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Miss M."A. Palmer visited Detroit this week. J. Steiclle 6 improviag bis house with a coat of paiut. H. Pollen is eraployed at the Palmer house for the present. Mr. Jackson who has been quite il), is able to be out again. Rev. R. N. Bouck visited Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ward have retnnred from theii Willis visit. , The Misses Mamie Mesio and Eva Palmer havo fine new wheels. Wm. Wooloott bas put a fine soda fouutain in liis store on Main st. The M. E. ladies held their tea sooial at Mrs. J. Marble's Wednesday afternoon. fl. L. VanWorrner bas retured to bis home in Toledo after a short visit with friends bere. W. Stimpson was the guesfc of bis cousin Miss Cecil Gauntlett, at Ann Arbor, Sunday. The Epworth League had an interesting anniversary at the M. E. cburob, Sunday evening. Rev. A. L. Lookert, of Milford, preaohed at the Baptist chnrch Snnday morning and evening. Married, May 10, Mr. (Jlarence Culver and Miss Viola MoMullen, at tbe M. E. parsonage, Rev. F. O. Jones offioiating. Mrs. Burgess and daugbter have retnrned to their home in Illinois after a long visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Knight and family. Mrs. G-eo. Minto and bod lef t Tuesday morning for Vernon, where they will visit Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. M's mother, for a few weeks. Cbas. Steidle was tbe Enights of Pythias delégate from Milán to tbe meeting of the grand lodge of the K. of P. at Port Huron. There are nearly 80 ruemebrs of the M. C. C: at present and a number took a wheel up to the baseball game on the Ridge Saturday. A number of the Milau peopl6 took in the exoursion to Island Lake Sunday to say good bye of the boys who were ready to start for the front. Som e of tbe Milan boys are in the 31st regiment. The high shcool juniors third annual exeruises Friday evening, were a suocess in every way. The Ann Arbor High School Mandolín Club furnisbed fine musio and tbe Adrián Male Quartet sang many beaatifnl seletious. Rev. J, P. Hutcbinson was taken very ill on bis way to the Presbyterian cburcb Snnday morning and was unable to bold servies. He was taken to Dr. Mesic's where he is waiting until be is able to be taken to bis bome in Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News