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Whittaker post office is now a money order office. Dr. CarJ Greiupr. a formar resident oí Chelsea, is goiug to the Klondike. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pixley have moved from Sharon to Manohester vil]age. Airs. Katherine Kenan died in Freedom, Wednesday of last week, aged 81 years. An Ohio party bas been in Whittaker talking of putting down a test well for oil or gas. T. S. James, of Dexter, bas traded his paoer McPbee to Torn McNamara, of (Jbelsea. Tbe Wbittaker Ladies' Aid Sooiety cleared $6.95 by their dinner oa town meeting day. Tbe Bridgewater Reading Circle and Farmers' Social Clnb bas closed its sessions for tbis season. ■7nlia N. Drory died at her bome io .Mi!n Wednesday afternoon of Iaat "■eek, aged 58 years, 3 montbs and 9 days. f A boy oarrying a banner frigbteued a horsö in Manchester the other day so that it ran away and broke the top off tbe carriage. Miss Luoy Englisb, of Iron Creek, was a delégate to the Free Baptist oonventiou wbicb met in Hillsdale last Friday, and read a paper at one of its B6SSÍOBB. larried, Marcb 30, at tbe resideuoe of the bride's motber in Freedom, by Rev. Panl Iriun, Mr. Angnst Knbl, of Sbaron, and Miss Euthema Fitzmier, of Freedom. Ran Genrge, of Ypsilanti, showed his patriotism on Wedneaday by enlisting iu the Detroit Naval Reserves. He is evidently looking for a scrap and wan 's to be in tbe front rank.- Times CJarence, the oldest bod of Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Koebbe, of Manobester. bad snffered from earaobe since be was a baby. An esamination by medical men showed tbat the bone was decaying. On Mouday of last week Dr. Carrow. of Ann Arbor, and Dr. C. F. Kapp, of Manchester, operated on him and removed tbe bone. Tbe little fellow died froni tbe effects of the operation Monday. Levéis Burns, of Sharon, died April 3, of kidney cornplaint, aged 36 years. It oost the city of Ypsilanti $84.50 to aid its poor dnriog the montb of Marofa. Autiu Latasezuski bas traded bis farm in Angasta for Detroit property aud has goae tbere to live. Mr. Ignatias Howe and Miss Anna Klein v?ere mairied at St. Jlaiy's olinrch, Cbelsea, on Tnesday. The remains of Michael Eagan and bis aon Peter have been removed from the oemetery in North Cambridge to the oemetery near Manchester. Mis. M. B. MoGregor, of Ypsilanti, feil heavily on Wednesday of last week, wbile assisting her invalid haaband, aod saSered a dislooation of tbe hip. Margnerite Wilcox, aged 81 years, died at the home of ber son, L. A. Wiloox, of Dnndee, Satnrday. Mrs. Wiloox had been a resident of tbat seotion for many years. "Dr." Bosb, a street fakir, who was arrestad last week for beating Jobn Hurtia ont of $20 in a borse trade, was disobarged on retnrning Bnrtis his money and paying the costs of tbe case. A oonvention of the Sunday sohools of Soio township is being held in the Doxter Baptist obnrob today. Speakers from Anu Arbor and Jackson bave been iovited to give addresses and an iuteresting program is promised. Mrs. A. W. Case, of Manchester, died Toesday of last week, aged 85 years. Her husband died in 1880 sinoe whiob time sbe had resided with ber daugbter. Besides ber danghter fooi aons snrvivö ber. She had been siok siiioe last Jnne. In tbe reoonnt of votes asked for by li, L. Ostrander, tbe defeated republioaa candidate for supervisor of the secoud disttiot of Ypsilanti city, his opponent Elmer McCnlIoagh lost two votes, decreasiog bia majority from 9 to 7. George H. and Bella F. Hammond have mortgaged their Jblooded iaoing fctock farm, inolading the obestnnt staliioo, Simmicolon, 10 years old, and öO brood mares, for $3,000. Panline is the only brood mare excepted. D. C. GriSen is the mortgagee. The aenioc olass of the Dexter high aohool has éleoted the partioipants for its oommenoement exeroises and tbey ateas follews: