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Found In Chickamauga

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J. Rice MiDer, who left Ann Arbor in snch a sndden and mysterioos manner Jan. 18 turnad up on Deooration Day at Camp Thomas, in Cbiokamauga Park, in jnst as sudden and mysteiious a manner. The followiug aocount of his appearance is given by F. A. Wagner, correspondent of the Times: "Rice Miner bas been fonnd. Rice Miner, weJl known to Ann Arbor peop)e, who left home very suddenly last wiuter, and whose whereabonts has reinained a profonnd niystery, paid a soouting visit to Company A today. Sborily bef ore 12 o'clock a very sbabbily dressed man, witb unkempt hair and grizzly beard, attracted the attention of Artbnr Herbert and Harry Pond, who were doing picket dnty on the Brotherton Road. Botb immediately reoognized the man, but he at first refused to acknowledge their acquaintanccj, saying that he was from Missouri, and that he did not know them. Wben oonfronted point blank, however, he admitted that be was from Ann Arlior, called Mr. Herbert aside, and had ;i short oonversation with him in regard to Ann Arbor people, the Elks, of which oraganization both are members, and the members of Company A. When asked to cali tipon Captain Granger and the boys, he refnsed to say anything furtber, but immediately turned aoross the road and disappeared in the woods. He says be is a membar of the Missouri regiment, bnt this fact is by no means certain, as be wore no military uniform. His actions were strange, and be appeared oonfused to find himself in the luidst of the Michigan boys."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News