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Caledonian Entertainment

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TheCaledonian Sooiety entertainment at University hall Satnrday eveniug was a good one aud greatly pleased the andieuoe whicb, for University hall, ooked to be rather small, but was really a very respeotable sized one. The program opened witb an address by the iresident, Capt. Robart Campbell, who spoke amoog other things of the deeds of daring and bravery of Sootcbmen and also of the brave deeds of the 17tb Michigan Infantry during the war of the rebellina, whicb had in its r.inks a company of students reoruited from ;he U. of M. and the Normal. In oonInsion he said tbat if a feat of dangur s to be accomplisbed at whioh eveii veterans falter, give bim a ooiupany of ntelligent stndents to oariy it out. Dr. Wenley's talk on Sootoh humor and Dr. Craig's lemarks on the Soottisb obaraoteristios of persistenue and pertinacity were admirable and oreatéd iuuoh amusement. Harold Jarvis' singing was superb and was enthusiastically enoored. Tbe bagpipe playing of Wm. Johnston was appreciated and applanded for its novel ty, and bis danoina: and tbat of Miss Aggie Rankin, of Detroit, were warmly received on aoconnt of tbeir excellence. Tbe two nnmbers by the Mozart Club qnartet were good ones. Senator Andrew Campbell'a reading of tbe "Address to tbe deil" from Burns was given in the broadest of Scotch dialeocs and pnzzled the aadienoe to ferret out wbat it meant. As a wbole the entertainment was a moet successfnl one.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News