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University Notes N R

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The U. of M. baseball team defeated the Kalamazoo College team Saturday by a score of 8 to 1. Prof. J. B. Davis and 15 1 ing students have gone north on tbeir aonual surveying trip. The Illnois college team defeated the U. of M. nine at Champaign, II]., Satnrday by a soore of 3-0, thns winning a majority of this year's series. "Dnteh" Ferbert will return to college next fall and will assist Hall, the head ooach iu instruoting the football team. Next Monday eveniug the boys of the '99 lit olass will give a retorn party to the girls of the olass in the Barbour gymnasium. Every girl in the class is invited. The ladies of the Fruit and Flower Mission will hold another dance in the gymnasium tomorrow evening. Proceeds to go to the hospital fnnd of the society. Prof. M. E. Cooley says the Yosemite was the dirtiest ship anyone could imagine when they went on board of her May 8, and the week that followed was a bard one for the Michigan Reserves. The anuual 'Varsit track and field meet will be held next Wednesday afternoon, the flrst event to be called promptly at 4:10 o'clock. The program will consistof those events which will be contested at the Westera Intsrcollegiate meet at Chicago. "Connt" Villa and his partner, who are in the Klondike regions, now have fonr claims which are valued at $1,500 eaob, bat he says if he nad koown jnst the sitaatioo tbat exists in the Klondike, the hunt for riches would never have tempted him np there. The last meeting of tne GradĂșate Club for tbis year wili take plaoe this evening at the home of Prof. Keisey, 826 Tappan st. It will be a musical eveniug. Prof. Stanley will lead a paper on "Bayrenth and the WagDei Festivals," and Miss Bailey, of the School of Music, will singseveral numbers. James Hill, night watcbman at the university, was ooxswain of the Tylyer dnring the civil war, when Raar Admiral Dewey was a lientenant in command of the Mississippi under Admiral Porter. He misses no chance to get in a -word of praise for Dewey's gallantry, and has a sincere admiration for tbe hero of Manila. Dr. Doek leotured before the medical departmetit on student life in Gerraany Thursday night of last week. Tbe lecture was given at the request of the senior class and was quite largely attended. The life of the student in G-ermany from its various aspects was disoussed and also the general management of the oniversities. While Major C. B. Nancrede was in the oity Thusday of last week, he apleared before the senior medical class o say facewell. He said tbat he had pone to the front from a spirit of loyalty, but also, he had anotber motive, namely, a desire to advanoe cience. 'There are certain things which oan Dnly be learned by experience, and for bat reason I have gone. " There will be more than 700 graduates this year, an increase of j some 20 jver last year. Although oommenceinent is four woeks off, the preparation sf the sheepskins has been found necjssary already. The engrossiug is lone by students of tbe engineering lepartmeut and tbe unusually large anmber of diplomas to be given out las put tnese young meo to work early. The rumor has been currant for some time past that Profs. F. R. Mechem and H. L. Wilgns, of the law departI ment, wonld leave the university at the close of this school year. The statement oansed quite a flotter araong the students who would greatly regret the loss of the two gentlemen. Both professors, however, have stated that they will be at work bere next year and the students are satisfied to hear it. A reneption wil be given to themembers of the Women's League at the Women's building tomotrow afternoon from 4 to 6 o'olook. The ladies who will be the reception committee are: Mesdauies Pettee and Carrovv, ohairmen; Mesdames Nancrede, Drate, Spaulding, Markley, Lillie, Lynds, Newcombs, MoMurricb, Hinsdale, Higley, Chas. Cooley, Stevens, Goddard, M. E. Cooley, Herdman, O. C. Johnson, Asaph Hall, Dewey, Lloyd, Strauss, Gelston and Dean. Dr. Frank S. Bournes, a gradĂșate of the U.of M. whu spent fouryears in the Pbillipine Islands in the interests of the university, is to be appointed a major by President MoKinley and attaohed to the staff of Gen. Merritt. The appointment oomes through the mendatioD of Congressman Spalding to Secretary of War Alger and was brought about by Seoretary Wade of tbe university, who called Gen. Spalding's attention to Dr. Bournes' qnalifioations for the position. Dr. Bonrnes was born d Dexter in 1866, his father is Rev. A. F. Bonrnes, one of the Pioneer Methodist ministers of tuis state.


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