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There will be a pupils' recital in Frieze Memorial hall tbis afteinooa at 4:80. Boy a ticket for the illustrated Phillipine Lsland leoture Wednesday evening and belp Co. A. The biennial review of the Great Hive for Miobigan, L. O. T. M., will be held in Detroit June 8-10 inclusive. The annnal eleotion of officers of the Yoong Women's Cbristian Association will take plaoe Monday eveniug, May 16. Edward Waruer wás given another Bentence of 10 days in jail for being drank and disorderly by Jastice Duffy on Monday morning. The board of public works bas agreed to furüish Zion Lntheran cburch with stone and gravel for the paving of the gntter in front of the ohuich on E. Washington st. Robert Lamrning, of Manchester, who came tq the univeisity hospital tbree weeks ago, has bad another quantity of bone removed froia his leg. He is doing well. The anniversary meeting of the Yonng Women's Obristian AsRociacion is to be held at the M. E. cbnrcb Snnday evening, May 15. Dr. McElroy is to give the address. Charles Haeuser, who keeps a restaurant on Depot st., was arrested. Friday forselling liquor without a lioense. In Justioe Doffy's oourt the hearing of the case was adjourned to May 20. "Remember the Maine" is the motto which bas been displayed in L. L. James & Co. 's clothing store window. It is ingeniously oonstruoted of neckties and furnisbing goods and has attraoted mnoh attention. Fred Rettioh is putting a new front in the store just vaoated by Frank Borg, on E. Washington st. He is also remodeling bis doublé store on the opposite side of the street oooupied by Frank H. Ortman. Weloh Corps, W. R. C, earned the gratitude and sinoere tbanks of the members of Co. A by sending out to them several large baskets filled with provisions whioh made a most wtíloome and appetizing Sunday dinner for the boys. Prof. Peroy Gardner, the famous arohaeologist of the University of Oxford, has been seoured to give two leotures in the University hall. The first is to be given tomorrow evening at 8 n'olook. It will be illustrated by means ff stereoptioon views, and is free to tbe public. Parties baving table board, or rooms to rent during the May Festival will please leave address at the Sobool of Music. Times: Milt Hall, of Dexter, wrote the musio for "Darkest America," which comes to the A thens Theater this evening.. A cali has bfen reoeived from Adjt. Eddy for tb roe raemabrs of each Camp of S. of V. i ij this state, making two oompanies. By nrgent request the cantata "King David" wilt be repeated at Zion Lutheran ohnrch on Sanday evening next at 7 :30 o'olock. The local Camp of Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighors will attend servioes at Trinity Lutheran ohuroh next Sunday morning. Tbere are 60 jobs to be given out on the Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor eleotric railway, aod there are 1,200 applications for tbem flled already. Arbor Hive, L. O. T. M., has postpoued the parties which were to have been given yesterday indefinitely, deeming the piesent time uot au appropriate one for merrymaking. Judge Kinne denied the petition Eor a chauge of venue in the case of Howard Stockwell vsv Joseph Doane, Win. Judson, et al., whioh was asked for by the attorneys for the plaintiff in the case. On Tuesday Aaron Canine, the York farmer charged with putting ties on the A. A. & Y. stieet railway traok in Pittsfield on the mght of April G, was bonnd over for trial in the oircuit court by Justice Duffy. Every cent taken in for the lecture on the Phillipine Islands next Wednesday evening will go into the treasury of Co. A. The lecture, the opera house, the lights, the printing and all other expenses have baen donated. Wm. J. Clanoy was tbe only bidder for the paving of Main st. between Liberty and William sts. It was on a proportionate basis to bis bid for the work between Catherine and Liberty sts. and was accepfced by the oounoil. Times: The bridge over the Michigan Central at Yp&ilanti, to carry the eleotric road motors is nearly ooinpleted. Grading bas been coiupleted as far as Wm. Lay's farm. It will take a week or ten days to get all the maohinery in plaoe at the power house. So it looks now as if oars would not be running to Detroit before May 15. The Times is antbority for the statoment that Robert W. Heruphill superintendent of the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Anu Arbor electrio road, may reoeive a commission for service in tbe present war with Spain, on account of his "long training and experieuce in military affairs and as a personal acquaintanoe of Secretary of War Alger. " On Friday morning Justice Pond flned thrue young lads $1 and f3. 