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L. L. James & Co. are ranning a branoh olothiug store in Homei. Wasbtenaw ConDty Teachers' Assooiation meeting at Saline tomorrow. Next week is tbe spring vaoatiun in the university and public sehuols of tbis oity. Friday evening, April 22, the ladies oí the Home Foram will give a tea and social at their hall. The WashteDaw Connty Uniou Y. P. S. C. E. convention is in session at the Trinity Lutheraa ohurch today. On Monday .the annual fair of the ladies of the colored M. E. ohuroh will commenoe in the ohuroh on N. Fourth ave. Qeorge LeVear was taken before Jnstioe Duffy Satarday afternoon and paid $4.45 for assaulting and batteriiig a man naraed Webber. The board of flre couimissioners has been authorized to purchase a new horse to take the plaoe of one which is aftiicted witb tubercalosis. Flint aldermeu will hereafter draw $100 a year in salary for their services, suoh being the result of a vote on that question at the election April 4. Five oarloads of United States soldiers passed through here Wednesday morning on their way east. Two of the cars oontained colored tioops. Dr. Eliza Mosher and Dr. Mary Wood-Allen will address the Miobigan oongress of Motbers' Clubs at the annual meeting to be held in Detroit May 3 and 4. Nothing will make a young baohelor oonvalesoe as slowly as will a beautitul norse. - Daily Times. Wbat iu tbe wotld does Oh, yes, affectione are not insurable. - Courier. Fred Brown, the well known saloon keeper on N. Main st., frightened bis friends Saturday morning wben he had a severe attaok of heart failuie. He bas reoovered from it and is about again as usual. Tohn MoBride, of Owosso, who was so seriously injured in the oollapse of the ioe houses at Whitniors Lake aud bas been in the hospital since that time, returned to liis home Saturday night. Ho will be unable to be on bis feet for at least two months to come. Postmaster Beakes worked so hard over in Anu Arbor last year, that the stamp sales from his office inoreased to over $35,300, whioh will give to his suocessor $100 additional salary. Mr. Beakes always had a feeling of good will toward others, and labored hard for their welfare - Adrián Press. City Engineer Key estimates that it wil! oost $16,626 to bridge W. William et. at First st. The flre department was called out Monday dood od aooount of a burning ehimnny on George Rooney's house on the Northside. Two young ladias ware baptised at tb Church of Christ Thursday nigfat of last week as i result of the meetings being held ly Kev. Clark. A ntunbfr uf Ann Arbor people, wambers of the Eastern Star, will go to Ypsilanti tonight to attend the informal party given by the Ypsilanti chapter, O. E. S. Charles W. Tra ver, forruerly of tb is city, was the designer of the cover pages of the Easter numbers of Deforest's Magazine, the Inland Printer, the Art Amateur and Every Month. The Eaeter offering at St. Andrews Episcopal cburch amonnted to $5(i8. Tbe.Lenten offering of the ohildren of the Sunday school amonnted to $46, making tbe handsoine total of $614. A literary and musioal recital will be given at the Northside ohapel for tbe benefit of tbe new cburcli on Friday evening, April 32, by Miss B. Christman and B. St. James. Admission 15 cents. Willard Wheeler, fot assaulting bis wife, was arrestad and taken before Justioe Pond Tnesday afternoon. He was remandad to jail in defanlt of bail and will havo bis hearing this afteruoon. The bioycle path between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti whiob was oormuenced last fall, is being pnshed forward to oompletion. Contractor Jobn Weston is now engaged in putting the top dressing of gravel on it. Mr. John Hocbrein and Miss Emma Heininger were married Thursday evening of last week, at the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Heury Hoobrein, 625 sêoond st., by Rev. W. L. Tedrow performed the marriage ceremony. A meeting of the Washtenaw Horticultura! Society will be held in the basement of the court house tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clook. The auuual reports of the State Hortioultural Society for 1896 will be distributed at tbis meeting. An exchange says that a oorrespondent wants to know the urigin of tbe phrase "he isn'tinit. " It was first ased by an editor wbo died and went to lieaven and looked for the rnan who took bis paper and read it for five years and then lefased to pav for it. Trinity Lutberan chuich enjoyad a good day in their services last Snnday. Dr. Ort preached two eloquent sermons to large audiences, the cboir rendeied exoellent Easter music, twelve new members were added to the ohurcn and a liberal offering was made for benevolenoe. It is said tbat ex Supervisor W. L. Watkins aapires to the office of couuty olerk by way of tbe demooratio unionsilver party. J. H. Kingsley would like to fill Sheriff Jndson's sboes, when bis term expires, and Jake Braun, the present, efficiënt deputy conuty treasurer, would like o be tbe treasurer. All right, boys, go in, you can 't teil wbat you eau do uutil you try. - Manchester Enterprise. Connty Clerk Sobnh, of Ann Arbor, declares be could fnrnish a coinpany of 75 Germán boys stiong and vigorous, on short notice to go to Cuba and figbt for- for- for- well to flght. Hold your oxen, Jake. Better stick to that clerk's obair and fight Spain with a substituto, as Blaine and Cleveland fougbt the oonfederaoy. It's oheaper, and good Dutoh blood is too valuable to be let out by treaoherons Spaniards on regular Bermuda onion soil. Don'l move a step, Jake. Let Judson anc Moran and those other belligerents ge and stop bullets. - Adrián Press. 