Martin Haller
The largest and most variecl line of J i Furniture, Carpets and Draperies in Ann Arbor is shown at i Martin Haller's Establishment L 112-114-116 E. Liberty St. C L The large assortment and nevv features in fine and medium lor Furniture, such as Divans, Sofas, Solid Mahogany and Fancy L T C'hairs, Bedroom Sets, Brass and Iron Beds. Library Pieces and L Dining Boom Sets far surpass any previous efforts. The choicest designs from the best manufacturers. # In carpets there is a complete assortment from the 50c All Wool L Ingrain on to the Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, Velvet, f quette, Axminster and Wilton Velvet. Also all kinds of Bugs. Brussels, Lace and Ruffled Ourtaïns, Tapestry and Silk Portieres. Cali and inspect the immense stock and get prices. Respectfully, f Botü Phones. Passenger Klevator. r N. B.- DUSTLESS FLOOR OIL FOR SALE.
Ann Arbor Argus
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