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H. M.Woods' homestead has received a new coat of paint lately, greatly improving the property. Master Fred Daley, assisted by Owobso local talent will give a concert in that oity on Tuesday evening next. The Ancient Order cf United Workrcen will pay the death loases of all of its mernbers who have enlisted iu the United States army. George Dengler is now located in the roomB formerly occupied by the Ann Arbor Art Club in the Savings Bank block and bas opened np a first class bindery. Ira A. Campbell, '00 lit, has been appointed university correspondent for the Detroit Tribune to suoceed Cari M. Green, '99 lit, wbo formerly held the position. The mas8 meeting of employees of the Ann Arbor Railroad whioh was to have been held in Durand Sunday to organiza an insnraanoe oornpany, has been indefinitely postponed. Marshal Sweet on Monday reoovered a United States flag whiob was stolen three weeks ago from a flagstaff on Maccabee hill. The young mati who had taken it was in Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Harriet Robinson died Monday evening at her home on the Northside. The funeral services were held at the A. M. E. ohnroh Wednesday afternoon, the remains being buried in the Fifth Ward cemetery. Mrs. Myra Selleck died at her home 620 N. Fourth ave., Saturday, of consumption, aged 47 years. The funeral services were held at her late home Tuesday afternoon. Four daughters and a son survive her. The marriage of Mr. Fred L. Davis, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Jennie Sherwood, of Jackson, was solemnizad Saturday evening at ? o'olock at the home of the bride's sister Mr9. Cbas. Parrish, South Milwaukee st., Jackson. Rev. E. R. Currv officiated. Becently Railroad Comraissioner Wesselius ordered the Ann Arbor Railroad to erect a new station nonse at Temperance, Monroe county, to replace the one destroyed by fire. Now the citizens complain that the building just completed is a board shanty 12 by 16 feet in size, the only entrance to which is a door two feet and six inches wide. The commissioner will investigate. Polish up my rusty saber, Dig me up my blunderbuss; I'll forsake my field of labor Just to flght a Spanish cuss. I want none of moderation, Por my spirit's sorely tried, Naught will soothe my perturbation But a havik of Spanish hide. I'm a warrior! Do you hear me? Clear the track, get off the way .' Those who know me best all fear me When I start tliere's h 1 to pay. Co. A's ailrh-pss at present is "Cbickauiauga Piu - , G-a., Thirty-First Regiment." Mrs. Carrie Zebbs has filed a bill for divorce from her husband John Zebbs. Both are colored. ' The Detroit conference of the Methodist church will meet at Mt. Cleruens Sept. 21, Bishop Andrews presiding. A. W. Munro is now sole proprietor of the Ypsilanti Commercial, W. D. Cracker having retired from the firm. The Harugari Maennerchor will give a concert and danoe in Germania hall this evening. The musical program is nnder the direction of Fred J. Dansingburg. George H. Primrose and Lew Dockstader have formed a partnership for tbe management of a big minstrel company, which will tour the oountry next season. The Y. W. C. A. will serve a pqtriotio supper from 5 until 7 tomorrow evening at their rooms over the post office. All are cordially invited. Adnnssion 15 cents. At Orchard Lake on Saturday the Ann Arbor high school baseball team defeated the Military Academy oadets by a score of 6 to 1. The Ann Arbor boys made seven doublé plays. J. Fischer & Bro., of Bible House, New York, have published a new and spirited patriotio maroh entitled "The Patriotic Amerioan, " composed by George H. Fischer. Price 50 oeats. Sheriff Wm. Judson is a proud man these days sinoe he got to be a grandfather. He acquires bis added dignity from a son having been bom to his daughter, Mrs. John Soblee, on Sunday morning. The Ann Arbor Railroad Express Co. is now doing business at all tbe stations on its line. At present expresa is carried only between points on tbe Ann Arbor. All the passenger trains oarry expresa. J. J. Kirby, of Toledo, is the general superintendent of the eornpany. Dr. F. K. Ovven, assistant surgeon of the 31st Regiment, was presented with a fine horse and equipruent by bis fraters of Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, K. T, aud a few other friends last week. The animal was tbe valuable Kentucky thoroughbred saddle norse owned by Prof. A. H. Pattengill. Some youthful marauders broke into Chris. Spaeth's place on E. Washington st. , early Tuesday morning through the back door. They went out through the side door at the front end of the building, but in their transit tbrough the place they appropriated $2.35 which was in the cash register. A certain medical specialist was in the habit of using a note buok to assist his memory. Ia the nourse of time his aged father died. The worthy doctor attended the funeral as ohief mourner with due solemnity. At tbe close he was observed to draw out a note book and to cross out the words, "Mem. : Bury father.i' Lamb & Spenqer, two Ypsilanti men, coiicluded tbe purebase of