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An Abdicated Leader

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For 41 days tbe oouotry waited in stern self-repression for the official verdiot npon the destructiou of its greai battle ship and tbe estinotion of 266 gallanfc lives. "Be patiënt," nrged the spokesnaan of tbe adrniuistratiou. "-S'aspend judgmeut. It is better to know than to tbink. Perbaps tbe Maine was destroyed by au accident. If it shall prove tbat she was wreoked by design tbn president can be depended apon to rake sucb action as will satisfy the most exaoting American spirit. Retribution will be meted ont in fnll mea8nre and running over. Only have faitb." The nátion had faith, and waited in pent-np wratb throagh six weary, beart-breaking weeks - for this: I have directed tbat tbe finding of the Conrt of Inquiry and the views of tbis government tbereon be cominnnicated to the government of HerMajesty tbe Qaeen Kegent, and I do not permit myself to doubt that tbesenseof jnstioe of the Spanisb nation will díctate a course of action suggested by honor and the friendly relations of tbe two govetnments. It will be the duty of tbe exeontive to advise the oongress of tbe resnlt, and in tbe meantime delibérate consideration is invoked. That is absolutely all the comment the president bas to rnake upon an act of murderons treacbery tbat stands alone in modern hisrory. He has less to say abont the destrncrion of an American battle sbip and the morder of 266 Amerioau sailors tban he wonld say abont a proposition to fill the Potornao flats. He hombly holda ont his hatto Spain and trusts tbat she will drop into it sometbing satisfactory to us.or at least to hersblf. And tbis is wbat we have been arming for so ostentationsly in sigbt of an admiring world. It is for this tbat we have been sconring the military markets of Europe and painting our war sbips greenish gray. This is tbe object for wbiob congress appropriated f50,000,000-$8,000,000 per line for six lines of platitudes - the most exensive dishwater in tbe history of literatnre. No, there is something more, What of Coba - free Cuba, whose sufferings jave wrnug the American heart and stirred even batdened politicians to emotion? Cuban independence was promised np to yesterday motning. Whatever might be done abont the Maine, we wer told, tbe liberty for which the patriots had struggled for three years was assnred. The mighty republio of the north was abont to stretch its protecting wing over fberu, and the shadow of Spanish tyranny was to disappear. Bnt now Cuba Libre seems to be forgotten at the White Hoase. The administraron bas a plan, it is said, to feed the reconcentrados wbom Spain bas been starving, to secure an armistice onder Spanisb rule until October, and meanwbile to obtain by negotiations tbe "praotioal independence" of tbeisland a "just asgood" imitation whicb will be as satisfactory as a snbstitnte for real independence as a oounterfeit bill is as a snbstitute for a genaine one. Of this preciuus scheme the Cuban Jont speaks witb a biting contempt that will make Americans wbo feel pride in tbeir country bang tbeirbeads. "The United States," say the Caban representativos, "may be willing to forgive the blowing up of tbe Maine and tbe asmssination of its 266 offlcers and men. Bat our business is to figbt, and we will keep at it. " For tbree years we have fongbt Spain as well as America. I mean we fongbt America to get our arms and supplies landed. We are in better condition now than we have ever been. We will have no armistice unless the United States foroes us into it. Our consent has not been asked and it will never be given. The action of the Junta kills in advance tbe alleged presidential sóbeme for keeping the flag tbat represents Wholesale murderstill fiying over Cuba. If the insnrgents refnee to accept the terms proposed, as tbey do refuse, what can Mr. McKinley do? Will he spend the remainder of this $50,000,000 defense fund in helping Blanco to suppress the patroits, or will he allow anarchy and rapiñe to continue in Cuba indefinitely? The American people will not permit either oourse. They demand tbe immediate settlement of the Cuban question on the basis of the absolute independence of tbe island. They will accept nothiDg lese, and the sooner Mr. McKinley recognizes tbat fact and accommodates himseJf to it the better chance his administration will have of ending its term with some shreds of reputation left. If tbe president entertains the suicidal plan attributed to him - and we say "if" not because we seriously doubt it, but in the bnpe that a regard for the honor of the nation roayyet lead him to better counsels - he is standing on tbe edge of a


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News