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Police Court Doings.

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Marshal Sweet made complaint agaiust John Berger, the saloon keepei on VV. Liberty st., charging hiin with keeping a disorderly honse for the reeort of prostitutes. He was arraignd in Jnstice Duffy's conrt and pleadac not guilty. His trial is set for Jnne 9. Tnesday eveuing Patrolman Collins arrested two giiis named Ella Doty anc Georgia Jackson on the oharge of being disorderlies. In Justice Duffy's conrt they pleaded not guilty. Their trial was set for June 8 and in defanlt of bail they are lodging with Sheriff Jndson. The sama officer also arrested Mand Hurst, colored, on a like charge, and her case was set by the justice for June 8. On Wednesday Marshal Sweet made cümplaint against Christian Seyfried, a saloon keeper on S. Ashley st., for keeping a place for the resort of prostitutes. "Frozen Troth" seems to have stirred np tbings considerably. Robert Soott stole $1.25 from Frank Gilbert, at Walker's boarding house, one night last week. Justice Dnffy sentenced bim to 90 days at the D. H. C. when he was bronght np for the offeu8e. Friday morning William Fnchs entered a complaint before Jnstice Dnffy, against Christian Seyfried, obarging lim with assanlt and battery. Seyriad was arraigned Monday and pleadng not gnilty to the charge the trial was set for Jnne 7. Edith Lansing, charged by Bertba Klager with stealing $19. 50 frorn her, was tried in Jnstioe Dnffy 's court Tues3ay inorniug. Miss Lansiug told a traightforward story as to how tbe money carne intu her possession and he was discharged. Considerable ancorous feeling exists between the wo girls. The arrest was made in Detroit.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News