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Otxlt ruTJTJxruxrxniJTXU'iJLrLruajiJxruuLnjti The North" Sharon Epworth Leagae has a social tfais evening. Conghs and colds are prevalent atnong tbe resirlents of Sbaron. Mrs. Wm. Klein has sold her farm in Saline township to John Bohnet. George J. Nissly, of Saline, bandled over 6,000 dozen of eggs last week. Liewis Boyden bas been appointed marshal of Des ter by the village council. Miss Agnes Hawkins is teaching the spring term of scbool in district No. 5, Webster. Mrs. H. E. Hicks, of Dexter, bas been granted a widow's pension of $12 a montb. George J. Nissly, of Saline, tiqa losed a deal fcr tbe old soboolhonse property opposite his present property. Miss Marr will bnild two new cottages at Wbitmore Lake as soon as the faonse sbe is now building is completad. All kinds of farm vegetation are looking fine nnder the inflnenoe of tbe plentifnl rains and the beautiful weather. Mrs. Olive Butler, daugbter of James McMullen, of Mooreville, died at ber hume near Britton, April 22, aged 25 years. Grace, tbe 11 years old daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Aaolph Gigier, of Saera, died recently after an illness of only two days. J. P. Mount, of Sbaron, celebrated bis 52d birtthday anniver&ary April 23, bis relatives and friends giving bim a surprise party in the evening. Patriotism is at a fever heat in tbe Manchester scbool. Every room bas its flag and tbe buys and girls are wearing small U. S. aud Cuban flags. Miss Genan White, of Manchester, was married Weduesday of last week to Mr. George W. Sanborn, of Lansing, at the home of her motber in Manchester. Gordon Stannard and Bert Miles, of Dexter, who are on tbe ' way to tbe Klorjdike, are nnw at Atbabaska Landing waiting for tbe ice to go ont of the river. Dexter home talent will put on the coinedy drama "The Deacou" at tbe Dexter opera house the latter part of this moutb, nnder the auspices of tbe Monument Association. A 25 pound i ron register feil from tbe ceiüng of Yocarn, Marx & Co. 's store iu Manchester the otber day and airock Gottlieb Paul on the head cntting a gítsh about four incbes long. Jobu L. Hixon is tbe new marshal of Ypsilanti city. Diok Leouard, of Town Line, has sold bis farm to Mr. Tborntou. Judge Duyle, of Alilao, bas unfurled au oíd colonial flag made in 1776. The Grass Lake News bas addedja power press to tbe eqaipment of its office. John Lncbt, of Lima, had 15 sheep killed by dogs one night recently and several other badly injnred. J. M. Htiles, of Ypsilanti, was serioasly injured by falling from tbe roof of a house be was painting one duy last week. Mrs. Alice Hitohoock, of Milan, organized a bivo oí Lady Maocabees with 30 metubeis at Jasper Tuesday nigbt of last week. Dextei Leader: Crystal Tent, No. 879, JK. O. T. AI., expeots to be represented in great sbape at tbe biennial review in Detroit Jane 8-11. A school entertainment, nnder tbe directiou of Mrs. MoKain, is to be eiven in the town hall, Obelsea, uext Thnrsday and Friday evenings. The remains of Edward Nortbard bave been removed from tbe Hambnrg cemetery by his children and laid besida his wife in tbe Dexter oemetery. Tha prioe of wheat and otber cereals has advanced and farmers who bave stocks on band to sell are happy. Beans have gone np 30 cents a bashel. Fred Binder, of Saline, bas gone ont of the saloon business and rented his building to Clark & Clongh who will oconpy the dovvnstairs as a billiard hall. Saline Observer: Mrs. J. N. Lawreuce, of York, reporta a hatoh of 106 live chickens from 120 untested eggs in one of G. J. Nissly's New American inonbators. Mr. Henry P. Brighton and Miss Luella E. Kidd, of Manchester townsbip, vsere married Thnrsday night of last week at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Edward Brighton. The yonng men of Chelsea bave