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It is withiD the bouuds of possibility t...

It is withiD the bouuds of possibility t... image
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It is withiD the bouuds of possibility that Fitzbngh Lee may be the -sext president of tbe United States. And the peojile wonld feel oonfldent that the.v bad a true, broad aud maní? Adh neau at their bead. The Ontlook of New York this week in an'article ou tbe appropriation b,y Maryland to assist Johns Hopkins University paya the following neat tribote to Miohigan Uoiversity : "Tbere is 110 qnestion tbat the stajading of the University of Miohigan bas nofc only given the State of Miohigan its peonliarly high repotation among people throngbont tbis country, bat has made tbe uame of the state familiar with people on the other side of the Atlaotio, wbo, as a rule, are largely ignorant of geograpbioal divisious on this continent." The figbt for the Ann Arbor post office has finally been settled by the reoommendation by Gen. Spalding of George H. Pond as postmaster at Ann Arbor. A Washington dispatcb States thatj John Heinzmann one of Mr. Pond's prinoipal opponents withdrew from the race and that he and his prinoipal snppoiters endorsed Mr. Pond's applioation. The Courier is autbority for the statement tbat Mr. Pond will in all probability take charge of the Ann Arbor office abont Jnne 1. This settlement of the post office qnestion here sterns to give genera! satjsfaotion to the people, irrespeotive of party and the expressions of approval seerns to be praotically unanimons. The Argns believes that Mr. Pond will znake a gond postmastei and that the congressman from tbis district will .have no cause to regret bis ohoice. He is a man of ruany friends and few, if any, enemies. He will undoubtedly prove a popular incumbent of the post office. ' ; . The country wants acticn; deeds, uot words; deoision, not diplomacy. DeJay, donbtless, bas been necessary in order to put'us on a respeotable warfooting; but the time is ripe for the president to show jnst wbat kind of a a baokbone he possesses. A painfal suspicion is abroad and spreadicg that Mr. MoKinley's eq'ni'pznent in this particalar bas more elasticity than befits a orisis like the present. "Peace with honor I bringyou, " said Beaoonsfield to tbe Englisb people, ■wben be retnrned1 from the Berlín congress, Peaoe witb honor is clearly thé deepest desire fin MoKinley's mind, bot tbe public are beginning to feel tbat be inclines bis ear too olosely to those coonsellors who whisper "Peace at any prioe." Still more exasperating to the oommnui:y, espeoially tbe oomnjercial part of it, is tbe delay, the nncertainty. Men of tbis large and important class wipfl tbe matter settled one way or otber and settled soon, so that they may adjnst tbeir affairs to tbe new. conditions. Moreover, tbe sentiment of thls na tion, nnited as never before by the Maine inoident, is overwhelmingly in favor of a swift, armed interrention jn Cuba. Nearly all tbe olergy, on broad humanitarian grounds, favor tbe application of foroe to Spain. One distingnished Bishop, to be sure, said last Stmday that only the "riff-raff" of'the American people deaires the ooerojoD of Spain; bat, if this be true, one must admit tbat the nation is chiefly oomposed of "riff-raff. " . With all due deference to the Bistopj this is not trne. Tbe riff-raff element in our country is a oomparatively small one, and exercises, except in a few large towns needless tomention, migbt little inflnence. It is the sober sense of this conntry ■wbich bas come to regard war as offer. ing tbe sole solntion of this embarrassing sitaation. That sober sense bas grown impatient onder presidential delay. Tbat sober sense will not tolérate a compromiso. If President McKinley should hang dij tbis business for anotber week, his repntation and bis political futnre will be hopelessly wrecked. Cuba must be freed. Civilization begs for it - Liberty demands it-- and


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News