Is For Peace
-: Oq Monday evening tbe following telegram signed by President H. B. Hotchius, Piofs. Prescott, Q reene. ÉÉnówltoa, Taylor, Hinsdale, Trueblood, Carhart, Cooley and over 75 other professors and instrnotors in the U. of Ml, was sent to Congressrnau Geoige Spalding, and a oopy of it was also sent to President HoKinley: "To Hou. Ueorge Spalding, Honse of Representativos, Washington, D. C. DearSir, - We.the underpigned, mernbers of the vaiioos faonlties of the University of Michigan, feel that tbe country ia now passing tbrongh hoors that are weighted with tbe most solemn issues to tbe Amerioan people. We beg le.eve respeotfnlly to represent with al! earuestness that we most oordially approve of the coarse tbat tbe president ia parstiing in regard to these qnestions with a view, if possible, of fiudiug a peaoefnl solution of tbe diffioulties tbat w,eigb dowu npon us and of saving tbe ooontry and the world the awful horrors of war, if it can be done consistently witb the natioual honor. We beg leave also to express the hope that yon, as a representativo of tbe people will seoond to tbe utmost the efforts of tbe president in this direotion." Wednesday tbe following telegram was reoeivad by President Hutcbins ftom the congressman : "President H. B. Hutcbins and Faoultie8 of tne U. of AI., Ann Arbor, Mioh. : "Tbe momentousqnestion of peace or war still bangs in tbe balanoe. I pray that war may be averted and an honorable peace maintained. If this nation oannot bave an honorable and dignified Deace. then war ninst come.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News