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The Republican Way

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1 ) The repnblican oonnty convention yesterday resnlted in a most decided , Judson victory. As side issues, indeed, Pingree and Wedemeyer were most emphatically indorsed, bnt tben they were '. not points of attaok, and yesterday . throned Sheriff Jadson still more ! firmly in bis position as leader and dictator of bis party. Ifc ohanged all : vious methods of voting, so that he might know where deserters were, if i tbere were any. But the resnlt seemed to indioate that there were none. Editor Moran wandered about in a lonely . marmer, bnt he was not in it enoogb to peep. A. J. Sawyer heard the rnmble of the thunder and deolined to be oaught in the storm, gending a proxy to the oonvention. Every delegation was : fnll and a number of depnty sheriffs , were on band, among them being Lester Canfleld, Martin Waokenhut, C. H. Greenman, Stantou Fergnson, Zenus ' Sweet, Cash Warner, P. J. Farrell, i Frank Haywood, Fred Hubn, Hezekiah i Norris, Ike Davia and Torn Blaokburn. But it is not to be snpposed that these compiised all the Jndson forces, for there were snoh men as Hon. E. P. Allen, candidato for sheriff Kingsley, F. P. Glazier, Geo. S. Wheeler and very many other prominent repnblioans taining nnder the Jndson banner. The only real oontest of the day was to decide whether the ballots shonld be absolutely secret ones, or whether it i Bhould be by townsbips and wards so that anyone conld eee whether promised i votes were delivered. After Jndson had won this contest, the last hope of the anti-Jndsonites had faded away. James L. G-ilbert, of Sylvan, was called to tbe cbair and Regisrer of Deeds Cook was made seoretary. Tbs following committees were appointed : Oredentials- A. W. Wilkinson, A. J. Waters, Cash Warner, B. D. Kelly, G. L. Hoyt. Organization and order of business - E. P. Allen, Chas. Blaokmer, R. D. Walker, Benj. BubJ, AI. F. Case. Eesolntions - P. J. Lehman, G-eo. S. Wheeler, M. h. Raymond, S. S. Bibbins, Bert Kenney. These committees reported after dinner. The credeDtials oommittee reported no eontests. The oommittee on order of business made tbe usual report with the exception that ballets shonld be taken for ohöioe of the conventioo for governor, congressman and dele g-Men at large by townships and wards, the chairman of each delegation announoing the otes of the delegation. Capt. Allen made a speech smoothing off the rongh oorners. in this radioal ohange of procedure. J. C. Knowlton proposed as an amendment that as the roll was called eaoh man walk forwurd and deposit his ballot. He said that in conventions where oue man 's influence rnight extend over all parts of it, we do not want men watohed, but want a free and untramelled secret ballot. Capt. Allen defended his new method as being a secret ballot. Col. Dean vigorously opposed it. Wm. Campbell wanted the ohairinen of the deleeations to eather the ballots and deposit them nnopened. Geo. S. Wheeler declared himself for PiDgree and didn't oare who knew it. Springer and fl. G. Prettyman made ringing speeohes in favor of tbe amendruent. Allen attempted to witbdraw the oritioised section of the report bnt the balance of the oommittee wouldn't have it so. A rising vote on tbe amendment was declared by the tellers as yeas 75, nays 102. The resolntions offered by the committee indorsing MoKinley and Pingree and declaring for equal taxation were adoptad. Geo. S. W.heeler, A. W. Wilkinson and F. C. Brann were appointed tellers to tabúlate the vote and after the chairmen of the delegations had been sworn in a ballot was taken on governor wbich resultad: Piogree 193; O'Donnell 14; blank 9; Jndson 3; Allen 3, Conant 1; Gilbert 1. Pingiee had a majority of every delegation exoepting the flrst ward of Aun Arbor where the vote was Pingree 2 ; blank 7. Tbe ballot on congressman resul ted: Wedemeyer 182; Sawyer 20; Spalding 18; Dean 2; Townsend 1; Jcdson 1. Sawyer had 17 votes in Ann Arbor city coming from the first, sixth and seventh wards, while Wedemeyer had 33. Gen. Spalding'e principal vote was 7 in Ypsilanti city and 3 in Sylvan and 3 in York. Judson's vote oarne froin Ypsilanti, while Wedemeyer's carne from all over tbe county. The vote on delégate at large to the state sonvention resnlted : Jndson 155, Glover 50, Allen 7, Waters 4, Pingree 2, blank 5. Tbe vote in Aton Arbor oity was Glover 21, Jndson 31, Pingree 1. Glover's vote in the oity came from the first, sisth and seventh wards whihoh were solid. The only otber preoinots in whioh Mr. Qlover got a majority of the votes being Notthfield and Webeter. Ypsilanti town gave a majority of its votes to Allen. A. J. Waters was elected by acclamation delégate at large to the congressional convention. The distriots reported the following delegates: State- First district : Frank P. Glazier, Joseph Staebler. Geo. S. Wheeler, Pred B. Braun, Arl Guerin, Richard Whalen, Frank Vandawarker, William Wiloox, W. W. Wedemeyer, John Heinzmann, A. W. Wiikinson. Second distriot; E. P. Allen, C. M. Warner, Joseph Meyer, B. F. Savery, S. S. Bibbins, Frank Galpin, E. W. Crafts, R. H. Marsh, Wilbnr Short, Thos. J. Thorn, C. M. Blackmer. Cougressional - First district: E.F. Johnson, H. M. Woods, Wm. Judson, Eugene Helber, F. A. Stivers, Henry Wilson, R. D. Walker, Jas. L. Gilbeit, Fred B. Braun, F. P. Glazier, Frank Haywood. Seoond distriot: Stanton Ferguson, Herbert V. Childs Geo.Esslinger, J. R. Hnnter, Wru. Carupbeli, E. A. flauser, Wm. Springer, J. H. Ford, A. F. Freeraan, Jesse Hewens, Q-. L. Hoyt. In tbe flrst distirot convention which decided on their share of tbe delegates, Frank Jones moved that Wm. Jndson be instiucted tu name the 11 delegates to tbe state convention and, on tbe snggestion of Col. Dean, that the seoretary ba instrncted to cast a ballot for the 11 men to be named by Mr. Jadson. Mr. Jones said that theie was not a man present bnt knew that Mr. Jndson wonld name these delegates anyway. The motion carried and Mr. Judson said he bad never in his life shirked aoy responsibility for the repnblican party and he wonld not do ao now, and oalmly prooeeded to name the delegates, after a little controversy in which Deputy Wackenhut told Col. Dean that it was too bad snon people as be could not win out all the time. Frank Jones then moved tbat in view of the harmony existing in Sylvan that F. P. Glazier name all the congressional delegates. This Mr. Glazier üid after he had walked forward to where Mr. Jndson was setting and cousulted with him. The convention negleoted to tbank Mr. Jones for having thns expedited their business. In ' the general convention Messrs. Jadson, Wheeler and Platt were appointed a oommittee to bring Mr. Wedemeyer before the convention and Mr. Wedemeyer made ar eloquent and telling speech of tbanks. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, asfeed tbat the disoordaut elements in the party shonld bnry the hatohet. Capt. Allen appealed also for party nnity and said that never had a convention been held in this county more free froru bossism than this one. And the oonvention smiled a Eickly smile. The oonvention showed Mr. Jndson more flrmly entrenohed in the oonfidence of the repnblioans of the oonnty than ever before.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News