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The senior laws will be admittsd to the bar Wednesday, June 29. The Y. W. C. A. will give a supper in their rooms over the post office tomorrow evening from 5 to 7 o'olock. The Daugbters of the Amerioan Revolntion sbipped a 145-pound paokage of books to Co. A at Cbickamauga Park Wednesday. Mrs. Jerorue Johnson, a f orruer resident of Ann Arbor, mother of George Johnson, of Brook st, died at her home in Marión, Mioh., on Snnday. A big picnio nnder the auspioes of St. Thomas' ohuioh will be given again this year at Whitmore Lake. A rate of .25 oents on the railroad, a good dinner and a good program are assured to all. The third annual oommeucernent of the. University Sohool of Musio will be held in Frieze Memorial hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the nniversity, will give the address. A oopy of the Ann Arbor High School catalogue for 1897-98 has been reoeived at the Argus office. It shows a4list of 634 student?. Of these 277 are non-residents. There are 67 in the seniur class. The annual readjustraent of postmasters' salaries has been made public, and the following ohanges are sbown in Washtenaw oounty offices. Inorease- Ann Arbor, $2,800 to $2,900; Manobeeter, $1,100 to $1,200. Hereafter the First ward sohool will be known as "The Perry sohool" and the Seoond ward school as "The Baoh sohool," in honor of Prof. W. S. Perry and Philip Baoh who devoted so muoh of their lives to the cause of ednoation. Invitátions have been issued to the marriage of Miss Gertrude Sunderland, danghter of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Sunderland, to Dr. Homer E. Safford, which will take place at the Unitarian ohuroh, Tnesday afternoon, June 28, at 4 o'olook. Melissa T. Spragne, of Ypsilanti,fby her attorney, Lee N. Brown, has oommenoed suit for $2,000 against William and Annie Dusbiber. The plaintiff olaims the defendant dug a hole on her lot and she feil iuto it, injuring her severely. Mr. Franklin C. Parker, of this oity, is to be married to Miss Faith Eolt Gilbert at the home of the biide's parents 83 Brainard st., Detroit, on Friday next, June 24. They will reside at the old homestead, oorner E. Ann st. and N. Fifth ave. John Gillen, of Saline, bas aDnonnced himself as a oandidate for sheriff on the deruooratio ticket. Theohoir of Trinity Lutberan cbnrcb will give a song service next Sanday evening at 7 :80 o'olook. A mnsioal and literary entertainment will take place at the Seoond Baptist ohnroh tbis eveniug at 8 :30. I A money nrder issoed Nov. 8, 1879, was preseLtpfl at the Ann Arbor post offioe for puyinent a few days ago. Supervisor B. C. Whittaker, of Soio, is spoken of iu oonnection with the ohairmanship of the board of Supervisors. J. T. Jacobs bas sold bis home on Monroe st. to the Xi Psi Phi fraternity. Consideration $8,000. The members of the fraternity will take possession of it next fall. The John F. Hummel oirous, menagerie and raciug combination will exbibifc at the grounds between E. Huron and E. Washington sts. on Twelfth st. next Taesday afternoon and evening. Ann Arbor young ladies who will teach sobool away from home next year are: Miss Cora JRobison at Bucbanau, Miss Jessie Gregg at Flint high sohool, and Miss Lois Avery at Sault Ste. Maire. The Bay View summer university wül open July 13, and the assembly a week later, both closing August 17. Thé. university has a faonlty of over 40 seletjted; instructora, with Prof. M. Louise Jones, of the Kansas State Normal School, at tbe head. At the 20th annaal meeting of the Unity Club held Tuesday evening the following officers for tbe ooming year were eleoted: President, J. B. Pollook; vioe president, Miss Sybil Pettee; seoretary, A. H. Benefiel; treasurer, Conrad Georg; chairman of executive oommittee, O. E Butterfield. The oase brougbt against Louis Kurzuck for abstraoting an npbolstered chair valued at $8 from goods oolleoted for the Graoe Lutheran ohuorb fair has, on motion of the prosecuting attorney, been dismissed. The oburcb has started a replevin suit, however, to recover from Kurznok some of the goods be oolleoted for the fair. The Alumni Assooiation of the Ann Arbor bigh sohool has adopted artioles of incoiporation and by-laws and is now iu a position to legally hold property and administer trust funds. In aooordance with the new oonstitution the assooiation at its annual meeting June 24, will eleot a board of flve