the C. A. Maynard stock of groceries at a few minutes past 12 (midnight) on Monday morning and when the store doors were opened at the usual hour were in full possession. Mr. Lamb was nntil recently a memoer of the firm of Lamb, Davis & Kishlar, dry goods merchants, Ypsilanti, and Mr. Spencer has been a clerk for A. A. Graves, grocer, of the same oity. Bryant Walker, administrator of the Corydon L. Ford estáte, brought snit in the cirouit oourt against the City of Anu Arbor, to restrain the oity from collecting the sewer tax in the Third district ou tbe ground of irregularities in spreadiug tbe tax. Tbe bill was dismissed by Judge Kinne who held that a great improvement had been made in that portion of the city and the Ford estate bad received its full share of the benefits. An appeal was taken to the supreme court and it is now on the calendar for the June term. The record iu tbe oase bas just been received by Attorney Thomas D. Kearney. The fire hydrants along Main st. were flnshed yesterday. The New State Telepbone Co. is extending its line to Whitmore, Zukey, Portage and Base lakes. E. J. Helber, commissioner for Cuban relief in tbis oounty, sent a barrel of clothing to the relief headquarters in Detroit, on Monday. The name of William Riemenschneider, of Chelsea, bas been sent to the president by Congressman Spalding to be appointed postmaster at Chelsea. Several professors of the university have joined together to build a handsome clubbouse at Winans' Lake. Jay C. Pray, of Whitmore Lake, has the contraot and the house is to be flnished in six weeks. The snpreme oourt on Monday postponed the consideration of the cbange of venue in the case of Howard Stockwell vs. Win. Judson et al. tu June 7, wben it will be deoided whether it will be tried in this conuty or not. Don Turner, Don Stark, Harry Sannders, Charles Rooney and Charles Campion went to Island Lake Monday morning as recruits from J. T. Jacobs Camp, S. of V., for the companies to be composed of members of that organization. James J. Quarry will open up a drug store in Prof. Thompson's new store, corner of S. State st. and E. University ave. about Aug. 1 and will divide the trade of that end of the city with the two drugstores already located on State st. Times: The corrent number of the L. A. W. Bulletin contains the pictures of tbe lightweights, Willie Holland, Elsie Apfel and Vera Hangsterfer, it being a snap shot taken by Sid W. Millard doring a recent bicycle trip to Whitmore Lake. H. M. Wallace, J. H. Taylor, Dr. Robert D. Wilson, Dr. Julián T. McClymonds, J. Sterling St. John, John T. Hoelzle, Charles H. Duncan and Wm. S. Bennett compose a party of yoong men who will leave here for the Klondike July 1. A current statement last week was tbat the paving of Main st. would be delayed six weeks through a misunderstanding between Contraotor Wm. J. Clancy and the brick manufacturers. It has evidently been fixed up, however, as Mr. Clancy announces that in about three weeks the walks on both sides of the Street will be piled up with paving brick. Edouard Remenyi, the great violin virtuoso, dropped dead Sunday afternoon in San JTranoisoo, just as he bad finished playing "Old Ulory" in answer to an euthusiastio enoore from an andience of 3,000 people. He was 64 years old and leaves a widow, son and daughter, who reside in New York. He was born in Hungary. The Miohigan rnonthly bulletin of vital statistius for April shows tbat the total number of deaths in Washtenaw county was 68, divided as follows: Aun Arbor oity 23, Ypsilanti city 10, Cbelsea 2, Manohester 2, Ann Arbor town 2, Augusta 2, Bridgewater 1, Dexter 1, Freedom 6, Lima 2, Lodi 1, Lyndon 2, Salem 3, Saline 2, Soio including Dexter village) 4, Sbaron 2, (Ypsilanti 1. No report from Sylvan. The summer meeting of the Michigan Press Assooiatioii will be held in Muskegon, July 18-20. Ou Wednesday afternoon, July 20, it is proposed to take a steamboat excursion aoross Lake Michigan to Milwaukee and return. From there tbose who expect to go on the excursion to the Pacific ooast will go to St. Paul, where they will join with members of the Wisconsin Press Association for a ten days' trip over the Canadian Pacific railway, via Winnipeg to Vancouver, Tacoma, Seattle, etc. The strong feeliag that exists in Ypsilinti against the Bell Talephone Co. seems to have in nowise abated to judge by the following proceedings of the common council Monday night: "Aid. Huston moved that tbe city should acoept the offer of the Bell Telephoone company to put in six 'phones free for the use of the oity. Aid. Davis amended it tbat the Bell company should be given 24 hours wherein to remove the Bell telephones in the oity offices or the marshal shall do it. The amendment was carried. " That looks a good deal like carrying a grudge to that extreme point which is described as "biting off your nose to spite your face. " Fred A. Howlett has been drawn as a juror in tbe ÜDited States court at Detroit. The Ann Arbor Railroad has a new time table. Examine it so that you do not miss yonr train. The reeolutione adopted by the school board relative to the death of the late Prof. W. S. Perry, have been handsomely engrossed, frained and presented to Mrs. Perry. Rev. Dr. J. M. Thoburo, of Detroit, will deliver the annnal tbank offering day addresB bef ora the Women's ForeiRn Missionary Society at the M. E. church, next Suuday morning. Prof. E. G. Conklin, Ph. D., of the University of PennsyNania, will deliver the next address before the Wesleyan Guild, at the M. E. cbnrch, Sunday evening, on "Evolution and Theology. " Prof. E. F. Johnson of the law department of the U. of M. has been appointed by Governor Pingree as a member of the utate board of education to snoceed Snpt. J. W. Simmons of Owosso, wlio has resigned. