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Annual Report Of The Board Of Public Works, 1897

Annual Report Of The Board Of Public Works, 1897 image
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To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith piesents to yoar honorable body the eport of the work ordered by you and done under our direction during the year 1898. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEEIl. To the Board of Public Works: Gentlemen: I herewith submit for your consideration my annual report, givinga more or less complete snmmary of the work conducted by or under the inspection of the engineering department during the past year. PLÜMBING. During the past year there have been 208 conuections made with the sanitary sewer system, requiring not less than 450 visits for the purposes of inspection. SEwr.its. There have been completed tvyo sewers, one m Lateral Sewer District No. 6, and one in Lateral Sewer District No. 7, detailed reports of these having been previously subruitted with the final estimates of the same. STREET WORK. The work under this head consisted of the ordinary routine work of layiug out of all street, gutter, and sidewalk grades throughout the entire season as was required tor construction purposes. The more prominent work in addition was the iroprovementof both drives on S. University ave., along the campus a detailed statement of which has been previously rendered. The construction of 29 brick crosswalks has also been under the supervisión of this department. Also the work of renum bering the buildings of the city accovding to the Philadelphia or block stytem of numbering. OFFICE WOItK. Under this head is included the work of making all estimates f or propose d and for completed work, the making of all sketches, maps, plans, profiles, specifications and keeping and flling of all records of work falling under the supervisión of this department. All the maps, etc, are now properly tagged and indexed, their classiñcation Deing such as to renderthem easily aecessible on consultation of the index book. JNVKNTORY. The following schedule gives the additions to be made to the previous inventories submitted by the department: PROFILES. HollB 9 to IS, tag No. 155 to 161. Storm 8wer, Fifth ave., tag No. 162. Drain, S Main st., tag No. 163. MAPS. Four mapB, tag No. 163, 165 to 167. GRADE RESOLUTIONS. Nine street grades, threesidevvalk grades. BOOKS. Field notes No. 39, 40, 41. 1 vol. Euginaering News. TOOLS. One metallic tape WORK IN PROGRESS. The work now in progress in this department consists ot' making a large map oí xhe entire city showing all the various data obtainable. Also the work of making plans, etc.r for propoed woik in Paving District No. 1, this latter work will be completed tirst and as soon as possible. REMARKS. Now that sanitary sewers are constructed in practically all the business and densely settled residence portions of the city. I would recommend that the provisions of the ordinance relative to sewer connection be pretty thoroughly enforced, this will in my judgLuent be productivo of great good to the city in the matter of health. I would again cali attention to the matter of drainage of our streets, and urge that steps be taken during the coming season to make a permanent disposal of storm water, at least in those districts which are now giving so tnuch trouble. Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. GRADIXG AND GRAVEL1NQ STBEETS. ] ilar 8 Fillinï washout on Summit st. Hand, Ï2130; team J $14.40 3o ' ' ar. 11. Puttinirin pipe on Hiscock, cor. Gott. 125 ft. of 110 ,0 Hand, Ï51. 