directors, who shall be residents of Ann Arbor and shall transaot tbe business and administer tbe funds of tbe assooitiou. Dexter Leader: Marguerite, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sloan, underwent a dangerous and difScult surgical operation at Ann Arbor last Saturday. From infancy tbe little girl has suffered from a diseased eye which finally resnlted in tbe neeossity of removing the eyeball. This was done by Dr. R. S. Copeland. The operatidn was higbly suooessful and tbe little sufferer is on the road to permanent recovery. The 15th anniversary of the K. O. T. M. will be celebrated Sunday, June 19, by the L. O. T. M. and the two tents of the K. Ü.T. M. of this oity, by attending divine servioes in the Presbyterian ohuroh in the forenoon and by tbe decoration of the graves of deoeased Sir Knights in the afternoon. All Sir Knights are requested to be at the K. O. T. M. hall at 9:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. on that day. In the afternoon services, the Esslinger quartet and Becker's Military Band will partioipate. The first oar over the D., Y. and A. A. road was run from Aun Arbor to Wayne Saturday. H. P. Glover, Supt. Hempbill and others weie on board. Sinoe that time the trip between Ypsilanti and Wayne has been made about every two hours. A sohedule of time and rates will soon be in foroe. Conneotion with the Dearborn oars to Detroit is made at Wayne. The rates, at present, for the trip between Ypsilanti and Detroit are regulated aooording to thenumberof towhsbips through whioh tbey pass. Five oents is charged . per township and village or oity. The f are from Ann Arbor to Ypailanti is 15 ■ cents; from Ypsilanti to Dentón, 20 i cents; from Ypsilanti to Wayne, 12 miles, 26 oents; from Wayne to Detroit, 18 miles, 25 oents. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Ypsilanti Presbyteriancbnrch bas f 2, 758. 54 on band towards tbe purchase of a new órgan. D. E. Hoey, will hold an anotion sale of 25 borses at H. M. Pbelps' livery barn, Dexter, Satnrday, June 18, at 1 o'clook p. m. Mr. Win J. Wallaoe and Miss Susan B. Ainswortb wero oaarried at tbe home of the bride's parents in Ypsilanti Tuesday afternoon. Lient. M. L. Belser and Sergt. Dean M. Seabolt arrived in Ann Arbor Monday evening and are busily engaged reorniting for the 31st regiment. The newsdealers of the city have refosed to handle the New York Voice, wbioh oontained a scurrilons article abont nniversity and fraternity house moráis. Tbe senate oommittee on post offices, and post roads was autborized a favorable report opon the bilí providing for the establisbmntof the system of postal savings banks. Prof. M. E. Cooley writing from the Yosemite just after sbe arrived at Key West says the Naval Reserves enjoyed the four days' run from Hampton Roads. Tbe vessel's ooal oapacity is good for a 25 or 30 days' run at 10 to 12 knots speed per bour. He says it was warm at Key West, but not so bad when tbere was a breeze. Sometirae Tnesday rnorning Millie, the 13 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy, left her home in Ann Arbor and oome here (YpsiJanti). "■ Sbe visited a friend and changed her olothes and took the motor for Detroit. No canse for her disappearance oau be given by her mother, who has been in the city searching for her. She had $5 in her purse. - Tirnee. Oddfellows' Memorial day exeroises were held Sunday by the members of Washtenaw and Otseningo Lodge, I. O. O. F., and Loia Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah. In the morning tbe graves oL 54 deceased Oddfellows who are laid to rest in Forest Bill and the Fifth ward oemeteries were deoorated. In the afternoon services were held in tbe Oddfellows' hall when addresses were made by Rev. J. J. Staley, of Dexter, Rev. T. W. Yonng, of Ann Arbor, and others. The exercises were well attended. An excbange says that a Milwaukee preacber asserts that "nude figures" on five-dollar bilis are "iiidecent." Perbaps this is so but we have never had one of these bilis long enougb to examine it critically. But we don't think "nude figures" wonld shock us very muob. We have attended social entertaiuments where the ladies were in "full dress" and wore but little more tban a neoklace above the belt and we still live. The figures on a five dollar bill which have the most attraotion for us is the figure 5. - Dexter Leader. Dundee Reporter: Dr. Darling came over from Anu Arbor, Saturday, and