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ainjnjTJxnjxruinTJTXLTuiJUTJiJiJxrLru'uirD The Milán commencement exeroises will be held Jane 10. Sylvan township Loard of review met at the town hall Monday and ïuesday. Mr. Alfred Pinegar, of Chelsea, was married to Miis Emina J. Qaiok, of Jaoksou, May 12. Ernest W., son of Mr. and Mrs. Dnans Porn, of Foster's Station, died Snnday of inflammation of the bowels. Dr. W. S. Harnilton, of Chelaea, was fcicked by a colt the other day with snch force as to lay him np in bed for several days. The Grass Lake Chapter of the Eastern Star visited Olive Cbapter, of Chelsea, Wednesday evening, and exemplifid the degree. Frank Kellar, Ypsiianti's pngilist, faas been arrested in Montreal, Canada, foi giving, boxing exhibitions contrary to tbe civio law. Tbe Lima Center school will give Memorial day exercises at the church, nest Snnday afternoon. They will deoorate tbe soldiers' graves after the exercises. Bishop Foley, of Detroit, will make bis annual visitation to St. Mary's ohcrob. Chelsea, next September and he will tben administer tbe sacrament of eonfirniation. Si. Mary's chnrcb, Chelsea, will give anober recital in tbe chnrcb Jane 6. ProL Freytag and his fine ohoir from Defcruit, will be the performers. The program will all be in English. Síonis A. Straight and Miss Rose Soöïner, of Ann Arbor, were married fay Justioe Doyle, of Milan, last week and tbe Milan Leader says both will now 4are to keep straight. Tbey have the aase of being Straight aDyway. iFratik Brown's tbree horse team with ïciJlet. Tan away last Satarday and sooafed abont the field and np tbe road. Tbey ftrnck a tbree-year oíd son of Willimn ïïimke and hnrt the little fellow quir.9 feadly. - Bridgewater oorrespond■3B59 Snterprise. OBtmaster Bogardns, of Ypsilanti, ïooBd out wbat it was to be a mail oaraar Jáeaday, wben he took the plaoe of o'k carrier. If h e ever wants a posittion as mail carrier, he can have the rooommendation of the people along the route he carried Monday. Tbe Sontbern Washtenaw Farmers' J1% feas eiecerl the following offlcers : Rresident, William E. Peaae ; vioe presidenïs, Sbaron, A. Hitchcock; Mancheséer, Jobn F. Spafard ; Bridgewater, Heoty R. Palaer ; secretary, Mra. J. P. Tracy ; treasnrer, S. M. Merithew. The Saline oreamery paid ooi $1,867.43 in April. The Manchester banks have $273,897.54 on depoeit. Theodore Haab, of Dexter, died May 18, of consumption. William Lay, of Ypsilanti town, is building a new bara. The Saline school will gradúate a olass of nine this year. Emanuel Ganas, of Irou Creek, has built a new barn on bis farm. A bioyole was stolen from Prof. Ross, of Vpsilanti, last Friday evening. Fred Sohmans, of Willis, bas bongbt the Abbott plaoe near Whittaker. Miltoo Dailev, of Ypsilanti, has been granted a pension of $6 a ruontb. A telepbone line is being oonstruoted between Manchester and Brooklyn. The new soldiers' monnment in Dexter will be dedicated on Deooration day. Mrs. George Gieske, of Sharon, died of heart disease, May 15, aged 75 years. Tüe oomrnencenient exercises of the Manobester high school will be held Jane 16. A Wabash train killed a beifer belonging to Bert Osborn, of Whittaker, last week. Au independent military oompany has been organizad at Dexter with over 40 mernbers. The Congregational ohnroh in Ypsilanti now has over $4,200 in tbeir boildiug fond. A nnmber of new wheels have been purohased by Milanites tbis spring - bioycle wheels. Albion College defeated the Ypsilanti Normals at baseball Satarday by a soore of 10 to S. William Mier, of Augusta, had his leg broken recently by oatching it in the wheel of his wagon. The venerable David M. ühl, of Ypsilanti is very low, and his death is expected alrnost honrly. - Pearl Canine. of Mooreville, broke her collar bone by falling from a teeter board in the school yard. The oíd males who have for a generation been doing draying at Milan have been replaoed with horses. Miobael Thainer, of Northfield, bas taken advantage of the inoreased agrioaltural prosperity to build a new barn. Miss Nanoy Waldron died in Ypsilanti last week Taesday. She had lived in that city for sixty years and was 93 years of age. Dr. Kapp, Casper Raby, Henry Kuhl, Fred Kensler are among the Manobeater oitizens wbo have been reparing their residenoes. 