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Charles H. tíaxter, editor and proprietor of tbe Review, Wayne, died Tnesday. He was president uf tbe viliage last year. Two of tbe bandsomest Easter windows in this city are those in the olotbing store of L. L. James & Co. They are well worth a seoond look. Tbe St. Thomas' cburch oboir will render a new mass by Marzo at tbe 10:30 a. in. service nest Sunday ruorriing. Master Fred Daley will siug in it. Tbe snpreme conrt on Weduesday handed down a deoisiou deuying tbe rebearitig of tbe case of Mrs. Catherine M. Fillmore vb. the Great Carup of tbe Macoabees. Married - Tuesday eveuing, April 5, 1898, by Rev. ,T. M. Gelston, at the ' Presbyteriau parsonage, Mr. Claude J. j Monroe aud Miss Lavinia R. Cocaty, botb of Chelsea. i E. W. Groves has resignfid his I tion of assistant city eugineer to accept a positiou as eugiueer for the Rapid Railway wbiob is building a monster , bridge at Anchor Bay. It is uuderstood i that ha is under oontract for a term of nine montbs at lóO a montb. Miss Ratie Corv thiough her father A. T. Cory, filed a claim last night with the common oonncil for $25,000, for damagea received by falliug on an icy sidewalk on E. William st. Miss Cory is still snffering from conoussiou oí the braiu, tbe resnlt of ber fall. Hngh Jnbnsou, tbe restaarant keeper, has sned J. H. Lepper, landlord of the Ha-wkins house, Ypsilanti, for $100 damagss for defamation of obaracter. Johnson tried to bny a drink at the 3awkins house Weduesday night, wben Lepper refnsed to sell it saying"We don't sell to coons. " Henee the suit. A meeting of the Wasbtenaw Connty Hortioultaral Sooiety will be held at he pomologioal room in the basement of the coort house Saturday, April 16, at 3 o'ülock p. m. All persous interested are requested to be present. The annual reports uf tbe State Hortioultural Sooiety for 1896 will be distributed at this meeting. An agreement to drop the ose of trading stamps, cash coupons, and other premium sohemes as a means of seour ing trade, bas been arrived at among tbe dry goods men of Ann Arbor. It is intimated that other business houses will Boon fall in line and also dkcard tbe system. When they do so this great sóbeme for extorting rnoney from the publio will fall to the groand in this city as it bas in others. Mrs. Augustina Betbke, motber of Mrs. Charles Pardon and Mrs. William Pardon, died Tuesday evening at tbe bome of William Pardon in thia oity, aged 64 years, 4 months and 24 days. Tbe fuueral services were held at Zion Lutherau churoh yesterday afternoon, Rev. A. L. Nioklas officiating. Tbe rernains ware interred in Forest Hill oemetery. Mrs. Bethke was tbe rootherof eight cbildreD, only tbree of wbom are living. A letter rnceived by Fred H. Belser fioru John R. Miner yesterday morning, contained tbe sad news of the death of Mrs. Miner which oooorred in Pasadena, Ual., Saturday evening. Mrs. Miner bad been ailing for a long time and tbe residenoe of tha family in California was brongbt abont by it. Her remains were interred in Fresno, Cal., where ber sod Clarence resides. Mr. Miner bas tbe warm sympatby of a bost of Ann Arbor friends in bis loss. Tbe annual meeting of tbe Ladies' Anxiliary of St. Andrew's obnrcb waa held at Harris hall Wednesday afternoon. Tbe reporta of the seoretary showed that the average attendanoe at tbe meetings dnting tbe yoar bad been very large and tbat a large aruount of work bad been accomplisbed. The resnlt of the eleotion of offiers was as follows: President, Mrs. C. S. Millen; vioe president, Mrs. F. G. Novy; seoretary, Mrs. S. W. Beakes; treasurer, Mrs. W. G. Doty. The Adrián Press says: Jndge Newkirk has bongbfc a peacook, that a Manohester taxidermist monnted, and will keep it as emblematiu of Pingree politics, all strut, show and vanity. It is understood that the sheriff owns a half interest in tbe emblem, and goes in to see it 13 times a day. Moran of the Register, hints that if some one will present theui with a moanted jackass, as typical of Judson's politioal management, it will fill tbeir rnueenm. Pat Hooligan says, "Faith, and its the perfessors of stormical zarvatory wbo should gi"e Billy Judson an asteroid, so tbey 6bonld."