assisted Dr. Unger in performing a surgioal operatiou, renioving two oancers from the face of John A. Pocklington. The patiënt endured tbe operation without the use of opiates, was confined to his bed for a few days afterwards, bot is now about again feeling quite oomfortable in condition. James Olds, of Azalia, aooompanied by Dr. A. A. Aiston, went to Ann Arbor, yesterday (June 9), to have a cáncer removed from his lip. Tbe operation was performed by Dr. Darling at tbe university hospital before tbe medical class. Times: "Thursday night of last week two more flags were stolen ; one. from tbe residence of Garry W. Densmore and the other from E. B. Donham, both of Ypsilanti. They are supposed to have been taken by Ann Arbor stndents. " A thief of any kind is despicable at any time, but the thief who will stoal bis oonntry's flag is doubly deppioable and not worthy to assooiate with deoent people. In oonnection witb this it may be mentioned that Aun Arbor is not free from this olass of oriminals. James L. Baboook and Henry W. Douglas are two gentlemen who have had tbeir handsome national flags stolen, and there are several others who have suffered a like loss. No pnnishment would be too severe for these unprinoipled thieves should they ever be caugbt, and it is to be hoped that should Justioe Duffy ever have one before him that he will give him all the law allows. Dixboro has been made a money order effloe. Bom, Tnesday night, to Dr. and Mrs. Lee Kapp, a boy. Eva Jaokson, of tbis city, bas oornmenoed snit for divorce from her huBband, Fred Jackson, on the gronnd of desertion. Dr. V. C. Vaogban has been made brigade surgeon with the rank of major, vice Major Nanrede promoted to división snrgeon. Tbe high school class day is Wednesday Jnne 22; commencement, Friday, June 24; alnmni meeting, on tbe evening of Jnne 24. Invitations are ont for the mairiage of Miss Adaline Minnie Wells, danghter of Mr. aDd Mrs. Edwin A. Wells, formerly óf this city, and Mr. Edward Charles DeWolfe. whiob will take plaoe in Ypsilanti, Wednesday, Jnne 29. Rev. Wm. Prall, D. D., reotor of St. Jobn's Episcopal chnroh, Detroit, will deliver the oourse of lectures on the Baldwin fonndation before the Hobart Guild at Harris hall, in Deoember next. His subject will oe "The State and the Chnroh." Mr. Jay W. Crawford, manager of the telepbone exobange at Owosso, formerly of this city, was married at the residenoe of the birde's parents in Chelsea, on Wednesday to Miss Fannie Hoover. The bride is a sister of Orrin T. Hoover, of the Chelsea Standard. Tbe annonncement of tbe marriage on May 7, of Mr. Isaao Milton Perrine, of this oity, to Miss Florence Cornelia Babbitt, yonngest danghter of Jndge and Mrs. J. Willard Babbitt,fof Ypsilanti, was reoeived with muob surprise by the ruany friends of the yonng oouple in the twin cities. Misa Charlotte Marks, of this city who recently sued Madam De Vozberg in Detroit for wages olaimed to be dne, was awarded $63.25 judgement Tnesday. Madam DeVozbnrg's defense was that Miss Marks went wheeling with students so mnoh of tbe time during hr stay in Ann Arbor that her services were valueless. Miss Marks on the otber hand took into court a bevy of pretty giils dreseed in Parisian gowns to show that she was a first class dreBstnaker. Yesterday afternoon a colored man aamed Wm. Taylor, went behind the bar at the Cook house to do up John Behan, the bartender, becanse be would not sell him a drink. Behan's gronnd for refusing to sell the drink was that Taylor was too drunk. When l'aylor went behind tbe bar on his errand of vengeanoe Behan picked np a bottle and hit him over the' üead with it. Now Taylor is in jail with a bad jut on his head and a summons to appear in JuFtice Duffy's court banging over him. Walter Snowden and Eddie Wilson, fcwo 15 year old oolored boys, of Ypsilanti, were arrested Monday morning, by Patrolman Armbruster, on a charge of stealiug money from a till in the Central drug store, Ypsilanti. They antered the store through tbe back wini3ow. Snowden says he got 95 oents ont of tbe drawer but dropped it all, whilé Wilson claims be got 63 cents. They were taken to Ypsilanti and tried in Jastice Child's oourtToesday. Upon the recommendation of County Agent Lehman, Wilson was disobarged and Snnwdon was coinmitted tothe Lansing Industrial school until be attains the age of 18 years. He is now 14 years old.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News