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Takes the burn out: heals the wound cures the pain. Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil, the household remedy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of UXJ J'éuLc&6l&i Notice of Letting of Drain Contract. NOTICE IS HEBEBr GIVEN. THA_T-I. Daniel W. Barry, County Drain Commissioner of the Oounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, will, on the 26th day of May, A. D. 1898, atthe lower end of drain, in the Township of Bridyewater, at nine o'clock in the foreuoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for the cleauing out of part of a certain drain known and detisinated as "The Columbia Lake Drain No. 1," located and established in the said Township of Bridgewater, and described as follows to-wit: Commencinsr at a lake known as Bower's Lake in the southwest ciuarter of south-west quarter of section (, in the said Township of Bridgewater, and unning west and south along the line of said Jrain two hundred and eighty rods. ■ Said job will be let by sections. The section it the outlet of the drain will be let first, and remaining sections in their order up streain, in accerdance with the diagram now on file with the other papers pertaiuing to said 3rain, in the office of the County Drain Cotrinaissioner to which ref ertnce tnay be had by all parties interested, and bids will be niade indreeeived aceordingly. Contraéis will Be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate security for the performance of the work. in a sum then and tnere to be fixed' by me, reserving to myself the right to reject any and all bid. The dale for the completion of sueh contract, and the terms of payment therefor, shail be announced at the time and place of letting. Noi ice is further hereby eiren, that at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Drain Commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn the same, the assessments for benefits and the lands comprised within the '"Columbia Lake Drain No. 1 Special Assessment District," will be subject to review for one day, from nine o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon. The following is a description of the severa! tracts or pareéis of land constituting the Special Assessment District of said Drain, v z: E V4 of n e H sec. 9; w VS of w of n w H sec. 10; e ü of w Vi of n w ü sec. 10; 43 acres in n e H sec. 10, bounded w b Blum, u by sec; line, e by Blum and Bauer; n 10 acres of s e J of s e J4 sec 10; eüofswM sec. 2; 18 acres s e corner s w Vi of se U, sec. 3; e Vi of n w H sec. 11: n w M of n w sec. 11; w V2 of se sec. 2;YHofneK sec. 2; w H of s e U sec. 4: w % of e Vi of s e k sec. 4; s % of e VS of se VÍ ofseH sec. 4; w VS of s w J4 of s w sec. 3; 8 acres s part ofseSi sec. 3; 71 acres s of highway ; w VS of n e H sec. 4; e VS of n e M sec 3; n w i of n w Vi of n w J4 sec. 2; e part of n w H of n w % sec. 3; w H of neM sec. 3; e H of n w hi sec. 3; n w Yt, of s e H', except 7 acres send seo. 3-, n e corner s w X sec. 3; n end of e V, of seü sec. 3; e yt of n w 54 sec. 10; öO acres in e Yt of s e (4 sec. 3; e !4 of n e 14 of n e 'M. sec. 10; 74 acres on w side n w H sec. 2; 37 acres on w side w !4 of n e Ya. sec. 10; 40 acres n part of n w M sec. 12; e S'% of seü sec. 2; 57 acres s end n w M sec. 2; 6 acres on w side of s w Ü sec. 2-; neüoineü sec. 11; n w H of swiiols e!, sec. 3; 3 acres s part of s e of s w J4 sec. 3; 8 aeres in s e corner ofseofswK sec. 3; 20 acres n end e is of s e H sec. 4; 75 acres e VS of neü sec. 4; 8 acres w part of n w ! ofnwïi sec. 3; 37 acres n w H of 8 w M. sec. 3; 33 acres s w H of n w ü sec. 3; 52 acres n e!4of bwX sec. 3; 7 acres 8 w corner of n w Ü of s e % sec 3; 18 acres n part of s e M of s w H sec. 3; 3 acres s w corner o( swüof se H seo 3; 20 acres e VS of 8 w U of 8WÜ sec. 3; s w corner ofse!4ofswj4 sec . 3. Township of Freedom.- S Ví of s e H sec. 33; nwHof se Hsec. 33; s w1 of 8 w4 of sec. 34; w H of n e YA sec. 33; s e M, of n w % sec. 33; n e '4 of s e % sec. 33; n e M of n w % sec 33; s e of s)i sec. 28: w H of s e )4, of seo. 28; 40 acres bounded s by town line, n by C. Heusler, e by C. Kuleukamp, w by Lamparten, sec. 34; 40 acres bounded s by Kulenkamp; n by H. Kulenkamp, e by Lizzie Kulenkamp, w by A. Lamparten, sec. 31; se Mof 8 e L of s e V,, sec. 34; s w i of s w Va sec. 35; n w J.4 of a w l sec. 34; 8 w lA of n w % seo. 35: 50 acres w part e VS of n w 14 sec. 35; n e % of s w sec. 35' 8 part of n e '4 sec. 35; n e % of n e V sec. 35; n w % of a w % sec. 36: s Vs of s w % sec. 25; 90 acres e part n w % sec . 36. Dated this 9tb day of May, A. D. 1898. DANIEL W. BARKY, County Drain Commissioner of tha County of I Washtenaw.


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