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Honored The Dead

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Side by side there lies today Many a gullant company Side by side as, when in life, They were campeo throupb years of strife. And in distant glens and field, Where the graves lie unrevealed. Nature, with a tender grace, Decks the unknowu restin place. Still the rest with tireless feet, Carry garlands gay and sweet. And the crowds upon the grass Cheer the veterans as they pass. -Chicago ínter Ocean. Memorial day was most appropriately celebrated tbroughout this county last Monday and the people very geuerally testified by their presence to the grateful remembrance of those who gave their lives for tbeir country. It was one of the greatest days in Anu Arbor in the history of memoral days. Very few stores were open for business and large crowds attended all the exeroises, which were of a very impressive nature. ANN ARBOR. On Sunday Rev. T. W. Young deliveied a very irupressve and eloquent address to the Q. A. R. and Sons of Veterans at the Baptist ohnrob, which the veterans attended in a body. Monday morning the graves of the soldiers in St. Thomas cemeery were decorated. Iu the afternoon the parade formed at the court house square, with P. Irwin acting as marshal and Wm. Gampion as flag bearer and marched to the Fiftb ward cemetery, where the graves were deoorated and Rev. J. T. Sunerland, who is bimself a veteraa of the war, delivered au appropriate address. Thé procèssiod Was hëaded by Becker's Military band, which was follovved by the Sons of Veterans, the U. of M. Riflee, Welcb Post, Q. A. R., a company of boys, the U of M. Battalion and citizens in carriages. The U. of M. Rifles woie white duok tiousers and showed considerable proflciency in drill. Returning from the Fifth ward cemeiery, the procession marched to Forest Hill cemetery. excepting inembers of ;qb G. A. R., who went in street cars. 3ere the ritual of the Grand Army was followed and tbe graves deoorated with a profusión of beautiful flowers. In tbe evening tbere was a good at;endance at tbe exeroises in University hall. Rev. B. L. McElroy read the scriptures and made the prayer. Hon. A. J. Sawyer delivered a patriotio oration in good vein and of a praotical na:ure. It closed with a history of Spansh misrule in Cuba, and the part the United States has borne in tbe worlds jolitical history. He urged bis hearers ;o bear in niind the boys in blue now at the front, and was applauded londly wben be said that he hoped tbe lessous of the Civil war might help us today; that politics should not take precedenoe over geneialsbip; tbat political pull sbould iiot control offloial appointments. Tb9 rausio on this oooasion was furnisbed by Prof. L. L. Renwick on the Columbian organ and by Jas. R. Sage and the Mozart Quartette. Cbas. Simons, the prize orator of the University, recited "The Charge at South Mountain." DEXTER. At Dexter, the new Soldiers' Monument, standing in the center of the park, was dedicated on Decoration day, one of the largest orowds that Dexter has ever seeu, assembling to wituess it and to do honor to the soldiers. Besides a full attendanoe from the surrounding country many were present from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Cbelsea, Hamburg, aDd Saline. Only a part of the people present could get in the opera house, where tbe main exercises were held. After patriotic musio and the invocation by Rev. H. W. Hicks, Rev. C. T. Allen, of Ypsilanti, delivered the oration of the day whicb was both a masterly and eloquent effort. The audience after singing America adjourned to the park wbere they found a still larger audienoe already in waiting. Prof. A. D. DeWitt presided and Judge H. Wirt Newkirk delivered an eloquent ten minutes' address which drew forth tnmultuous cbeers. The new monument is 22 feet bigb and is sarruounted by the figure of a soldier at parade rest. It is oomposed of gray granite and cost abont 900. CHELSEA. Memorial Daywas very flttingly observed at Clielsea this year. On Sunday tbe members of the G. A. R. post went to St. Mary's Catholio ohuroh and listeued to a most eloquent and patriotio sermón by Rev. Father Coneidine. The sermón was full of earnest and patriotio thought, and was ïmpressively delivered. Tbere was a very large