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Ky-vf a mother can crown het K-.,'' 'Hj rAt'P daughter is a comIL iSSJmffK'mon sense knowlyVr TVtE&íeí'te edge of the distinctP[_ j?prSy ly feminine physih j! y JCfe.. Every wo&jfSg ÉJk} t?ougllly understand JSWtH v " her own nature. fflr í '■ U very woman 'wro-ar mJfy1 JMjvshould underY$%&& fïï y,stand the su" H mÜwi 'herseIf wel.1 and y 'Iff; strong in a IwVíí' wo maní y way. ' "1." 0Ir4BM Nearly all of the pains and aches, nearly all the weakness and sickness and suffering of women is due to disorders or disease of the organs distinctly feminine. A woman who suffers in this way is unfitted for wifehood and motherhood. Maternity is a menace of death. Thousatids ■of women suffer in this way because their innate modesty will not permit them ta submit to the disgusting examinations and local treatment insisted upon by the average physician. These ordeals are unnecessary. T)r. R. V. Pierce, an eminent and skillful specialist, for thirty years chief Consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., has discovered a wonderful remedy with which women may treat and speedily cure themselves in the privacy of their own homes. This medicine is kuown as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned. It makes them well and strong. It allays ïnfiammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain and rests the tortured nerves. Taken dnrmg the critical period, it banishes the usual discomforts and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. Thousands of women who were once weak, sickly, nervous fretful invalids, are now happy, healthy wives, because of this medicine. It is sold by all good medicine dealers and no honest dealer will advise a substitute. " Wften I commenced using Dr. l'ierce's medicines som e three years ago, " writes Mrs. Ella J. Fox, care of W. C. Fox, of Eldorado, Saline Co., IIÏS. ' I was the picture of death. I had no heart to take anything. Weight was 125. Myhusbaad had been to see five different doctors about my trooble (female weakness). I commenced talting Dr. PJerce's medicines, also wrote to him foradice. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Piescription, and one vial of his ' Pleasant PelitUlnd asi now a well woman."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News