formed a military oompany under the name of the Chelsea Rifles and are drilling every evening so as to be prepared shouid another cali of volanteers be made. A dog conoert wbiob was being beid near the home of a Manchester man who had a sick wife, was so annoying tbat the irate oitizen got np and went out in his nigbt and shot one of the eurs. Tbe rental of post office boxes at Milan was raised April 1 by order of the department. So ïnucb dissatisfaotion was oaused byit and so man y qait using bnxes that tbe order bas been resoiuded and tbe old rental restored. The 1 0 years old son of Lester Bailey, of Saline, got a terrible ent in bis rigbt aim wbile investigating a cntting box Monday of last.jweeJï. The ont ran leDgth.wisa of tbe arm, was nine inches ia length and opened np the large masóles. Tbe M. E. Ladies' Aid Society nf Milan bas eleoted officers for the ensaing year as follows: President, Mrs. Boxton; lst vice president, Mrs. Sissem : 2d vice president, Mrs. Taylor; eecretary, Mrs. Heath ; treasurer, Mrs. Marble. Matt Boser, an Ypsilanti boy, bas gone into the circus business. He etarted ont by sbowing fonr days in Ypsilanti this week. He has a oompíete new outfit and it is a case of "KloDdike or bast" with Matt. We hope it wiil be "Klondike. " A quantity of piaster feil from tbe ceiling of a bedroom iu Mrs. Vogelbaober's bouse in Manchester and orasbed upon tbe floor in the spot usually ocoopied by tbe hed on wbiob a siok ehild lay. Fortunately the bed had beun moved to another part of the room and the oLild was not tonohed. Manchester Enterprise: Wm. Gray, of Sbaron, was in town Taesday and when asked wby he did snob a disgraoefnl act as to set fire to bis buildings and try to kill bimself, ieplied: "Do you tbink a man in his rigbt mind wonld do sncb a tbing?" He tbinks tbat be is all rigbt now and wonld like to bave tbe insuraanoe paid so be can build anotber barn and go on doing business as thongh nothing bad happened. Are onr farmer friends aware that tbe law allows tbem to pay oue-fourth of tbeir highway tax by putting out trees in front of their property "and tbat 25 oents will be allowed on highway taxes for each tree so planted." If one-fouith of tbe tax can be so paid eaoh year, in a faw years every roadside wonld be shaded. The law requires that they be plantedjsix feetj apart and the comm'issioner may require that 50 trees be planted in each road district eaeh year. Manchester Enterprise: A week or two ago we spoke of tbe snrprising nnmber of eggs that were brought to market. We marveled at it, but since we beard a Freedom man teil abont the wonderful results obtained from the use of a oertain egg-producing food for ponltry, we give it np. It's dead easy to see wbeía tbey come from. He had two dnoks wbich he fed the magie food and in tbe morning be fonnd four egs in tbe neet. No wonder tbose Freedom farmers wax rich with ducks laying two eggs a day. Peroy Glenn, oldest son of Mr. and Mre. Frank Brooks, of Chelsea, died Montlay of last week, of cousumption aged 20 years, 10 montbs and 9 days. He bad always lived ín Cbelsea, was a yoang man higbly respected and was eleoted president of the high school ulass of '98 last September. He only went to eohoöl abont two weeks afterwards. He lot bis rigbt band in an accident Heven years ago since wbiohtime he had been trying to get an eduoation wbich would fit him for a profose i ou al walk in life. The Wasbtenaw Baptist Association met at MooreviJle, Wednesday. Amos Ketcheson, íor many years a resident of Whittaker, has gone to Dakota, vvbere he expeots to settle. Tbe Lake Ridge school boys defeated the Saline sohool boys at baseball Saturday, April 23, by a soore of 8 to 3. Harley Parsons, an Ypsilanti boy, is on board tbe New York, Admiral Sampson's flagsbip. Mrs. Rboda E. Miller, ooiored, died Thur8day of last week, in Ypsilauti, of beart disease, aged 64 years. Tbe Ypsilanti high sohool baseball team defeated tbe Saline high schools Saturday at Saline by a soore of 22 to 1. ï W. Glanfieid bas been awarded tbe contract to erect the new fiie depaitment building at Ypsilanti. Contract prioe f7,150. Mrs. Willard Warner, daugbter of Levi McCarthy, of Augusta, and forrnerly a resident of that township, died in Boyne City, April 14. John P. Barlow died at bis home in Ypsialnti towu Friday aged 86 years. He was well known in Ypsilanti city, of wbich he was an old resident. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foss celebrated the 2ötb anniversary of their married life among a party of friends at their home in Whittaker the other evening. W. W. Burob, of Adrián, has leased the Railroad hotel at Milan, and will eonduct it in oonnection with bis business as agent of tbe Harrison Granite Co. James McGregor bas been appointed by the eominon council city clerk of Ypsilanti, R. W. Hemphill oity treasnrer, Lee N. Brown city attorney, W. W. Worden cbief of fire departmeut, and Beinard Kirk street commissioner. The Junior exeroises of the Milan high sabool will be held in Gay's opera house next Friday evening, May 13. The Adrián Male Qoartet and Ann Arbor High School Mandolín Club will fnrnisb tbe music for tbe occasion. James Gibney died in Lyndon; April 20, of paralysis, aged 61 years. He was bom in Nortbfield and resided there nntil 1875 when he removed to Howell. In 1891 he removed to Lyndon where he lived up to tbe time of bis death. He left a wife and eight obildren. A benefit concert for the Ypsilanti Ligbt Gnards was given at Ypsilanti Friday evening to supply them with personal effects tbat tbe government does not fnrnisb them with. The snm of $266 was raised for the parpose. To tbis was added $14.30 tbe prooeeds of a patriotio entertainment given by tbe children of the training school. Clinton Local : Mr. Conklin, who bas been at Allen Dillingham's, in Bridgewater, since March 4, died April 24. The cause of nis death was cáncer withj'whioh he had been afflioted for several years. Tbe funeral was held Wednesday afternoon following at 1 o'clocÊ and the remains were laid to rest in the Clinton cemetery. A Sylvan debating society wrestled with the question "Resolved, tbat the responsiWity of domestic affairs rests more on the man than on the wife" Saturday nigbt. Tbe Argus bas not beard how the club deoided the question, but thiuks it sbonld result in a draw, as in its opinión one bas jast as muoh responsitality as the other if properly mat6d. The Ypsilanti Presbyterian C. E. society bas elected as officers : President, Francis Goodrich ; vioe president, Mande Walker; reoording secretary, May Goodrich ; corresponding secretary, Hattie Swift; treasurer, Olive Benedict; cbairmen of oommittee, junior, Miss Wbitney; prayer meeting, Henry Pratt ; look-out, Mary Sanford ; social, Ida Manu ; mission, Laura Jenuess. The Yspilanti Methodist Snfiday school have cboseu these officers for tbe coming year: Superintendent, M. F. Brown; Ist assistant, Alhert Graves; 2d assistant, Mrs. C. E. Harrison; secretary, Mrs. Mary Gorton ; treasurer, J. E Warner; chorister, Btrt Collins; pianist, Bessie Vromaan ; librarían, F. M. Beall : assistants, Editb Fleming, Belle Ross and E. A. Mellencamp; infant departmant superintendent, Mrs. T. Sbaw. Tbe officers of the Connty Cbristan Endeavor Association for tbe coming year are: President, Howard Bartlett, Sal'ne; vice president, W. J. Cleaver, Willis; seoretary and treasurer, A. Oline Latson, Webster; junior superintendent, Miss L. Townsend, Cbelsea; missionary superintendent, Jenny E. Crozier, Ann Arbor; exeoutive oommittee, Francis Goodrich, Ypsilanti, Prof. G. P. Coler, Ann Arbor, Katberine Haarer, Chelsea.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News