crowd present at the exeroises on Monday. The procession formed in front of tbe town hall at 2 p. m. aud marched to Oak Grove uemetery, where tbe exercises took plaoe. Tbe Stove Works Band headed the procession, followed by the Cbelsea Rifles, a military oompany which bas jnst been organized among the young men of the village. Then oame the Maooabees, and after them the R. P. Carpenter Post, No. 41, G. A. R., followed by the Women's Relief Corps. The flower wagons preceded the speaker and the clergymen, while oitizens in carriages brought np the rear. At the cemetery Cmnmander A. Steger direoted the exercises. After singing by the choir, Dr. Thomas Holmes offered prayer. The roll of honor was then oalled by Comrade George J. Crowell. After a beantiful seleotion by the Stove Works Band, the address of toe day was delivered by W. W. Wedemeyer, who was listened to attentively by the large audience of several tbousand people. Rev. 3. S. Edmunds prononnced the benediotion, after which the graves were decorated, the sálate flred, and the beautiful ceremony was completed. SALINE. Saline bad a rousing celebration of memorial day with a good attendance. The procession formed in the village and marohed to the school grounds, where staging aud seats had been ereoted. Patriotio songs were snng by the school children notably an Animated Flag song by 75 little ones. Recitations were given by Ethel Rouse, Bessie Carven, Zoa Nichols, Blanche Gordon, Ethel Taggart, Agatha Josenbans and Meivin Harían, of the Saline high school, and they did exceedingly well. W. K. Childs and J. Q. A. Sessions, of this city, delivered excellent addreeses Mr. Childs spoke on what the day reminded one of, and of the greater iiumber personally interested in the day more than in any other day that is celebated. Mr. Sessions spoke of tbe patriotio spirit of the Amerioan people, regardless of nationaiity, and the universal anión of action of all the people of all the parties in the present contest. Commander H. Fisb, of Wiltsie Post, G. A. R., was master of ceremonies and William Simraons was marshal of the day. The Washtenaw Times band furniebud tbe musio. After tbe addresses, the procession marohed to the oemetery where they öeoorated the graves and a detachmest of Sons of Veterans frorn Ann Arbor fired a salute. In the procession besides the G. A. R. were the Macoabees, tbe Workingmen, the fire compauy and a brigade of flower girla. YPSILANTI. Memorial day was solemnly celebrated at Ypsilanti. The parade started frota the post headquarters and vras tieaded hy the Superior baad followed by tbe Normal company and the G. A. R. It proceedfid to the churoh and from thence to the ceinetery where the usual exercises were ob&erved. MANCHESTER. Ia Manchester, Eev. Mr. Hntchins delivered an address to Comstook Post G. A. R. on Suuday. On Monday forenooü, Uomstock Post marched to the school room where interesting exeroises were held by tbe sohool. From there they marched to Oak Grove oeinetery where they decorated tbe graves and listened to an eloquent address by Rev. D, R. Shiar. NOTES. Rev. E. A. McConnell preached a memorial sermón at the Birkett church, Sunday afternoon. Jefford's Post, of Dexter, held memorial services and decorated the graves of dead soldiers in the Hudson cemetery Snnday afternoon. BOATING AT THE U. OF M. A Canoe Club Has Been Formed and a Regatta Will Be Held. A oanoe club has been organized in oounection with university athletics and there are already 16 canvas eanoes upon the river. The club will bave a private boat house built at the foot of Main st., on the Huron river, where they will have tbeir course. It has been decided to hold a íesatta on Monday afternoon next. The following events will take place for flrst and seoond prizes donated by tbe merobants of theoity: Half-mile pair-oared boat, half-mile oared boat, quarter-milè pairoared boat, quaiter-ruile oared boat,100 yard swimruing race, quarter-mile doublé canoe race, quarter-mile donblepaddle canoe race, 100 yard doublepaddle oanoe race, 100 yard singlepaddie canoe raoe, half-mile interdepartment raoe, half-mile inter-fraternity raoe, diving contest, tub race, Canoe Club run. All entries must be sent in to Wahr's bookstore by Saturday, June 4.


Ann Arbor Argus
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