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I School children are enjoying a vaoatiou this week. Mrs. Jack MaJoney is on the sick list, being down with the grip. Miss Blanohe Stark has gone to Fayette, Oh i o, to work in a millinery store. Mra. Reed visited her son, H. D. Reed and family, of BrooklyD, last week. A great many people took a look at the ossified man who was on exbibition last week. Mrs. H. CalhouD, wbo has been in poor health for sorne time, is said to be slowly itnproving. Alma Teeter and Maude Goodell are in Ann Arbor thie week atteuding the teachers' examination. Miss Bailey, teaoher of the third an fonrth grades, is spending her vacation at her home in Pontiao. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Teeter went t Teoumseb laat Thuraday to visit hi sister, Mrs. Coddington. Duriug the vaoation, Herbert Teete is giving his eutire attention to hi work in Geiske & Blum's grocery. The Historioal Club met at Mrs. O Waite's Satnrday afternoon, aud tb Saturday Club with iUiss Alaiie Kirch hofer. A. F. Taylor carne borne last Satur day froui Muskegon, where be hu been for several weeks. He left agai Tuesday for Jaokson. C. S. Hagaman, H. Calhoun anc Mark Hinokley went to Brooklyu Tues day to assist in patting the muohiuer into the cheese factc.ry. A mother's meeting was held in th high school building last Friday. Sev eral pupils took part in the prograi aud excellent papers were read by som of tbe ladies. A Mothers' Clnb vva organized.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News