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Railroad Co. is defunct sinoe Sunday night at 12 o'olock when it was merged into tbe Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor Railroad Co. Cars will be running over the new line in a very short time. The Ann Arbor Railroad will ron another excursión to Camp Eaton, at Island Lake,'next Snnday, leaving Anu Arhor at 9 :05 a. m. Retorning will leave Island Lake at 6 :30 p. m. Fare for tbe round trip 75 cents. Children under 12 years 40 cents. He laughs best who last laughs" is an oíd and ofttimes true proverb. Last week W. H. Butler was siuiling audibly over the faot that John W. Bennett had the mumps. Bot John was hardly well befoi-e Butler himself oame down with the measly things and tben- the laugh was on him. Grasa Lake News: Now that Charlie Ward, of the Ann Arbor Democrat, announces that he withdraws all objection and is willing the Sandwich Islands should be annexed, wbat's to hinder cougress from pnsbing tbe button and finishing the job? The annnal May party at Granger's aoaderoy which was to have been given last evening has been unavoidably postponed nntil Monday evening next. All pupils, former pupils, tbeir friends and other friends of Mr. and Mrs. Granger are oordially invited to attend. Musio will be fnrnished by the Chequamegons. Lieut. John K. Robison, son of George F. Robison. of Detroit, and grandson of the late Hon. John J. Robison, has been commissioned engineer of the craiser Minneapolis, the fastest boat in the navy. Lient. Robison was three years witb Admiral Dewey on the Olympia. The lientenant was born in Ann Arbor. Postmaster Beakes has received notice that on July 1 the salary for tbe Ann Arbor offioe will be raised to $2,900 per year. Tbis will be good news for the incoming postmastfir and Bouroe of gratifloation to Mi. Beakes that it was nnder his adminietration Ann Arhor advanoed to be a seoond class post office. Times, Ypsilanti end : Alderman Dieterle, of Ann Arbor, walked np to the Times man Monday and presented bim with a fish. Whether it was a minnow too large for bait or fish he canght in a parlor aquarium is not known. However, it was his birthday and, as has been his custom years, he went fisbing with the above result. A rather startling pioture is the mammoth 5x5 feet oil painting in Sheehan & Uo. 's bookstore window on S. State st., which gives a view of one of Dr. Nancrede's surgical clinics In it the doctor is reprtsented as perforraing an operaton for appendicitis, surrounded by nis assistants, atteudants and students. Some of the portraits are quite life-like and easily distinguished. R. Lattimer is the artist. The Yonng Women's Cbrisfcian Association had its fourth anniversary services at the First M. E. ohurcb on Suuday evening. Rev. B. L. McElroy delivBred the address takiög as his sunject "The Crowning of a Queen." Some beantiful music was rendered by tbe ohm eb ohoir. The reporte of the offloers showed that the total mernbership is 1T4. During the past year 41 uew members have been added aud 13 have been dropped. Attorney Arthur Borwu traded a good house and lot in Flushing with Daniel L. Davis for an 80-acre farm in York, neither having seen the property of the other, üavis was satisfled with his end of the trade, but when Brown want to look at the York farm, which Davis had praised upas a model of perfection, he found it was not up to the ímarantee. He promptly filed a bilí in the Genesee ciruuit court to have the deed granting the Flushing property to Davis set aside. The oase oame on Monday and Davis gave up his claim wbeu he saw the witnesses Mr. Brown had against him and traded proporties over again. Times: Although George H. Pond has been confirmed as postmaster for Ann Arbor he will probably not assume tbe duties of the office until May 30, tbus allowing Postmaster Beakes to serve his full four years without any time curtailed from the sentence for good behavior. Under the civil service rules now all the regular employés, from the head clerk down, are subject to its regulations and there oan be no remováis exoept for cause, so that there probably will be no changes in the working foroe. It seerns that the only exceptions to tbe civil service rules are the postmaster, the special delivery boy and the sorub-woruan but whether these three are placed in the sanie oatogory on account of offensive partisanship or to give the postmasters an opportunity to deal out a little patronage bas not been duly stated.