Clara Balden, salntatorian ; EthelJenney, propbetess; Flora E. Bostwick, historian ; Ola Stookford, valediotoiian. Mise Hattie Lucas foond ber duties as teacher in the Dexter sohool too hard fot her and resigned the position. Miss Cospar, oí Coldwater, a reoent gradnate of the Normal College, has beeo appoiured to take her place. All the rest of the teaohers have been re-engaged for the ooming year. Tlie case of the People vs. Fred Carter, of Angosta, charged with an attempted rape on bia niece, and wbieh was on trial in Jastioe Child's court in Ypsilanti, was disoontinaed Friday by ordei of Porseonting Attorney Kirk, the ooruplaining witness, vvho was the cbild's motber, not appearing. Many of tbe oeigbbors believe him innoaent of the orirne imputad to him. A l6oture oouise and concert under the aaspioes of the Epwurth League oommeooed in the M. E. church, Cbelsea, Wednesday evening, witb a lectnre hy Rev. H. W. flicks on "Character. " The rewaining nnmbersare: April 20, Rev. E. W. Ryan, D. D., subject, "Oor boys aud what to do with them" ; April 27, Rev. E. E. Casler, D. D., "sabjeot "Bethlehem, Jordán aud the Dead Sea"; May 4, Rev. J, I. Niokersou, subject "Suoce86"; May 11, gtand conoert. Depnty Sheriff Frank Haywood got into a mixnp, last week, when he went to the McFadden farm on the base line, Salem, to seize a hosre on a writ of replevin. The McFaddens, three of them, dirlu't want it that way, and gave the depnty a warm reoeption with a pitob fork. That was on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning Constable Martiu Boyle was on tbe scène of action btigbt and early.and arrested the whole oatflt on a obarge of resisting an officer. The case was not very serions, bowever, as Proseouting Attorney Kirk, of Vpsüauti, after an examination, deoided that it wonld be better to disaharge tbe priaoners npon tbeir paying (he $! costs. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Rev. Eugene Coffin and farnily are now settled in the new M. E. parsonage at Salem. The infant ohild of Mr. and Airs Lewis Emmer, of Chelsea, died Sunday April 3. Clarence Alsbro has pnrobased Mr. Bigbland's house in Worden and has moved into it. The Mooreville high school alumni will play "Me and Otis" at the Baptist cburoh iu that village toruorrow eveniug. The yonng wife of Floyd Smitb, of Salem station, died April 3,aged 23 years and 3 muntbe, leaving a baby a week old. Richard Clarkson, of Maoon, Lenawee connty, saffered a stroke of paralyis April 2 frorn wbioh he died next day. Easter was observed at the Free churob, Superior, by a children's fnstival, at wbioh the Snnday schoool scholars spoke and the ohoir sang. The polls in Bridgewater township were closed at 3 o'olock on eleotion day and as a oonseqnenoe several voters were too late at the polls to case their votes. Hillsdale connty is to have a new conrt house. The proposition to build it was carried by a majority of 172. It was the fourth time tbe projeot had been voted on. Miss Alioe Nash and Miss Qninby, of Ann Arbor, will give a recital at tbe Whitmore Lake-M. E. churen, for the benefit of tbe Ladies' Aid Society, tomorrow eveuing. A boise beloDging to Charles Shaw, of Mooreville, stambled and feil ou its head the otber day, breakiug its neok. Mr. Sbaw's son, wbo was riding the animal, was hurt, bat not seriously. William Bart met witb an aooideat at tbe Cornwell mili Ypsilanti, Saturday. fie was catting the head in a roller and in torning it over it feil on bis wrist. The roll was very hot and it burned as well as ent bis wrist. A new Piesbyterian cliurch is to be ereoted at Saline. S. R. Crittenden, G. J. Nissly, A. A. Wood, E. A. Hanser and B. N. Smitb have been appointed tbe building oommittee witb power to aot, and they are now ready to reoeive proposals for a site. Very few townsbips in Wasbtenaw oounty oomplied with the Jawpaseed by the last