3 Rev. J. T. Sunderland has just re f turned home from a 12 days' lecturinÉ 1 tour in Pennsylvauia. Wbile at Pitts burg he went over to Homestead anc ' spant half a dav lookiug thiough Car r negie's immense steel works, where the; are turniug out steel armor plates fo: ünole Sam's navy with a speed tha 1 inakes nne's bead swim. One order fo 6 plates for the Mayflower was receivei 0 at tbe works on Sunday afternoou 8 At 6 p. m. they started up the mili ■ and began work on tbe plates and a d 12:30 a. m. tbe plates were all don d and loaded on the cars ready to star for the navy yard. The annnal meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be held Monday, May 9. Tbe oouncil has leased a strip of : ground near Schoolgirl's Glenn for a city dumping ground A peanut party is to be given at the , Y. W. O. A. rooms tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock. Girls from 12 to 15 are invited wbether members of the Girls' Club or not. Ho admission fee. The Detroit Comed.? Club presentad its recent snccess "Alabama" at the , Ypsilanti opera house last eveoing, Mrs. P. R. dePont and Mrs. J. E. Beal, of this city, were two of the lady patronesses of the affair. Quite a large Dumber of people went to Ypsilanti to see the play. Mrs. H. K. Lam was badly bitten in tbe hand Mouday morning by an infuriated dog which had got into a flght with one of hei dogs. Mrs. Lom was endeavoring to separate the oombatants wben she got the bite, and says that in future she will let the figbt go on rather than interfpre. Charles B. Davis was retarniug home from tbe athletic field Monday afternoon riding on a bicycle wben the fork orown broke and he was thrown beavily forward on his faoe. No bones were broken, but bis face will be Hable to bear the marks of his tumble for some time to oome. Tbe Ann Arbor Gas company at its annual meeting Monday, elected the following board of direotors: Edward D. Kinne, Mosea Seabolt, Wm.Wagner, H. W. Douglas, Samnel Donglas. The board organized with Edward D. Kinne as president, H. W. Donglas, treasurer, and Samnel Douglas, of Detroit, secretary. The land deeded to tbe city by Mrs. John W. Maynard for the parpóse of oontinuing Catherine st. tbrougb from N. División st. to N. State st. bas been deeded back to her by vote of tbe cornmon connoil. It is Mrs. Maynard's purpose to purchase property throagh to State st. and, give tbe city a street 45 feet wide through tbe wbole. C. V. R. Pond, adjntant general of the G. A. R. in Miobigan, has finisbed sending out tbe blanks for enlistment in the national ieserve assooiation to tbe several G. A. R. poste in the state. Members of the G. A. R. will aot as recruiting officers and secare as many enlistments as possible in this great volunteer movement. Tbe siibuol board bas had a bandsome nevv olock put into the high sobool building. It is wound by electiioity and bas a oombination for ringing tbe gong for the cbange of classes. Tt is so arranged that tbe obange of program on Tnesdays and the first day of school will be taken oare of automatioally. üftf Peterson did the work of putting it in. The olock cost somethiug less than $200. Dr. W. K. Lunj stepped on a iiail one day last week which penetrated his foot. Tbe wound closed up, but soon began to give him terrible pain. On Saturday Dr. C. G. Darling went to Plyrnoutb and performed an operatiou wbich so relieved Mr. Lurn that be was able to be removed to Ann Arbor and is now at the hospital. Premonitory syinptouis' ot lockjavv bad set in and had the foot not been attended to wben it was the doctor would now be a dead i man. An impioved and mach needed institution ia the management of the local banks goes into effect today, namely a City Clearing House. Cashier Fred H. Belser, of the Farmers & Meobanios Bank, has been ohosen its first manager, and will hold office nntil June 1. ! After tbat date the management will , go by tnrn to tbe other banks. The . olearanoe will oconr every day at 11:50; I the debit banks will pay their balances , to tbe Clearing House at 1 :30 p. m. the credit bauks reoeive their balances at 2 p. m. , The last soene in the performance of ' "The Geisha" at the Athens Theater I last Friday evening took plaoe after the cuitaiu had desoended on the play. f It bad uo sooner gone down than i L was raised again, revealing Miss Mil t lard with the Amerioan flag wrapped r round her ebonlders and singing "The j Gtar Spangled Banner,1' assisted in the chorus by the rest of the oompany. Tb g audienoe had already risen to their fee t and they remained standing tbroughou e tbe scène, joinjug in the chorus whei t it was sung a seoond time and wildl cheering the ñag. Fciday, April 29, is Arbor Day, so designated by Governor Pingree in a proclanjation jast sent out. Mr. Karl Wahl and Miss Rosina Hoegele, of Lima, wern married Monday at the Ziun Lntberan parsonage, by Rev. A. L. Nicklas. The Port Huron Gas Co., in whioh several Aun Arbor