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triruiJxnjiruTXUTruTJTXUTnxiruirijTn-ruTJü " 'M ra. Clark Hawes is vieitiug her puren ts in Jaoksoa. Miss Aoua Purdy is in Indiaoapolis, Iiid., for a oouple of weeks' visit. Miss Florence A. Wilson, of Hill st., is visiting in Bowling Green, Ohio. Mra. E. L. Seyler and daughter bavebeen visiting in Detroit this week. Mrs. D. A. Hammond bas been visiting friends in Cbalotte since Mouday. Bert Ellis, who bas beeu epending the winter in California, bas returned home. : Herbert Raudal], of New Haven, Conn., is in tbe city for a few weeks ou business. Miss Ruth Durheini has been the -gaest of her sister Eruma, in Detroit, duriug tbe week. Dr. aod Mrs. R. S. Copeland spent Snnday witb Dr. O. R. Long and family in Ionia. David Henning, of Chicago, has been in the oity sorne days this week rooking after bis business inteiests. Miss Carrie Krause, teaoher in tbe third ward school, bas been spending her vaoatiou with friends in Adrián. A pleasant surprise party was given Amelia Staeb, of Third st., on Monday eveaing, it being her lOth birthday. Fred C. Wetinore and Miss Cora Valentine, of Cadillao, have been the guesta of Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wetnjore. Car] Retticli has eutered the employ of the Minhigau Central road at tbis place as speoial nigbt operator between Bufi'alo and Chicago. On aooount of the war news, Mrs. B. M. Thompson and daughter Miss Etbel will leave Paris for bome on the first of the coming ïnonth. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Salyer have sold all their hoasehold goods and went to Lausing Monday tu take up Salvation Army work there. i . Lnln. Lisemer assisted by her anti .Mrs. John Borg eutertained a most de lightfnl lot of little people at Grang er's academy Toesday evening. Miss Fannie Boltwood, daughter o: Hon. L. M. Boltwond, of Grand Rap iris, has been the guest of Mr. anc Mrs. J. L. Babcock, of N. División st Miss Anna Miller, of N. División st., and Mrs. Cuurad Sohmid, of Northfield, left Monday for Chicago to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wilhel mica Miller. Ed. C. Krapf, wbo has been in the 'employ of Wm. Goodyear & Co. for söveral years, bas gone to woik in his father's planing mili. He is sucoeeded by Fred Staebler. The Misses Johanna and Mary Paroell, óf Toledo, .O., returned home Wednesday after a week's viait with Mrs. Maloney and Mr. aud Mrs. Morgan Williams, of Fountain st. Miss Kate Haarer and Miss Minnie Sohumaober, of Chelsea, president and vice president of tbetCbeJsea Y. P. S. O. E., wera gnests of Miss Sophie Stjhleicher, of W. Liberty st., Friday. Sir Knighte W. W. Watts and Chas. E. Hiscook of this city and J. B. Colvari, of Ypsilanti, leave tornorrow nfight for Pittsbnrg, Pa., to make arrangements for the aocommodation of Ano Arbor Commandery if it attends the conclave there next summer.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News