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Bombards San Juan

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Admiral Sampson bonibarded San Taan yesterday bat f all details faava not yet been received. Thefollowing is a dispatoh to the New York Journal from St. Thomas: The Anjerioan squadron arrived off San Jnan jast before, daylight this morning. The flagsbip New York, jattleships Iowa and Indiana, monitors Terror and Amphitrite and misera Detroit and Montgomery steaméd into the aarbor.stripped for action. : Word had been sent ahead that the fortifioations were to be bombardea. One of the 12-inoh gans on the Iowa Degan tbe bombardment, followed immediately by tbe Indiana, whioh gent a 13-inoh projeotile from its forward ;urret. The walls of Moiro: Fort, at which the gans were aimed, seemed to go into vapor where the ponderous missiles struok. The fort soon made reply, bat tbe firing indioaéed a panic witbin the fortiflcations. The flrst shot flew far to leeward, bnrsting harmlessly. The heavy gans on the Iowa and Indiana spoke again with accurate and emphatic eruphasis. On steámed the fleet, tbe monitors Terror and Amphitirte creeping bearer in sbore, their 10 and ]2-incb gnps dotng tremendous exeontion against tbe fortifioations. Morro fired bnt tbree shots f rum her heavy guns. Therè were bnt seven shots from the big guus of the American squadron. These ieft Morro Port a ornmbled ruio. Het guns were sileut, gunners ñeeing or being killed. Tben began the attack on tbe land batteries and the fortiflcations about the government building. ' Here tbe eruisers did effeotive serwoe; The Spaniards pluokily served tbair guus aa long as thete was auy hope, bot tbeir flre was slow and wild. Not a single American sbip was harmed, not an American seaman killed injured. But at last accounts tbe city ttself had not surrendered, tbough it was oompletely at Admiral SampsoD's mercy. It had been deserted by the merobants and non-combatauts. But Goyernor Maoias stuck to bis post, giving orders and asserting be would die. before he would snrrender. Further parfciculars oannot be had at tbis hour as oommuniuation is rupted. The bombardment of tbe forts lasted tbtee honrs. Tbe Spanisn, reply was irregular and uusastained, tbough tbey suoceeded in placing several shots among tbe American vessels. Morro Fort and the principal fortifioations in the harbor were oompletely dismantled and other forts: severely ponnded. Tbe oflicers of the American fleet believed tbe Hpanisb suffèred great Iosr of men. Tbe Spanisb Cape Verde fleet has been finally looated, baving pat in yesterday at Martiniqne, a Frencb island jn tbe West Indies abont 500 miles from JPorto Riiio and aboot 350 miles from the Sontb American coast. '■ . Tbe first lives lost on tbe Amerioan side in the war witb Spain, were lost in an engagement in tbe harbor of Cárdenas on the nortbern coast of Cnba Wednesday afternoon, whea tbe: torpedo boat Winslow was disableld and Bnsign Worth Bagley and fonr of her orew killed and eight woanded. Two small [gnaboats and the torpedo boat Winslow went into the harbor in searob of sorue Spanisb, gnnboats, when tbe Spanisb gunboats and tbe land batteries opuned flre, which they oonoentrated on the Winslow. A shot knocked out her boiler and jast as one of the ganboats was taking ber in tow, auother shot killed tbe :five men. Five balls passed tbrough tbe toredo boat before it oonld be towed ont of the barbor. It is believed tbat one of the Spanish gunboats was suuk. Another oable dispatch has been received from Admiral Dewey at Manila in ■which be says there has been no changa in the situation tbere. He has sunk auother Spanish war ship, leaving only two Spanisb gnnboats in the Paoifio ocean, one of wbich is laid np for repairs.


Ann Arbor Argus
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