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Down South In Dixie

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Althougb fnlly 10,000 visitors ware at Camp Eaton last Snnday it was a bnsy day for the boys of the 31st Michigan Volonteers. It was their Jast day in camp conseqnently all the packing away of camp stores and personal efïects preparatory to departnre had to be done. At 5 o'clock tbe reville was sounded, at 5:30 the men had their breakfast after whioh work began. At 6 o'clock the bngle gave the signal for the tents to oorne down, and inside of 30 seoonds every tent was lowered to be ground. The regular army boys oan perhaps give the vulunteers some pointers in pitching tents, but not on taking them down. The tents were tolled up and loaded on wagons and hauled tothe depot, where they were loaded on the cars. During the morning fivecompany boxes were distribnted to eaeh cumpauy and by noon they were filled with company propeity, the woolen and rubber blankets were also rolled np in regnlar army style. Capt. Eoss Qranger was field offlcer of the day, and had guards stationed aronnd the regimental parade gronnds, and company streets of tbe Thirty-first, so as to prevent memento seekers from oarrying off the soldiers' property. All persons who were not enlisted in the regiment and had not the proper antbority were compelled to remain outside the liues. Visitors wbo desired to see tbeir friends aud relarives had to send for them, and do their visiting ontside of the gaard line. This was on the oommand of Col. Gardener and many of the fathers and mothers who had gone long distances to say good bye to their sons objeoted to this regalar army style. At tbe noon hour many fathérs, mothers, sisters and brothers assembied nnder some tree near the camp and ate tbeir family dinner together. Thé parties thns aesembled were not noticeable for their lightheartedness, but all seemed to be in a serious mood. Many a keepsake changed hands and was quickly hidden away in a soldier boy's blouse. Taken all in all it was a very sober oooasion for all. In the rnorning Mastering Offloer Gapt. Itvine mnstered in Cos. G, E and D of the Thirty-third Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the presenoe of several thonsand people. The soldiers were tendered an ovation wben tbey took tbe oatb of allegiance to the United States. Iu the afternoon Governor Pingree bad the Thirty-second, Thirty-third and Thirty-fonrth Infantry forined in oompanies on the regimental parade gronnds and G. F. Sterling & Co., of Detroit, took their photographs. At 3 o'olook the Thirty-second gave a regimental dress parade for tbe benefit of the visitorB. Jast before the excursión trains left tbe final good byes were said and tears were visible in tbe eyes of all wbo took part in or witnessed it. As soon as the excursión trains had left tbe meo of tbe Thirty-first built large bonflres on tbe regimental parade ground, ronnd whioh they olnstered until it was time for them to go on board the trains. Tbe flrst battalion comprising D, E, F and fl, went aboard at 9 :30 o'olook after listening to a short speech f rom Col. Gardener, who told them to aot like soldiers while tbey were on their journey. Gov. Pingree and his staff bid (Coatinued on Fourth Page.) DOWN SOUp DIXIE (Continued f rom First Page.) the boys good bye and wished them God speed. The train left at 11:55 standard time. The seoond sectiou, containing Co. A, B, C and G-, left at 12 :21 ; the third section, Cos. L, I, K and M, left at 12:40. The first seotion was in command of Col. Gardener, the second, Lient. -Col'. Sbubel, and the third seotion, Maj. Chas. H. Harrah. The trains consisted of 28 sleepers, one norse car, one flat car, and five freight cars. The route was over the D., G-. H. & M. to West Detroit, Miobigan Central to Cinoinnati, and the Queen & Crescent to Chickamauga. The traveling rations consisted of 2,940 ponnds of Quaker bread, 2,205 ponnds 3f canned corn beef, 1,323 pounds of baked beans, and about $600 in cash to buy coffee at stations along the road. Of these stores Co. A received onetwelfth. The field rations will consist of 7,350 pounds of bacon, 1,470 ponnds of beans, 980 pounde of coffee, 1,470 ponnds of sugar, 25 pounds of pepper, 392 pounds of salt and 98 gallons of vicegar. In addition there will be 392 ponnds of soap, and 147 pounds of candles. It has been figured that a daily allowance equivalent to 18 ounces of bread. 