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Real Estate Transfers

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Aaditor-general to J Billinger, Ypsikiuti, $2.05. Catheriue Lesing to John Terris, Ypsilanti, $1,000. .Taoob Billinger to Jobn Tenis, ïpsilanti, $8.2?. John Goodriob to John Terris, Ypsilanti, $140. Mary Aun Smith] toj John Terris, Ypsilanti, $150. HfH Anna B Ward to John'Terris, Ypsilanti, $150. Archie Miller to Franois Schemerhorn, Ann Arbor, $600. Catherine Loeffler to MaryCWhiting, Manchester, $1. fl : Ü$ Jeremiah Jaoobs to Millie J Gilbert, Ann Arbor, $1. Peter Metcalf to Ann Arbor Savings Assooiation, Ann Arbor, $800. Nicbolas KJein to Ann Arbor Savings Assoiation. Ann Arbor, $550. Harry B Vedder to Nathan Vedder, Augusta, 800. Howard Post to Galow Markham, Angusta, $50. Galow Markham to P A Foster, Angusta, $700. William Bird to Howard Post, Augusta, $100. Albert J Webster to Walter S Haynes, Ypsilanti, $100. Esther flunter to Willis N Walker, Putsfield, $1,800. Ypsilanti Paper Co. to William H Weed, Ann Arbor, $100. C Homer Cady to Lucy A Bassett, Superior, $21,000. Agatha fielber to Charles Gutbard. York, $4,800. William C Mauren to Jacob Mauren, Ann Arbor, $25. John Weitbrechfc to John Kuehnle, Ann Arbor, $1,400. Mary L Baily to Nicholas Senger, Manchester, $1,200. Charles J Shetterly to J M Bishop, Ann Arbor, $500. John E O'Brien to Geoige I Osborne, Angusta, $800. Jamas L Babcock to Samuel Heselschwerdt, Sharon, $4,200. John Kramen to Meivin R Osborne, Augusta, $600. Geoige S Osborne to Meivin R Osborne, Augusta, $550. JiUcy A Bassett to O Homer Cady, Ann Arbor, $4,000. Israel Hale to Everett Davenport, York, $3,200. August Winter to John Beok, Ann Arbor, $80. Nellie Besimer to Fied Besimer Ann Arbor $1,925. Martha Westphall to Charles Feldkamp, Saline, $1,100. Hurón Valley Loan Association to Patrick l' Purtell, Ann Arbor, $950. Reuben Kempf to Fred Rodell, Chelsea, $900. C Homer Cady to Mary Bell, Ann Arbor, $1,000. Eva Parks to H N Chute, Ann Arbor, $4,000. Charles A Pryer to Jeremiah Ryan, Ann Arbor, $5,300. Mary Rommel to Caroline Vogel, Manohester, $360. George W Harmon to Dugald H Roberts, Angusta, $8,000. M J Cavanaugh to Randolph Fellows Sbaron, $276.