3. H Kingsley, of Manobester, was putting up his politioal fences in Saline last week, pr&paratory to secaring tbe repablioan nomination for sheriff tilia f all. Mrs. Mary J. James, mother of Dr. L. M. James, of Ypsilanti, died at ber borne in tbat oity Monday afternoon. She was 68 years of age and had been ill for some time. Tom Brown and George Miller paid $5.45 eaoh Priday for the privilege of being drank in Ypsilanti, wbile Jobn Krans was given three roeals each day iu jail for the same privilege. Thomas J. Van Gieson died in Bridgewater May 18, from a stroke of paralysis. He was a pioneer of this oonnty to which he came in 1836. He was bom in Paterson, N. J., Nov. 24, 1825. Robert DeVinney, of Dexter, had his sbonlder dislooated Jast week by being thrown from Dr. Lee's carriage. As tbe dootor was his companion in misfortune, he was on band to set the disIocation. A bicyle clab at Mooreville has been natned the Dewey Cycle olub. Thoy wear the Dewey button and oarry the national colors. Nothing is said about Dewey lipe, althongh there probably are some in tbe club. Laidlaw, tbe Miobigan Central gardener at Ypsilanti, is making preparations to ontdo even previons years in bis floral display on the Ypsilanti depot gronnda, a display which is famous among travelers. A disorderly house in Ypsilanti, operated by May Bush, was raided Monday nigbt. Tbree men who were foand there were taken before Justioe Childs Tnesday inorning and fined $5.15 eaoh. Tbe Busb woman will be given notioe to leave the oity when she returns home. The following are the teaohers and salaries of tbe Milan sohool for the next year: C. H. Carriok, principal, $825; Clora Eayrs, preoeptress, $315; Millie MoMillen, grammar, $270; Ida L. Burroughs, intermedíate, $270 ; Alioe M Trusüell, 2d primary, $270. Kittie EÍ Sauer, lst primary, $270; Anna Fellows, kindergarten department, $270. S, D. Williams, of Azalia, had bis leg badly injured by an explosión of dynamite last week and was brnugbt to the hospital in tbis city for treattnent. He bad laid tbeohargeof dynanoite, wbioh weighed one pound, down beside him, wben tbe fuse beoame ignited from the pipe whioh be was smoking and tbe explosión blew one leg to pieoes, out off his left ear and otherwise injared bim about the head. Grass Lake News: The case of Cari Wuerthner vs. the Workingmen's benevOlent sooiety of Manchester, has been before the oironit oourt at Ann Arbor. Cari sues the sooiety under its sick benefit olause for six months' illness, wbile the sooiety olaims tbat all that ailed him was nervonsness whioh was uot in the line of sickness as meant by tbeir mies. Manohester is divided in the matter, and tbe wbole bailiwiuk is in a frenzy. Men stand at their gates and witb mad gestioalation roar at eaoh otber aoross the streets, making fcbe air blue with saoh expletives, as "liar!" "hoise theif !" "lemme catoh ye out alone!" while red faced témales shrieking defiance to their neighbors from windows and kitoben stoopa, adds to tbe'unearthlybedlam. Even the teacheitin the pnblio aohools give it to eaob otber wben they meet and the sobolara also raking sides keep the stairs and ball ways littered with bair, sbreda of olothea, eto. The pressure ia so great it is feared tbat Manchester'a boiler ia as good as busted. (Jost wait till the Manohesterites oatob the editur of tbe Graas Lake Newa out alone, aud tbey will show bim wbat it is to interfere in a faiuily or neigbborhood qnarrel. )