Local Brevities
chJTJiruxruiJxruTJuiJTJxrinjxnjirLrLnj uxrti Prof. C. B. Kinyon, of the hoineopatnic departtuent, bas purcnased Prof. Calvia Thomas' residence on Hill st. Rerubert Jones full froin a 14-foot ladder at the newlaw building Wednesday. He received a bad gash over his riglit eye aud had a finger dislocated. Hntzel & Co. have now got moved into their newly remodeled store which presents a handsonie appearanoe and gives them greatly inoreased facilities for displaying their goods. Attoroey Frank A. Stivers, of tbis city, and Miss Ida McKay, of Liberty, Iud., were ruariied in that place on Wednesday. They carne to Ann Arbor yesterday to take np their abode. Abont $13,000 worth of ü. S. bonds have been snbsoribed for througb the post offioe bere in sums arranging from $30 to $500. Mnch more bas been snbsoribed fot througu other sources from Ann Arbor. Justice Dnffy bas had luts of business in his offioe during tbe past week with tradesmen and boarding and rooming hoase keepers wbo are looking very closely after the little bilis dne them by stn oents abont to leave ege. Henry Scbneider, of Ypsilanti, was badly bnraed aboat the face, neck and ight hand on Monday afternoon while ie was fixing a gasoline engine at the Inland Press office. The generated gas xploded into a suelden ñame and did ;he rnisohief. Seoretary of State Washington Gardner was nominated last uight for congress froin the third district on the reinblioan tioket at the convention held n Kalaruazoo. It took 333 ballots beore this resalt was reaohed. Mr. G-eorge E. Haivey, of this city, nd Miss Daisy Irene Calkins of Flint, vere marrieii at the home of the bride's parents in that city on Wednesday fteruoon . They will reside in this ity. Mr. Harvey is a stonecntter in he employ of R. C. Barney. The remains of Miss Cotant, who ied in Detroit, were bronght to Ann Arbor, Monday, and intorred in the fifth ward cemetery. The deceased ady was a former resident of Ann Arjor and was a danghter of Mrs. Caroine Cotant, of 720 S. Twelfth st. The Michigan Telephone Co. movec its office into its new quarters over Schaller's bookstora, 116 S. Main st., Monday night and ia rapidly getting into shape in its fine new sarroundings The cbange was effected without any bindranoe to the business of the office. Mr. andMrs. F. M. Hamilton gave a pleasant reoeption last evenirig at tbeir home on E. William st., in honor oJ tbe new superintendent of Ann Arbor sohools, Prof. B. M. Slaason and bis wife. The reoeption was attended by people in eduoational ciroles, the members of the school board and other prominent citizens, A young man named Donegan, living on N. Main st., snffered a broken wrist at the circus Tuesday noon. He was fooling on the net into whioh a performer makes a high dive, when a oiroas hand oarae along and ordered him off. His foot got tangled up in tbe net and he strook on a tent stuke, fraotnring tbe wrist bones. Mr. Geo. F. Duerr, of Lansing, and Miss Amanda Schneider, of Ann Arbor township, were married at the Lutheran parsonage Tnesday morning by Bev. A. L. Nicklas. Mr. Fred Staebler aud Miss Anna Sohneider were the groomsman and bridesmaid. Mr. and Mts. Duerr wil] reside in Lansing, The men wbo are engaged in laying the naw pipes for the water works connections on Main st., while making the conneotion to tbe opera house block dug np oue of the old time log water conneotions which had been under gronnd for over 40 years. Tbe pipe is made of a pine log and althongh water soaked tbe wood was in a perfect state of preservation. The street cars have been blocked since Wednesday night by a houte whicb was being ruoved down WasbQgton st. from N. IngalJs to Third st. John Wisner, tbe contractor, obtained he consent of the street railroad coin)any that the trolly wite would be ent Weduesday night to allow of tbe pasage of the building but it was not lone. Last Christmaa the ladies of the Womaa's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's oharch sent a well filled box to Rev. F. G. Parkenson, reetor of the Episcopal ohuroh, of What Gheer, Iowa, in whom they feit great interest. Word has been received here thathewas drowned on Monday last while on a fisbing excursión. He leaves a wife and a family of small obildren. Fire broke out among eome waste paper in the cellar of Dean Hntohins' house corner of Monroe and Packard sts. at about 4:30 a. in. Monday and got in between the partitions of the house. It was put out by the fire department before it had gained a %'ery great headway. Besides the damage to the house tb.9 oarpets and furniture were iajured by water to the amount of 1150. The following are the names of those who have so far enlisted to fili op the ranks of Co. A : Adam Bress, Sidney M. Bangs, A. M. Green (student), John I. Flynn, Max Wittlinger, Otto Schwemen, E. B. Bancroft, Edward Hoelzle, W. L. Kimmel (student), J. A. Perrin, A. Westrand (student), Albert Kline, Adolph Andreus, W. J. Reilly, Willis : Kent, E. Cender, Theo. Weinmann. Several more are still needed. I
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Caroline Cotant