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The Junior Exhibition

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The annoal High School Juuior Eshibition held Friday eveniug iu High Sobool hall wnR this year greeted with ouly a moderate atteudanoe. This waa dontless dne, not to laok of merit in those vvho took part in ifc or of the interest in tbem, bnt to the nuinber of other attraotious, whioh ia spite of it beiiig Good Friday night were going on in the city. The hall was piettily decorated and over the rostrum appeared tbe motto of the olass of '99 in Assyrian "Right and forward." At the rear end on the front of the gallery appeaied tbe '98 olass motto in Hebrew "Wisdom is better tbau rnbies," which looks as if tbe English langnage is not good enoDRh for the mottoes of oor olasses nowadays, sesing they go so far afield to get them. Prof. J. G. Pattengill presided and introduoed tbe speakers. The progam opened with mnsio by t&e üigb School orchestra followed by prayer by Rev. Henry Tatlook. The first address was on "Coba" and was given by Edwiu R. Brann, of Disboro. He advocated giving Caba a ohanoe to govern berself and see what sbe oould do and deprecafced tbe bad.governruent and nnpiincipled actions of Spain. In these sentimeuts bis andience was with hinj. Miss Bessie J. Carson gave a witty address ou tbe difficulties attendiug "Learning a Foreign Lauguage. " AlbertS. Benham, of Chelsea, spoke on the sabjeot of "Oharacter," whicü should be fonnd in all walks of life. A good name is the best atfcorney a man can havt) at tbe bar of justioe. Ota A. Hairuou dealt severely witb professional gossips in her address on "Is It Anybody's Bnsiness?"' and said tbn principal bnsiness of people sbould be to mind their own business. ïhnrlow E. Coon bad fot his jeot Lientenant Cnsbing."' Ha spoke of the dashing bebavior of tbat young luaci at the time of the destrnotion of the rebel ship Albermarle by bis command, and said that w'hat Cnster was to the army Cnshing was to the navy. Lonise H. Tatlook dealt with"University Settlements" and gave an inceresting paper on the growth of tbe work since its flrst inception at Oxford, England. Harlow D. Grose treated bis subject "History's Help" in an exoellent manner and showed what a great help it bad been and is to take advantage of other people's experienoe as related in bistory to further the progress of the race. fc.jEva M. Wood was the last speaker and spoke on "Tbe Chinese as They Are." She thonght them well edncated bnt exclusive and non-progressive, not keeping in touch vvitb otber parts of the world and profiting by it.


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