20 ounces of meat and 16 ounoes of vegetables is neoessary to keep a soldier in fighting trim. In addition be needs 71 ounoes of fluid. Coffee, of course, is the soldiers' drink and he will be amply supplied with that. All the way through Ohio a continDous ovation was given theThirty-first. The most remarkable demoustrations coming frchn the working classes, who deserted tbeir work benches and rushed to the windows of tbe many factories along the C, H. & D. road to wave a greeting at the Btopping places. Women and yqung girls distributed dainty things tó eát and kisses to tbe soldiers. Tbrough Kentnoky the same dgree of enthusiasm was visible but tbe women dispensed with the kisses. Fruit, flowers and dainties were, however, showered liberallyon tbe men. Chiokamauga Park waR reaohed about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, tbe three sections of the regiment baving arrived at Chattanooga, Tenn, shortly after 7 in the morning, but owing to delay oaused by tbe inability of the single traok railroad which runs from that oity to Chickaruauga to haudle the large numberof troop trains that were arriving, they were delayed several hours. Theu the Thirty-firat had a hot, dusty march of foor miles before they reached their bivnac in a beautiful grove aboul the center of, Cbickamauga Park, and fully 25 of the men dropped out of the ranks exhausted. Col. Gardener had to bire private teams to haol bis oamp equipage. It was almost dark before the provisión wagons reached the camp grounds, and after dark before the tents came in. As a resnlt tbe boys &lept on the tents instead of under them, mosl of the boys' made tbeir own ooffee and ate their travel rations. The officers fared not so well, and Chaplain White, Maj. Hunt and Surgeon Colby went without coffee. Col. Gardener had a supply of bacon and ooffee in bis chests and uooked bis own supper, and tben slept in the open air on bis cot. Private McGinnis, of Detroit, oontracted pneumonía on the road, but is now inaprqving rapidly under gooc medical care. Tbe Thirty-seoond Regiment was ready to leave Camp Eaton in 24 bours after noticewas given it and left early last evening for the camp at Tampa, Fla. Col. Tyirell gave it as his opin ion that sncb a fine regiment never be fore went out cf Michigan. BXJGLE NOTES. Tbere are about 15,000 volunteers in carup at Chickamauga. Gen. Geo. Spalding has secured tbe appointment of Major Seymour of Ad rían, as additional paymaüter in tbe army. Dr. Fred NV. Palmer, of Brooklyn Micb., formerly house surgeoa in tbe University hospital, bas been appointed hospital steward at Mand Lake. Ir is said that steps are to be taken o organize a militía oompauy in this city to take the plaoe of Co. A now mustered into the U. S. servios. Dr. Lerny Sontbmayd, son of Mis. Sarah E. Southmayd, of Ann Arbor, ias been appointed assistant army surgeou in the volunteer army from Colorado. The comtnissary departrnent at Dbickamaoga now has plenty to feed ;he army with for some time. Unifarms, eqaipments aod general supplies in immense quantities arealsoen route. The Thirty-first Miobigan bas been attaubud to the first brigade of tbe seoond división, the otber two regiments in the brigade are tbe Tbird PenusyJvauia and the One Hnndred and Sixth Indiana. Col. C. Gatdener is provisional commander of the brigade. G-overnor Pingree had the great seal of tbe state of Michigan taken from jansing to Island Lake, Wednesday, by Seoretary of State Gardner and Execntive Clerk Donham to facilitate the signing and sealing of commissions of ;he Thirty-seoond Regiment offlcers. In a letter to the Times J. B. Hillmau says that Private Webb, of Co. G, was tbe first man in the third battalion of the Tbirty-first Regiment to steal a iiss froru a sonthern girl. Those Ypsianti fellows are adepts at that business, having had good practice at home. When Governor Pingree telegraphed o Seorefcary of War Alger of the departure of the Thirty-first Regiment he aid: "A better or mure onthusiastio )ody of volunteer troops never left this or any othar state. Hundreds of the men in the ranks left positions paying rora $1,000 to over $5,000 a year. " The governor 's staff were treated to a regular army dinner yesterday. It onsisted of hard taok, sowbelly and jeans, and coffee without milk. They wanted to wait for the second ooorse, jat when told there would be no other bey ate sparingly of the food, but did not like it a little bit. Mere fussand eatber soldieis, that's all. The recruits who arrived at Camp Saton during the past week are anybing bnt comfortably situated. They lave no tents to sleep in, and are cornpelled to undergo many hardships that he enlisted roen of the Thirty-first and Thirty-second infantry did uot have to undergo. As eaoh regiment leaves Camp Eaton for tbe south it takes all he best tents in camp, nntil those that remain are almost unserviceable.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News