legislatura wbioh reqnires tbat an itemized statement of the reoeipts and expenditnres of the township for tbe year past be posted at tbe polls or pablisbed in the newspapers of the oonnty. Last Thursday a Sbaron man witb a big jag on disgraoed hiinself by brufcally whipping bis horses in tbe business part of tbis village, and wben remunstrated with by bystanders opened oat od tbem witb a torrent of blasphemy, scnrrility and abn6e. The fellow dessrves to be arrested and punished - Grass Lake News. Miss Clara Clark, of Saline, who bas been in the hospital at Ann Arbor since last Ootober has so far reoovered from the effects of baving her leg amputated at tbe hip as to return home. Her health is generally good and tbe parts are bealing nicely altboagh she will stil! have to go to the hospital once a week to have tbe wounds dressed. A township Sunday School Instituto nader tbe auspions of Ypsilanti Township Sunday Sohool Associatiou will be held in the First Baptist cburob, Ypsilanti, Friday, April 29. Meetings will be held forenoon, afternoon and evening. It is hoped tbat tbe Institute will be very belpful to Sunday Suhool workers and all interested in tbe salvation of the young. If you are interested in Sunday School work oorue to the meeting. If not interested come and get interested. April 1 some Milan folks sprung au April fooi joke on Addison Gardner, witb an old rusty tin cao and some fixed up "gold" doublé eagles of the dates of 1805 to 1811. The Milan Leader publisbed an item relating to tbe "find" the same day and Mr. Gardner had rnauy visitors to pee bis "rare old coins." Some of the oounty papers told their readers of Mr. Gardner 's luck and ten days after the item flrst appeared the Detroit papers got hold of it. So it turned out to be an "April fooi" all round. JCZS.:!feP The spring term of Bchool at Worden has opened with 36 scholars in attendanoe. Insley LeFurge, of Superior, recently met with a severa acoident. While on his niilk route his wagon broke and frighteoed his borse, wbioh jerked hiui over the dashboard. His nose was broken and his forehead out in the fall. At the meetiug of St. Lnke'sparish JTpsilanti.Monday evening the following were eleoted vestrymen : Samuel Post, M. M. Reed, D. L. Quirk, Charles E. King, Robert Heinphiil, sr., D. P. Snllivan, H. M. Curtís, A. A. Van Cleve, John H. Wortley, D. L. Quirk, jr. Tbe Ypsilanti oommon at its meeting Monday evening autborized the paving of Congrees st. from tbe west line of Adama st. to the west end of the bridge over tbe Huron river. The property owners will deoide whatber it shall be of briuk or cedai blocks. Sarah Moore died at ber home in Ypsilauti Snnday, aged 92 years. Sbe was born in CarroJton, Ky., in 1806, and had been a mem bet of the Baptist ohurcb for 35 years. She loaves three sons, six grandchildren and two greatgrandohildren to mourn her loss. The funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. Johnson offioiating. The offloets of the Chelsea M. E. Sunday scnool for the ensuing year are: Superintendent, George Whitaker; assistant superintendent,, William Baoon ; seoretary, Nellie Cougdon; assistant seoretary, Edith Drory; treasurer, P. A. üeraid; missionary treaeurer, Edith Congdon; librarían, Ella Niokerson; aseistant librarían, Lena Williams. Besides the nsual literary and musical program at the Saline Junior Exhibitiou tbere was given in brilliant oostnme the combatjscene from the "Lady of the Lake. " Meivin Harían took the part of James Fitz-James and Campbell Leith that of Roderick Dho. The former appeared truly a knight and kirrg as did tbe latter a Higbland cbiefton. The fenoing contest was a novel and esciting part. The whole waa given in three scènes L and all was reoeived with an enthusiasm befittiiig the artistio little tragedy that it was.


Ann Arbor Argus
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