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The May Festival

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Tbe May Festival for 1898 carne to a close Sarurday nighr witb a superb rendition of Wagner's "Flying Dutchman" wirh Mme. Jobanna Gadski as Senta, , Miss Janet Spencer as Mary, Mr. David Bispham as the Dutchman. Mr. Williain H. Rieger as Erio, tbe steersman, and Mr. W. A. Howlaud as Daland, assisted by the Choral ünion and the Boston Festival orcbestra, and it is safe to say tbat all wbo heard tbe beautifnl mnsic were charmed with it. The paits whioh seemed to please the aodience best were tbe scènes between Senta and the Dotchmau, Senta and Eric, and the spinners' choros and the responsos of tbe maidens and crew by the Choral Union. The whnle was ander the admirable condnctorship of Prof. A. A. Staniey. The crowning aot of the evening, however, was when the Columbian organ pealed out and joined ty tbe full orahestra, the soloists, the choros and the andience generally, rendered "America" in a style that made üniversity hall ling and caosed tbe greatest of enrhosiastic applaose. It was a fitting close to as fine a series of concerts as bas yet been given at any May Festival. The program of the symphony concert Friday afternoon was changad to some extent in tbat Mr. Howland sang "The T wo Grenadiers" instead of the aria be was expeated to sing and it was if anything more aoceptable to the andience than tbe aria would have been. He was heartly enoored. The other n amber which was changed was that of Miss Von Grave, a piano concerto. Her mnsio bad been mislaid, so Mr. Heindl gave bis 'cello solo which" he was to play the next afternoon in place of it. Mr. Emil Mollenhauer oonduoted the orchestra in the nnmbers that feil to its sbare - Tschaikowski's Sympbonie Fathetiqn9 and the overture to "Gwendolyn" by Chabrier. Both were fine nnmbers finely rendered. The concert in the evening was another symphony conoert in whioh Batron Berthald aud Miss Stein added further lustre to their already bright reuords with Ann Arborites. The main feature was Prof. Stanley's symphonic poem "Attis." It had been beard here once before on the great organ when it was in manuscript. It was warmly reoeived by tbe audience and musical people declare it is a fine piece of musical oomposition. The other n amber on tbe program was a bass solo by Signor Del Puente. Saturday afternoon 's concert was an orchestral matinee in wbiob tbe orcbestra Miss Von Grave and Prof. Alberto Jonas were tbe instrumentalist, and Míbs Janet Spencer and Mr. Win. H. Lavin sang solos. It was a fine conoert tbroagbont. Prof. A. A. Stanley and the Uaiversity Mnsioal Sooiety deserve the of all for the opportunities afforded at tbese May Festivals to listen to suoh great works by snoh great artists and at the exoeedingly reasonable prices cbarged. It is Prof. Stanley's ambition to present tbe greatest works in mnsio in tbese concerts, so tbat students of the univ6isity may, as they go out into tbe world, stand for tbe best in musio and thus basten tbe day wben America may boast a trnly musical public. Subscribe for the Argus now.


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