr & Miller's shoe store and they are showing Home elegant lines of shoes that for beauty, fashion, freshness and brilliancy cannot be sorpassed. See their change of advt. next week. Auditor General Dix is authority for the statement that the extra session of the legislature will oost $30,000 and tbat it will materially rednce tbe amount of primary sobool money to be apportioned among the sohools of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Fisoher celebrated tbeir china wedding Wednesday night among a large party of their friends. It was a merry and pleasant occasion. Their friends hope tbey will live to celébrate their 50th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allmendinger, of Spring at. , were agreeably sarprised Wednesday evening by a party of 44 of their neighbors and friends. The evening was pleasantly spent in games of different kinds. A bountiful supper was served during the evening. At the meeting of J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., Monday evening, .1. L. Cox, Colin Stevens and W. ü. Thomas were appointed a oommittee to Jook into the matter of organizing an artillery company in the camp. The camp expects togive a banquet shortly to all sons of veterans in the city. Miss Mabel Whipple, a former well known Normal student, is teaching at Clarkston near her old home. Sbe recently had occasion to pnnish a pupil, whose irate mother retaliated ljy giving the teacher a pair of black eyes. Miss Whipple made complaint, and the woman paid a fine of $20. - Times. The next meeting of the Washtenaw Teachers' Association will be held at Saline, Satutday, April 16. The subject for consideratioD will be "Report of the Committoe of Twelve. " Eevry teacher in the oounty shonld be there. Cornmissioner Lister is keeping tab on those teachers who are present at the meetings. The Ann Arbor Railroad bas released the steamers Stafford and Ford from fnrther service " on Lake Michigan. Work formerly done by these boats will be covered by tbe steainer Lawrence, a smaller boat than eitber of the two and by the company's two ferries. The boats will ply betweeti Manitowac and Frankfort. Tbe aldermen whose ternas expire this spring are Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Brown, Rhodes, Sonle and Danforth. Messrs. Moore, Dell and Brown will uot consider a renomination so there is snre to be new timber in the next counoil froru the fitst, third aod fonrth viards. In spite of these vacancies, bnt little talk as to who tbeir successors will be is heard. Lewis Miller, who resides on Geddes ave., just outside the oity limits, has been awarded the oontract for carrying the mails to and from the Ann Arbor post office to the depots. The ooiitraot prioe was $740. The work. whicb takes op the best pari; of the day and night and requires the services of two men and two horses and wagons to perforru it properly, is worth nearly doublé that price. C. J. Shetterly yesterday pnrchased the furniture and good will of the Arlington house from its former proprietor C. A. Millard, and assntoed the role of landlord of that old estalbished and popular family hotel. Mr. Millard was obliged to give up the business on aocount of ill-healtb, he being afHioted with insomnia. Mr. Shetterly is new at tbe hotel bosiness. but he has the qualities that sbonld ruake him a good one and the Arngs wishes him the best of saocess. Miss Emma E. Bower, great lecord keeper of Michigan Ladies of the Maccabees, reoeived a certificate last week frotn the state insaranoe department authorizing the order to continue its insurauoe feature uutil March 1, 1899. This is a result of Commissioner Campbell's inspeotion of tbs annual statement recently sent him. The order is in a most prosperous oondition and that prosperity reflects greatly to the credit of those having the management of its affaire, among whom not the least active is the present great record keeper, Miss Bower.