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Died Of His Injuries

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Two weeks ago Tnesday Azro Fletofaer, of Yjsilanti, one of the best known oreamery men in the country, met witb a very serious accident by whicb he was badly scalded. He was assisting in making conneotions with a Dew boiler tbat had jast been pat in at the Ypsilanti oreamery, wben in turning a stop-cook the attachment was furced out by the steam within and the bot vaporizad water rushed out od him. The steam terribly eoalded bim about the face, cbest, arms, hands, the left leg and both feet. At first it was thongbt the unfortunate man would recover bot for the past few days he had Leen growing worse, and on Tuesday niorning deatb ended his snfferings. Mr. Fletcher was superintendent of tbe Ypsilanti Dairy Assooiation's plant, and as sncb commanded tbe coufidence and respeot of every farmer who was in any way interested in the business, Under bis management the creamery had always been profitable. The decease leaves a wife and four ohildren. He was insured in the Maooabees. Tbe funeral was held yesterday af ternoon at 2 o'olock at tbe Presbyterian cbnrob in charge of tbe Masous and Maooabees. At the grave the Masons had oharge of tbe servioe. The New State Telephone o. has ordered the coostruction of its line between this city and Obelsea.