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Local Brevities.

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A benefit entertainment for the new Northside church is to be given in the chapel this evening. Adniission Í5 oents. All who wish tn give flowera for Decoration day are requested to leave tbsia at the oourt honse Snnday next at 5 o'olock, or early Monday morning. Tbe stone for the rebnilding of the steps at the west and sontb entrances to the oonrt house is on the grouud and the steps will soou be put in good shape. Monday is Decoration Day and in view of the great interest manifestad in it this year it wonld be a good tbing for all the stores to close their doors on that day. One of the most renowned baseball games of the season will be the game to be played Wednesday afternoon next on tbe athletio field between the nniversity and high school faculties. "John has broken the record," said tbe proud father. "I expect so," said bis mother resignedly. "He's broken the front gate, and three places in the hedge, and the cat's back and the croquet set, and his collar bone, since he began to ride and I'm prepared for anytbiog. " The Mollie Bennett will case oame to au end about 10 o'clook Wednesday avening when the jnry brongbt in a verdict that a will was made and did axist and Jerome Scheinmerhorn wins his case against Administrator Graves. The latter says he will appeal to the 3upreme court. Labor Coinmissioner Cox annonnces that the nnmber of suicides in this state for the nine months ending April 18 exoeedefl that for any previous year in the history of Michigan. The total npiaber was 143. Neaily 50 per oent of them are believed to have been dne to financia! troubles. A musical lawn fete will be given on tbe grounds of Prof. Russell, corner of Hill st. and Washtenaw ave., Satnrday afternoon of next week. June 4, from 3 to 6 o'olook. Refreshments will be served and musió will be fnrnished by the 'Varsity Glee Club and the Banjo and Mandolín Clubs. The proceeds will go towards a fund to maintain a university trained nurse. The vote for the teachers' special prizes at the coming county fair now stands as follows : Miss W. L. Bender 5 Miss Emily Gundert 7 Mies Emily Marshke 5 Miss Anna Shannon 30 Miss Sarah O'Brien 5 Miss Anna Clinton... 4 Miss Carrie Reed 5 Miss Mabel Root 5 MIsr Lena Mallory 7 Miss Laura I. Mills 50 Miss Ella B. Mills 81 George H. Pond received bis oom mission as postmaster of Ann Arbor on Monday and will take possession of the offlae ou the eveniug of May 31. Mr. Pond conld have assnined control of the offioe itnmediateiy on reoeipt of his conimission bad be so desired, bnt he VHty generonsly allowed Mr. Beakes to complete bis term of office, whiob is more than a good many meo iii a like position woold bave done. Times: Dnring the May Festival in this oity Master Fred Daley, Ann Arb.or's boy soprano, was aflforded an opportanity to sing in private before the great soloists wbo were bere and al] pronoonced bis voloe to be one of the most wonderful tbey bad evf r beard. In fact, (aitrude May Stein said that it far snrpassed any of tbe great nomber who were tried in New York city for the boy 's part in the production of "Elijah" given there. After a long drawn out contest Jndge Newkirk, on Wednesday, admitted to probate the will of the late Richard Webb, of Dexter. Webb died possessed of 120,000. After giving dower rights to bis widow his will divided the remainder arnong his seven children, ontting off one of them, Mrs. Stevenson, with only 100. Sbe contested the will, alleging undae influence against ber. The sbares of the other children were abont $1,500 each. From selling bread at five cents a loaf or 22 loaves for $1, the bakers of this oity have raised tbe prioe to six cent3 a loaf straight. Tbis is brougbt abont by the iDcreased price of wbeat whioh is now $1.25 a bushel. In view of the small size of bakers' loaves is it not abont time that tbe qnestion of a law fixing the weight of a loaf of bread at a standard weight was establisbed by the legislatnre of this state, the same as p evails in other wel] regnlated conntries. Tbe weather erop report issued Tnesday says: The weathur cunditions have beeu very favorable for the progress of farm work, bnt nnfavorable for tbe best growth of crops and the germination of seed. The general oondition of wheat, rye and graas is good and shows a oontinoed improveinent, altuough they are all in need of rain especially wheat and grasa. The new seeding of oiover has made a good oatch, bnt progresses slowly on acoount of tbe cool gtound. Orlen V. Mills is about to oommeooe operations to get out a new connty directory to take the place of the one got out in 1896. It will be the most complete direotory of its kind that he has ever got out and will oontain the names of the residents and their wives in the oities and villages of the connty, aíso the names of the owners of farms in every township. A personal canvass will be made tbronghout the county oa bioycles. The hook will not be ready for delivery uotil JDecemebr, jnst before the holidays. The meeting of the common council Monday evening to disouss the matter of securing assistance for City Attorney Batterfield in arguing tbe appeal case of Bryant Walker, administrator of the estáte of the late Corydon L. Ford, bronglit to set aside the sewer tax in the Hill st. district, and whiob will coma on at the June term of the snpreme ocnrt ended in very short order. Aid. Bíowd moved tbat ex-Uity Attorney Keamey take charge of the case. Iu amendnient Aid. Hamilton said : "Inasruucb as we have a oity attoruey vvho bas acoess to all that bas been priüted in the case and inasmuch as he does not ask for any assietance I mova that we adjourn." The amendment carried and the connoil adjourned.