75 costs each for disturbing tbe Salvation Ariny servioes. Tbe boys should learn by this experieDce that it is butb cowardly and unmanly to act in suoh a manner. If they do not like the Salvatiou Army and its ways let them stay away froin the meetings. There is no ■ law compelling tbem t(i atteud. A party of six youug men, three of i whom were sfcudeuts, and two sons of I prominent citizens who are puzzled to , know what to do tohold them in oheok, i were gathered in by the pólice ' day moruing for being drunb and disorderly. They had been carousiug all night over a keg of beer. They were released from jail on payment of the costs, in consideration of their parents. The very rare operation known as the Caesarian section was sucoessfully performed at tbe University hospital, Friday, by Drs. J. G. Lynds and C. K. Lahuis. It is the lüth operation of the kind whioh bas' been perfowned in America, and the first which has ever taken place at the hospital. It was j completed in 10 minutes, and bofh mother and ohild will live. The patiënt was a young woman froin Detroit. From all over this seotion of Miohigan train loads of exoursionists poured into Island Lake on Sunday to see tbe soldier boys in camp. The complement from Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti was a large oue. A train of 10 ooaohes started direot from this city and two others froui points sonth of here followed it. In all 982 tickets were sold from Anu Arbor, 600 from points sonth of bere, and 2,000 from points north of Howell. The comrnon counoiJ haB approved of the liquor bonds of 9 drngstores, 2 breweries and 32 saloons. The name of George H. Pond bas been sent to the senafce by the president for the postrnastersbip of tbis city. Prof. Dean C. Worcester will leeture on the Pnillipine Islands on Wednesay evening at tbe opera house for the benefit of Co. A. Estimates for street work amounting to 12,811 have been reported to the board of public works by the city engineer. Dr. D. M. Cowie has been re-elected city pbysioian for tbe ensuing year, reoeiving 10 votes to Dr. Jas. F. Breakey's 4. Rev. J. M. Gelston will preach at the Presbyterian chnrch Sunday evening on "Some Religions Aspects of Our War with Spain. " J. H. Lepper bas appealed tbe case of Johnson vs. Lepper to tbe circuit coutt and says be will carry it to the snpreme oourt if neoessary. Tbe Wotnan's Anxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its regalar monthly meeting Monday next, May 9, at 3 p. in. in the rooms of tbe assooiation. The following are the board of peach yellows oommissioners for the eusuing year, appointed by the coancil Monday nigbt: Jacob Ganzhorn, H. P. Danforth, Waltur L. Taylor. Arbor Hive, L. O. T. M., has chosen as its representative at the meeting of the great hive in Detroit, Jane 8-10, Mrs. Carrie L. Kellogg, altérnate Mrs. Carrie Oswald Dedrick, M. D. Tomorrow is mothers' day at tbe Sewing School. There are many garments to sell, and any one is invited to visit the sohool tbat day, especially those wbo have children in the school. Rev. Lee S. McCollister, of Detroit, will deliver a leotnre at the Unitarian oburoh next Snnday evening entitled "In Whittier Land." Tbe lecture will be illustrated with a large nnmber of stereoptioon views. Tbe ladies of the W. C. T. ü. have petitioned Mayor Hiscock to nse every means in his power to have the laws strictly enforoed againsfc the selling of oigarettes and tobaoco to boys onder the age prescribed by law. An excursion will be run to Detroit on the Michigan Central from Jackson Satarday, May 21, for the benefit of the Dexter Soldiers' Monument Association. Pare from Dexter $1.05, Ann Arbor 90 cents, Ypeilanti 75 O6nts. Tbe brakeman on tbe Ann Arbor railroad excursión train from tbis oity to Island Lake, Sunday, bad bis band badly crushed at Howell Junction while making a coupling. He had only just recovered from au aooident of a similar nature. Tbe first Sunday train of the season to Hamburg junction will leave the Ann Arbor railroad depot on Snnday morning at 9:15 o'olock. The tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip. The trains will run regularly hereafter. Tbe Ann Arboi Railroad will run ] auotber excursión train to Island Lake encampment on Sunday, leaving here at 9:15 a. m. Returning tbe train will leave Island Lake at 5 :45 p m. Fare for the round trip 75 cents. Children under 12 years 40 cents. Take your lunch baskets if you go. Adrián Press : The Ann Arbor bauks have established a clearing bouse, and last week began operations. The bank clearanoes were made in eight minutse. Tbe newspaper offioes never require over eight seoonds after the bell taps, for complete clearance - either of worknien or cash. Tbe Exeoutive Council of the Modern Woodmen of America bas decided tbat members ruay volanteer in defense of tbeir country without forfeiting tbeir insurance. Tbe ruling oomes in oonseqnence of repeated inquiries as to the Donstrnotion of a by-law of tbe order which rnakes membership in tbe regular ariuy a prohibited oooupation. Tbe Times suggests "that Ypsilanti put in tbeir claims for a Fonrth of July oelebration in Wasbtenaw oonnty. Laat year Ypsilanti graciously gave way to Aun Arrbor with tbe underatanding that she was to have it this year. Before July 4 Spain will be licked out of tbe land and water and we oan have a ronsing old time." Tbat's right. The bargain was just that, and Ann Arbor will stiok to it. May Festival uext week Tbureday Friday and Saturday. Julian R. Trojanowski has so far recovered from his broken leg that be can work at bis chair again in his barber shop. Mr. Charles Félix Daffy and Mírm Clara