10: team, 19.50... 70 bO tf ar. 30 to Apr. 8. Grading sidewalk on Seventh st., soutli of Wasli] iniiion. Hand, $135 86; team $165.45 -- 24131 1 5. T0I8 ft. of 2 ft. pipe oiiN. ■ j First st 14 í Hand, $2.10; team, 4 70 , Anr 13-30 Grading on 8. University 1 " ave. Hand, 34.80; team $89,95 '4 'n Iay4-S. VillinKwasliout 011 Seventli l , nortti of Huron. Hand $40.50; team, $19.50 1)0 00 Uyll. GradinFourteenth rtand team, $156.60 -- 340 11 M-iT '0-2:;. Cleaning alleys. Hand, fliayu- T 7B. team, $44.85 72 80 lav&June. Gradina W. Huron st. Hand, $28M5; team 44120 une0! Gradingand rolling Packard U st. Hand. $158 08: team, Ï1SS.70 ; roller, $50 00 396 78 497 ïoads of gravel at inc.. 49 i0 Jly 19. 41 loads of gravel on N. Fifth ave. at 25o Spreadlng same........... 70 llv 22. E. University ave., 15; loads 3' irpavel -- " ' llv 23. N. 8tateSt',W loads grravel-. 23 50 y Wilmotst.,18 loads urravel.. 4 50 same -- w 5a Jlv. 12. Gradins Spring st. Hand, y 85.88; team. $117.50 ,- 1B318 Holler. $7.50; gravel, li 10 Aus. FlU1ngculvertn8eventh,S. 0 ot Liberty st. Hand, $46 08; team, 39.75 -- 86 33 Au. 6-7. Openins pit on Boulevard S'SiMS? Sll 55 00 GLSfSB(S!Í': 180 Aug.n.l8.Uraain,cWi.n1otiSt.Hand, GtófSfe;êt:-?a.nd: 9G00 Aub 24. Grading tor sidewall; on Volland st. Hand, $13 50; team, i1J ,rjQ - IW Aus. 28. ( I rading" "te fideval k on E. Catherlnest. Hand, $81 50, team, 58.05 - -- - 14: r!) Aus,30. Gradi..f;ir,.dewamo,.UM SeptaserlngWdewonOakTappanand E. Dnlveraity ave. Hand, $133.28; team, 121.40 2S4 88 Sept. 18-81. Grading Seventh st. pouth of Liberty. Hand, Ï171.20; team, 156 15 2, 5 Sept. 20. Drawlusr gravel on División St. Hand, $153.38; team, $172.88 326 18 Sept. 20. 73 loads of gravel on Wilmot st.. at 25c ' 18 2a Sept. 30. Grading Eiiditb or Vine st. Hand,; team, 64 10 Dot. 6. Gravel on Hillst. Hand, S21.56: team,21.90 - 43 46 Oct. 8. Gravel on Mary st. Hand $9.00: team, $15.(0 21 00 Oct. 9. Gravel on VVilmot st. Hand, $10.1)0: team, Í18.00 38 00 Nov. 9. Gradini? tor sidewalk on Detroit st. Hand, $18.75; team, 22.20 95 46 loads of gravel from D. Hiscock for streets at 10c. 4 60 Total 13,921 11 WORK PERFORMED BY JUL.IUS EUNKE PIPING OS FDLLER STKEET NEAR STATE ST. För labor ' '" 12 lbs portland cement jj 1 sacK cement 42 ft pipe at 15c per ft 112-in. curve M TVltul 15 35 .LOtal - (wil 6 ft tile returned to yard W Balance u tó PIPING ON WILLIAM ST. AND 3D ST. Labor 9go Cement „ ,j 39 ft pipe at 15c per ft ___ 19 29 3 ft 15 in. pipe returned to yard 63 Total.... 18li8 BROADWAY. JONhS AND MII-L STS. Hand labor J Team labor j? Cement , 2V Lumber ■ ? ii Gravel, lBloadsat 10c 1 JÏ 15 ft flag stone f rom yard 16 ft 8 in pipe at 12c per ft.. 1 j 10 ft 20 in pipe at 56JÍC per ft o o Total cost of improvemeut 234 49 Credit. (Vork opening gravel bank, hand labor, 9Tirs at 15c per lir.. . . .ÍH . Team labor, 20 hra at 30c per hr . . . b 00 15 ft flag stone taken to yd at 2ic. 4 ,ü 10 luads stone taken t" yard at M)c 8 00 7 loads stone sold loMahlke at 7jc ; 2a Totai 188 56 JÍ856 Balance as total cost improvement S19 03 IMPROVÏMENT ON S. UNIVEBTITY AVE- S. Drive Hand labor ni os Sten from'oïdyard.-lSGVds atSl'.M 141 4 Stone from new yard. WSH yds atjl.00 289 .... Stone from Koch, 16 yds at ÜOc per yd.. 9 10 Gravel, 170 loads at 69c per load m Bars for culvert - Jj Cement ■. ■ 0 n Onel21n"T";onelSln. "ï " Une curve v""!'