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Athens Theater

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Tbe attractioD at tbe Atbens Theatre tomorrow evening will be Fitz and Webster íd "Á Breezy Time." Comic opera singers tbiuk it a featber in tbeir cap to take a high C good and etroug, but when it ooraes to a high D - Ob, my!tbeyare "in it. " For a farce oomedy artist to do the same it is, to say the least, unosual. There is one in "A Breezy Time," Miss Webster. After two honrs and a half of singing, dancing, playing of mosioal instrumdnts, etc, whicb is conoedd by all mnsioians to play hayoo with a voice, sbe sails ap to a bieb D and holds it clear and strong witu the greatest of ease, while singing the musio of the "Turkish Opera," which comprisfls the last aot of tbis popular musical farce comedy. "Under The Dome," Lincoln J, Carter's newest play, will be seen here for tbe n'rst time at tbe Athens Tbeatre on Monday evening, April 4. It is a five-aoí oornedy drama, the soenes of which are laid in Washington, New York, and ' the Samoan Islands. Some rernarkable scenio effects are promised. One of these is a realistic reprodnotion of the dreadful hnrricane whioh swept tbe harbor of Apia, March 15, 1889, and whiob resnlted in the destruction of the Germán war vessels Eber and Adler and the American war ships Nipsic, Vandalia and Trenton and the beaching of the Germán war vessel Olga and the loss of 144 lives. Auother clever stage oounterfeit for whicn muob is promised is tbe scène in whiob the undience, in company wiih tbe cbaracters of tbe play make a trip on a ferry boat from Jersey City to New York.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News