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James Bird, an old Ann Arbor boy, is back froro Tenuessee to spend the summer. George Lutz was yesterday elected Great First M aster of the Guards of the Michigan K. O. T. M. The Ann Arbor Mosic Co. 's quartet Hang at the commencement exercises of the Milan high school last eveuiug. fiev. G. E. Moorehoose will speak before the Maccabees of Delhi Tent, No. ü51, at the school house Sunday, Jnne 12, at 4 p. m. Dr. V. C. Vaughan was yesterday exaniined and mostered into the United States army as surgeon of the Thirtythird Michigan Volunteers. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave E. Steinke died Tuesday morning of inflatmnation of the lnngs. The funeral services were held yesterday. Mr. Frank L. Jewell, of Dexter, and Miss Hattie Keith were married at the resideoce of the bride's brother-in-law and sister Mc. and Mrs. Eugene E. Beal, on Wednesday evening. A large flock of goats of all size and ages was driven through onr streets Tnesday afternoon and attracted muoh attention. They belonged to a Mr. Coultran, of Jackson, who makes a business of raising and selling them for children's pets. He finds a ready sale for the animáis. Miss Emma E. Bower was yesterday re-eleoted Great Record Keeper of the L O. T. M. by aoclammation. This ;ribute to Miss Bower's popnlanty and ausineess like management of the office is a deserved one and the Argns congratulates Miss Bower npon it. All the brothers and sistors of Otseningo Lodge and Washtenaw Lodge are requested by the Noble Grand to briug flowers for the memorial services to be held next Sunday. The committee will be at? the hall Satnrday evening from 7 to 9 and Snnday inorning from 8 to 9 :30 o'clock to receive them. Rev. Henry Tatlook, Rev. H. P. Horton, Mrs. Geo. S. Morris, Mrs. W. N. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Beakes went to FJint Tuesday evening to attend the (54th anuual oonvocation of the Michigan diooese Episcopal cburch which was held there Wednesday and yesterday. The vote for the teachers' special prizes at the coming county fair now stands as follows : MissW. L. Bender.. 5 Miss Emiiy Guodert 7 Miss Emüy Marsnke 5 Miss Anna Shannon 35 Miss Sarah O'Britn fi Miss Anna Clinton 4 fliss Oarrie Reed 5 Miss Mabel Root ___ 5 Miss Lena Mallory 7 Miss Laura I. Mills 50 Miss Ella B. Mills 207 The young people of Trinity Lutheran cbnrch will give a musical and literary entertainment at the chnrch parlors on Thursday evening next, Jane 16. A splundid program has been arranged. The object of this entertainmnet is to secure song books for the Y. P. S. C. E. and Sunday shcool, and it is hoped tbat they may have a liberal patronage, Admission 10 cents. Ice oream and cake 10 cents. The agent who sold George Walker, of Saline, the piano last week, went to Mr. Walker's honse to deliver it on Monday. He was met by Mr. Walker's attorney and two deputies and did not atfcempt to foice the delivery of the piano. The agent sayshe has a regular contract signed by Mr. Walker, and will hold him to it while tbat gentleman still maintains he was mislead by sorne of the statements and repudiates the contract. The end is not yet, evidently. An nnconfirmed rumor comes thie morning from Hayti that the Amerioans have captured and occapy Santiago. The rumor may have originated from the capture and occnpation by Sampson of one of forts of Santiago. A report is also in circulation that Manila bas surrendered to Admiral Dewey. It bas not been confirmed but it is known tbat the Spanish are penned np in Manila and that the insurgents in the Pbillipines have been meeting with great success and most entbnsiastically greet the Amerioan flag.