.','-,' a ia 16 It. 10 in. pipe from yard at lOHc - J 54 ft. 12 in. pipo at 22C per ft Ij 100 paviug brick trom yard. 3 ft: 8 inch pipe at 12c per ft One grate „i ó,- ('oal - -'' Total I815 ON SOÜTH DJS1VERSITY AVE- NOIITH DRIVE. Hand labor n m Team labor ■ ií S Gravel, 50 loads at 6 c per load Brick, 1000 'S Cement " of Flag stone, 5ïi.0 ft at 22c per f t. . . .- One 12 in"T" ■■ è VX 20 ft 12 in pipe at 22c per ft Cïrate bars ., „; Bars for culvert q; 4S8ft81n'ÍVpe'at'Í8perft ; 2 elbows J 1 ton coal " - VS li ft 12 in pipe at 22c per ft L au Total 29282 WORK DONE BY CONTRACT. Eenumbering tlie houses and busines places of the City of Ann Arbor: 2950 iirnses renumbered. No. of numbers used 'síNo, of numbers on Hand ïWj Total 10394 10394 numbers at .0247 ....; ] 1161 lirs labor putting on Nos. at 15c. . ■ ll Total expense of uumbering city... Í432 ( i Cutting weeda, J uly. '97, 7 wards at S2.". 175 0 Surface sewer on 8 5th avenue betweeu ) jefferson and Madtson „,..,.,. Louis Bohde, tile 157 66 . Mast & Eagle. laylng tile.... .... 102 67 _b0 Koch Bros. extending culvert on S itu. io v Wm Copeland. build add to Eng House 957 00 Aug Tessnier, sodding upper triangle on Detroit st T i Sodding lower triangle on Detroit st 33 92 Cochran & Schalble,grading Miner st.. 11T 82 ' Clarence Dixon. grading Packard st... 2Jï 60 . Mast &, drawlng 389M, cubic yds ! stonc on División st 131 84 j Barnard Morrison.eurbing Hanover Sq and paving gutter 34 60 1 Gottlieb Kugath' curbing Hanover Sq. 50 19 Wm Kuehn. paving on Spring st 44 45 ( August. Tessmer, paving on Spring st. . 13 13 Wm liuehn, paving nortli side Hill st. . TB 20 ' paving south side Felch st 13 13 ] August Tessmer, paving alley in rear Robison's Livery & 82 Paving on east side of 5th ave N 32 3b Titus F Hutzel. laying tile on W. Washington st and filling Hunters's Pond 28i 24 Gage & Tucker, extending eulvert on Spring st ■ aO Cochran & Schaible, 115K loads gravel on Madison and lst at35ï 31 5i Samuel Pike Brick Crosswalks Contract On Across Price N side E Washington Kif th ave tW 00 S side E Washington Flfth ave 1)6 oS W side S Fifth ave E Washington... . 49 4o E side S Fifth ave E Washington. .. 49 32 E side S División E Washington ... 69 64 S side E Washington y División 5i 0-. W side S División E Liberty Sb 56 S side E Liberty S División 55 56 S side E Hurón S División 02 T0 NsideEHuron S División 4T 16 W side S División E Hurón & 2 , E side S State S TJniversity ave 104 31 E side S Seventh W Liberty 6'' 98 S side W Liberty S Se ven tl) 57 03 W side E University -' S University ave 119 84 S side Hiscock Spring ;8 12 W side S Twelf tli N University ave 108 24 W side State E Uuron B3 h E side State E Huron 89 2, sideEHuron State 63 E side Detroit E Oathertne 0 TO E side S Ashley W Wasli ington ... 50 WideS State" Monroe ;' N side Monroe SState ''s ;? W sido Spihisr Hiscock 53 5i S side W Huron S First 55 K ; N side W Liberty S First 55 96 N E side Waslitenaw avo Wllmot 4o 40 Diag W Liberty S First 84 03 naés 69. X J VUL ■ ■ -■ ■ - - - n PIÏ1VATE SIDEWALKS BUII.T BY CONTRACT. Irs Catherlne Jones, y. lngalls 131 ft at 82 50 per rod s 20 0 pa McNiimes. S. University-ave 73 ft at 52 50 per rod 11 0- Mrs. Catherine ltyan, Wall st M ft at 2 50 per rod 3 9o M E Missiou, Wall st 53 ft at $2 50 pr rod 8 00 James Bach, Wall st . lOti ft at ft: 50 per rod Il) 00 pd Mrs Frttz, Wall st 66 ft at?2 50 per rod ■■■■ Jno Karbere. N lst st. .4 rds at 82 l 9 8h Kitsou Est, N lst Bt.,-5 rods at 2 47 12 35 Mrs MeNally 8 rods at 2 i, 19 .b SESmlthEst 5 ü pd John Kapp, Müler addition 1 30 Totli 118 44 Amount pald 4 - Balance due S 7G 24


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News