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Tbe' Pboenix GesaDgverein will pive ■au exuursiou to Pleasant Lake, Sunday.fMay 22. The Sigma Nu sooiety ivea its annua-1 b inqnet in the Elks' hall tomorrow èveniug. Haugsterfer does tbe oatèring. ijiss Cora Johnson, of N. Main st, feil froru her norse Wednesday eveniog aod reoeived a severa fracture of the leg io oonsequenoe. Tbe following aie tbe different ways tbaf scholars of tbe flftb grade of tbe Grass Lake school have of spelling "cicles:" "Ioeoyoles," "ioesiokles," "icyoioles," "iceoiokles " Tbat's pretty good spelling for Grass Lake. Judge Kinne bas declined to graot a new trial in the oase of Win. Bell vs. Cbarles Rbiuebart, whicb was tried at the. last term of the circuit oourt and a verdict given for the plaintiff. Rhicebart says be wiil appeal tbe oase to tbe supreme court. At the Congress of Mothers held in Detroit this week. Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, spoke ou "Kindergarten Claims and the Influence of Posture Upon Children." Mies Rose M. Wood-AJlen read a paper prepared by her motber Dr. Mary Wood-Allen on the "Value of Mothers' Clubs to the Nation." Kolaud Reed played a return date at tbe Athens Theater Tuesday eveniug. The play was a new one "A Man of Ideas" and was as full of fan as an egg is of meat from start to finish. A large house greeted the excellent performanoe. Ann Albor is the only place Mr. Reed plays a return date this season. ' At the annual meeting of the Ptockhölders of tbe Ann Arbor Water eompany, beid Wednesday, the following direotors were elected : .7. F. Lawrence, W. J. Herdroan, C. E. Eisoook. T. F. Hntzel and A. K. Hale. Tbe board of directora organized by oboosing A. K. Hale president; C. E. Hisoook secretary and A. E. Hale treasurer. A studeut was shot, in the arm Wednesday eveuing by anotber stadent wbo was being pursned by a orawd wbo wanted to out bis bair. Tbe yonng fellow fired into the crowd with the above resnlt. The Uuiver sity faonlty say they will expel all the partioipants in tbe aft'air if they uaa find tbem out. It is time the il ly fad was put an end to. The bair cntting fad arooug the stndents oame near pruving fatal to Rev. E. A. Spenoe's looks on Tnesday eveniug. When he went out of bis house of the street he was joraped on by a large body of tbe young men who were about to trim up bis hair when tbey discovered tbeir mistake. In their hurry to get away one of tbem left bis bat in' Mr. Spence's possessiou. A few weaks ago Charles A. Ward, editor of the Demoorat, lost his mileae bodk. It was traced back to a student wbo bad found it and sold it to George Kelly, the ticket broker. The stqdent was reqnestPd to settle np, bpt failing to come to time Charlie bad him arrested yesterday morning. He gave a bond for his appearanoe fo trial Tuesday, but he will döobtless think a settlement the beet way out of the matter and make proper amends.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News