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Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one'switals couldn't be much worse than tfte tortures of itching piles. Yet there's a cure. Doan's Ointment never fails. "srar REVIVO pffl BESTORES VITALITY. ïst ay. 'ff l[7wC-È We II Man l5thDay.1lfP' Of Me. THE GREAT 30th bay. produces the above resulte in 30 days. It act! powerf ully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Toungmeuwillregain their lout ïuauhood. and old men will recover their youtbful vigor by iising REVIVO. It quickly and sürely restores Nervousness.Lost Vitality, Iniporency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power. Failinii Jli-tnory, WastinK Diseases. and all effects of self-abune or excetsand indiscretion, which unfits one for s udy. business or marriage. It not only curee by starting at the seat of disease, bilt isagreat nerieionic and blond builder. bringing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and restoring the flre of youth. It wards off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insiet on havinu REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. 81.00 perpackage. or six for S5.O0, with a pos! tlve written juarantee to cure or refund tlie money. Circular free. AddrosB ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Waöasü. Ave., CHICAGO. ILL For sale at Ann Arbor, Mich., by,Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company. The Nestor of The Magazines. Ths Ncrth American lm bas been in the van of American though for more than three quarters of a century, ranking always with the best and most influential periodicals in the world . It is the mouth-piece of the men who know most about the great topics on which Americans require to be informed from month to month, its contributors being the leaders of thought and action in every field. Those who would take counsel of the highest knowlege on the' affairs of tlie time, and learn what is to be said regarding them by the recognized authorities on bothsides, must therefore read The Nmih American Iteview, the Nestor of the magazines. This marazlne has for moro than eiffhty years, within its well defined linee, stoqd at the head of monthly publications.- Chicago Record. The Review may well be proud of its eightytwo years, ior truly it may be said of it that "age cannot wlther nor time state its infinite variety. Fortúnate is one who can sit down andfeastupon thegoodthinssfurnished by the best literary caterers in the world.- Grand Rapids Domoerat. If any one name in magazine literatura stands for what ie authoritafive that name is the North American Review, which for more than eiglity years has remained at the head of the mouthly periodicals.- Uoston Post. The Review is filled eacb month with artieles which should be read by every true citizeu.- Oddfellows Review, St. Paul. The Review has done more for the bettcr class of readers than any other publication of this kind in the coutry- Christian Advocate, St. Louis. 5O Cents a Numbei ; $5 a year. Now is the Time to Subscribe. m NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, N, l


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