Real Estate Transfers.
Hirarn A. Paige ana wife to Heury Menaing, Chelsea, $750. Micbael Keelan to George P. Glazier, Chelsea, $1. Jane L. Tottle to George P. Glazier, Chelsea $1. Ann Arbor & Ypsianti Electrio Railway Cornpany to the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor Railway Company, Ypsilanti, $1. John W. Renwick, Ernest E. Renwick et al. deed partition. Frank C. Banghart and wife to Jobn J. Kirubail, Ypsilanti, $375. John J. Kimball and wife to Wm. E. Simons, Ypsilanti, $1,500. George N. Renwick, by oircnit oourt cotnmissioner to Marión L. Lawrence, Salem, $5,000. Elenora Rassell to Andrew M. Leonard, Milán, f 305. Hannah Prioe to Claude J. Price, et al., Ann Arbor, $1. Hannab Price to Clands J. Price, Ann Arbor, 1. Wm P. Gale and wife to H. W. Hanford et al., Bridgewater, $1,875. Jas. P. Bycraft and wife to Clay W. Alexander, Dexter, $350. Stephen W. Andrews to Mrs. L. S. Harper et al., Milán, $750. Robert Leach and wife to Anna Walsb, Lyndon, $350. Wm. H. Heath et al. to Charles A. Heath, Angosta, $1. Louis Robde and wife to Frederick Rettiuh, Ann Arbor, $110. John Ross and wife by sheriff to F. W. Cleveland estáte, Ypsilanti,$197.60. Frank P. Glazier and wife to Alioe A. Stimpson, Chelsea, $500. Alioe A. Stimpson to George P. Glazier, Chelsea, $1. Fredeiick Steinkohl to John Trolz, Sharou, $710. Valeutine Boeltger and wife to Phil Boeltger, Saline, $4,000. J. Evarts Smith to Magdalena Doty, Augusta, $1,000. Harlow Orcntt to Mary Cornwell, Ann Arbor, $1. John Miner, trustee, to Hnron Valley Building and Loan Association, Ann Arbor, $1. Homer C. Cady et al. to Jane C. Schryver, Ann Arbor, $1,300. Fanny Hooker et al. to Meivin Q. fiooker, Angosta, $1. Fanny Hooker et al. to Willis A. Hooker, Augusta, $1. James L. Dennison and wife to G. M. Harris, Salind, $800. James L. üennison and wife to G. M. flarris, Saline, $800. Conrad Lehr and wife by sheriff to Chas E. Hiscock, casbier, Manohester, $1,709. Paul F. Sohlanderer to Wm J. Ramsey, Ann Arbor, $300. Harvey S. Day and wife to David Curry and wife, Augusta, $55. Malvena Rooney to Hurón Valley Bnildiog and Loan Association, Ann Arbor, $100. Janet Comstoek to Elvira O. Loveland, York, $2,050.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Hiram A. Paige
Henry Mensing
Michael Keelan
George P. Glazier
Jane L. Tuttle
John W. Renwick
Ernest E. Renwick
Frank C. Banghart
John J. Kimball
William E. Simons
George N. Rewick
Marion L. Lawrence
Elenora Russell
Andrew M. Leonard
Hannah Price
Claude J. Price
William P. Gale
H. W. Hanford
James P. Bycraft
Clay W. Alexander
Stephen W. Andrews
Mrs. L. S. Harper
Robert Leach
Anna Walsh
William H. Heath
Charles A. Heath
Louis Rohde
Frederick Rettich
John Ross
F. W. Cleveland
Frank P. Glazier
Alice A. Stimpson
Frederick Steinkohl
John Trolz
Valentine Boeltgir
Phil Boeltgir
J. Evarts Smith
Magdalena B. Doty
Harlow Orcutt
Mary Cornwell
John Miner
Homer C. Cady
Jane C. Schryver
Fanny Hooker
Melvin Q. Hooker
James L. Dennison
G. M. Harris
Conrad Lehr
Charles E. Hiscock
Paul F. Schlanderer
William J. Ramsey
Harvey S. Day
David Curry
Malvena Rooney
Janet Comstock
Elvira O. Loveland