Matilda Fabrman were married by Fr. Frank Kennedy Mooday. All parties live in Ypsilanti, The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has olosed its contract with tbe American Express Co. and will bereafter condnot its own express basinesB. You want to know all abont the Phillipine Islands and also to help Co. A. Attend the benefit leoture given by Prof. Dean C. Worcester, who has tboronghly explored tbe Phillipine Islands. At the opera house Wednesday evening. The Ypsilanti school board bas reengaged the entire corps of present teachers fot uext year. Those teachers in the graded departaients, wbo have been iu tbe schools for three years, were granted a $25 inorease in their yearly pay. Manager Jooelyn, of tbe high sohool track team, has adopted a new plan for this year's oontest. On May 21 class contests will be held. The winners in these evénts will then compete in tbe finals, wbioh will decide wbo will represent the high school in the state meet. The frieods of Miss Ratie Cory are fearful that she will never recover from the concassion of the spine from whioh ebe is snfl'ering, the result of a fall on an ioy sidewalk on E. William st., cauBed by water eseaping from a negleoted hydrant. Prof. W. A. Dewey, of the üniversity of Michigan, has recently been elected a oorresponding member of tbe Rritish homeopathio sooiety. Dr. S. A. Jonas, of this city, is the only otber homeopathie pbysician in Michigan who has ever been thus honoied. His eleotion ocenrred nearly 25 years ago. The entertainment at tbe Unitarian ohurch Monday evening for the benefit of the ohuroh Snnday sohool and the Fruit and Flower Mission was largely attended. A farce "The Snow Capped Sisters" and Mark Twain's "Tbe Meisterschaft" oomposed the program, the oharaoters being all well oarried out. The official program for the May Festival, just issued, is a valnable souvenir of tbe May Festival of '98. It contains 48 pages, and a complete libretto of "Tbe Flying Dntobman," aJso Verdi's ".Requiem," the latter in botb Latin and English. It also contains good ents of all the soloists and of the composers whose niusio is rendered. Gibbs & McGregor's tent show was in Ann Arbor Tuesday afternoon and evening, but their advertising was lamentably weak and laoking in quantity. The show was jast about as weak as the advertiBing from all the Argus oan learn and those who stayed away were tbe best off. They had thair quarters in tbeir pookets. Ann Arbor Lodgfi, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, has passed a preamble and resolutions commendatory of the patriotisni of its members Capt. Roes Granger and Sergeants Fred Huntoon and Dean C. Seabolt in ealisting to figbt the battles of their country should it be necessary ; also endorsing the plan of Kalamassoo Lodge, No. 50, to form a regiment for servioe composed entirely of Elks. Adrián Press: The six Ann Arbor saloonists have retained four lawyers, all big gans, to fight the Spanish war waged against them by the Anti-Saloon League, and the cases were adjonmed until May 20th, to give the defendants time to secure ammnnition, take on coal, procure testimony and disprove the oharge made against tbem. They denounce the league as a sort of old granny legally and proclaim their ability to liquor every day in the week. Miss Mary Angell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Angell, of Chicago, and niece of Dr. James B. Angell, president of the üniversity of Michigan, was married at the Holy Angels' ohnroh in Chicago, Tnesday morning, to Mr. Frederick Scullin, of St. Louis, Mo. Tbe marriage was a somewhat romantio one being a case of love at first sight. Mr. Scullin, bowever, was a Roman Catholic, which was an obstacle in the way as Miss Angell was a Congregationalist. This difiSonlty was surmounted by Miss Angelí embracing be Catholio faith. Coldwater Sun : In reading the usual notices frnm his pulpit last Suuday evening Rev. I. Cogsball of tbis place took up a piece of paper and to all appearances read from it as follows: "The regular session of tbe Donkey olub will be held at the close of servioe. Members will line up just outside the chorch door, ruake remarks and stare st tbe ladies who pass as is the oustom with the donkeys in foll standing. Any member known to esoort a lady to ohuroh like a gentleman, git with ber like a gentleman during servioe, and esoort her home again like agentlemaD, will be proruptly expelled from membership. " The application of the preacher's wit is obvious. Mancheiter Enterprise: Dr. Stein, of Manchester, was in Havana shortly before the oomrnencement of hostilities between the U. S. and Spain. He brougbt home witb him one of tbe maohettes witb whic-.h the Cubans for the most part are armed. It is a murderous looking knife, 28 iucbes in length, with bone bandle, and weighs a pound and three quarters. The knife was manufaotuied in Hartford, Conn., and is used by the southerners of tbe states as well as the Cubans to out sugar cane. The Spauiards tried to use tbe knivea that feil into tbeir hands, but eould not get tbe knack of it and the Cubans, who weie experts, mowed tbem down right and left wbenever they came to close qnartets.