Death Of Charles Binder.
Charles Binder died at bis home on W. Jefferson st. , last evening at 7:45, from the effeots of a stroke of apoplexy received early Tuesday moming. He was born in Wuertemberg, Germany, in 1846, and came to America with bis parents six years later, flrst going to Detroit where they stayed two years. They tben removed to Bridgewater, where Mr. Binder lived on the farm until he was 18 years of age. He then oaine to Ann Arbor. After two years' service witb Henry Binder he went into tbe saloon business for hiruself. He went out of business May 1, 1897, on acoount of poor health and bas since lived a retired life witb his family at 208 W. Liberty st., ruoving to where he died just a week ago. He was married in 1867 to Misa Agnes Laobengayer, and six children was the resnlt of the nnion. His wife and fonr children, Mrs. Albert Mann, Charles F., Amanda and Clara Binder, survive biru. The funeral services will be held at the house and at Zion chureh on Snnday afternon.