oapitalists are beavily interested.has filad artioles of inoorporation with tbe seoretary of sate, with a capital stock of $150,000. Hod. Dan P. Foote, the gold democratie nominee for justice of tbe supremfi conrt at tbe last general eleotioD, died Monday afternoon of kidnej trouble, after tbree weeks illness. The Women's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will give its annual banqnet to tbe sustaining members of tbe assooiation Tuesday evening, April 26. Snstaining members will please take notice and arrange tbeir plans to attend tbe banquet. State Oil Inspeotor T. R. Sinith reports tbat tbe total number of gallons of oil inspeoted for the montb of March was 1,657,129, while dnring March of last year the total gallons inspected was 1,554,043. A net gain of 103,076 gallons for Marcb ol this year is sbowo. On Monday .ladee Kinne granted a decree of divorce to Florence Palmer, of Ypsilanti, frotn .Tay J. Palmer, on the ground of extreme ornelty and her tha oustody of the yonngest ohild Benjamin Palmer. The other thiee children will remain with their father. Tobías Kaebler arrestad Friday on coinplaint of JMatthias Lnippold, of tbe Northside, oharged with being a street loafer and all-aronnd tongh, was discharged in Jastice Dnffy'R conrt Tnesday on bis promising to reform and the city attoruey's advice that snch action be followed. Rev. H. D. Clark, of Kentucky, vho is oondnoting special revival services at the Chnrch of Cbrisc during be month of April, will speak at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. Dext Snnday ifternoon at 2 :4ö. Men are weloome 'r all of the services of the assoeiarion and espeoially at the Sonday afternoon meetings. The Detroit Free Press says: "The people of Dansville evidently want the proposed eleotrio road from Lansing to Ann Albur, which is to tud througb their village, qaite badly. Iu oue day bhey raised $3,000 of their share of the 3um whicb must be sabscribed by the villages along tbe route to insnre the boilding of the road.' Tbe junior and senior classes of the high sohool give their sixth annoal hop at High School hall this evening. The Chequarnegou first orohestra will furnish musio and light refreshments will be served. The oommittee having matter in charge are Messrs. Maris, ?rown, Vaughan, Shurtz and Cheever, f tbe olass of '98 and Messrs. (Joon, Latta and Moore of the clasB of '99. Tbis evening tbe Y. M. C. A. will give an "Up-toDate" social at ie rooms on S. Main st. The Womn's Auxiliary will serve ice cream and ake. A good program will be rendered uring tbe evening. Tbe Ann Arbor Vlusic Company's male quartet, Miss tose Frenoh and Mr. William Wilkinon will bave places on the program. A good time may be had for 10 cents. The injunction suits against tbe D., Y. & A. A. railway in Wayne oonnty iave been disoontinned. The railway fficials adopted a polioy of making riends witb the farmers instead of cting in an arbitrary manner, and ook tbe township boards and tbe disatisfled property owners out and staked ut the roadbed so perfeotly satisfactory bat aoy further legal proceedings were nnec6;sary. Shelley B. Hutchinson, of New York, wbo originated the trading stamp cheme and made a fortune out of it, is native of Ypsilanti. He was once a anoing teaoher. - Detroit Evening Siews. It is a pity he bad not stuck to lis dancing business and let bis scbeme f "giviug sometbing for nothing," whioh is gradually dying out, alone. ïut then, he would never bave made a ortune at teaching dancing. Col. W. W. Cook, of Lansing, late assistant adjutant-general of Michigan, ays tbe state troops are subjeot to the irder of the president in case of war. Their oath places him b6fore the govrnor. The oolonel says people are citzens of tbe United States first and of be átate second. The New York authorities hold to tbis view. It requires only a formal ruuster upon tbe olls of the United States to rnake the tate militiamen volanteer troops. Col. O. T. Beard, editorial writer on the Detroit Post and Tribune from 1879 to 1883, died from an apoplectio troke at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mouday nigbt. During bis editorial career n Detroit he did considerable stump speaking for tberepublicans iu theGartield and Winans campaigns, and also wrote several books, one of wbioh 'Crowned with Tborns, "' a political novel of a good deal of power, is in the jublic.library. After leaving Detroit ;he colonel resided for some time at Plymoutb, where he had a small property. The flrst aunuul banqnet to the rueruDers of the oommittees of tbe Y. M. C. A. was held at the Arlington house Monday evening aud was a rnost successful affair. Cari Dowler was toastïnaster of the eveniug and introduoed the several speakers with appropriate rernarks. The speakers and their topioswere: "'Our President," Ulyde C. Kerr; "The Ontlook," Rioe Davis; "Sharps and Flats," J. T. Wooster; iuiproruptu, Dr. E. D. Rrooks; 'Palling Together, " E. B. Stewait; stories by Q. B. Smith; "The Fair," Albert Lntz; "Finance," E. S. Gilmore "Workeis," E. B. Oaldwell; ' Our Library," J. F. Wuerth. These were followed by brief impromptu speeche after whioh the cornpany separated wel pleased with themselves aud everybody else.


Ann Arbor Argus
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