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Commencement Day

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The 54th annual commencement of Michigan University has passed into history. There were 674 graduates yesterday, oí whom 263 were in the literary department, an even 200 in the law dapartment, 69 ia tbe medieal department, 58 in the engineering department, 20 in the school of pharmacy, 85 in tbe dental departrueot and 9 in the homeopathie. A goodly nuruber uf the alumni were present and considerable interest bas been manifested. Tbe commeucement oration yesterday, a finished and scholarly address was delivered by Prof. Bejamin Ide Wheeler, of Cornell University. At its oonclusion and after the presentation of diplomas by President Hutchins, the alumni held their annual diriner with lively after dinner speeches. THE BACCALAUREAT.E SEHJIOK. President Hntcbins delivered one of the best baccalaureate sermons ever given in University hall last Sunday evening. Excepts from it oannot do it jnstice, bnt a few extracts are bere given : The mere possessious of a nniversity diploma is nu guaranty of the future. To most nnivesity graduates the moderate estimato apparently aocorded to this certifícate of attainment by the practical and energetic mau of affairs, is a surprise and a disappointment. Bnt as a matter of fact heusually takes it for jnst about what it it is worth. He knows that in the truggle for recognition it is valueless exoepting as a statement from a responsible source that the holder bas eujoyed the advantages of a preparatory training. He regards it as a card of introduction - nothing more. I wonld ring it in the ears of every one of you that the world will take yon for just about wbat yon prove yonrself to be worth. What you have done is of little oonsequence as compared with what you show yourself capable of doing. In the band to band conflict of everyday life it is the ability to accomplish resnlts tbat counts, not the diploma of tbis or any other nuiversity. The edncation of the sohools, a prime ueoes8ity in this age of thought and activity, is chiefly valuable, not for what it gives in the way of position or knowledge, but rather for what it does in the way of developing capacity for thonght and action. ij While I believe most thorougbly in the genius of hard work, yetl recognize the fact, and I challenge your attention to it, that work, nnless direuted and governed by a definite purpose, is of very little account. Your purpose bas been to fit yourselves for the active duties of life; yonr puipose hereafter shonld be to perf orm sucb dnties as are cast upon you to the best of yonr ability and at the same time to artd to yonr equipment so that yon will be prepared for the greater responsibilites that your experience sbould bring. Bnt tbe higbest snooess means more than untiring labor witb a definite end in view, more than courage to meet responsibilities as they arise, more tban both ; it means the developmenc of trne manhood and true womanbood in tbe larger sense. The very opportunities that are open to you will bring dangers and blasting influence tbat only the most carfefnl watobfulness can avert and counteract. It is of Jthe nigbest importanoe that jon go into life with rigbt standards and with correot ideáis. Thrift is, of oourse, to be commended, and I urge it. Tbe acquiring of a competenoy is a duty that we owe to onrselves and to those dependent upon 'us, and we should strive for it. The amassing of a fortnne, if legitiniately done and for proper ptirposes, ia a worthy ambition. I cannot take my leave of yon without snggesting that whatever yonr professiou or oalling, yonr life should be governed by the striotest prinoiples of iutegrity and honor, nay more, that so far as in you is, it should be patterned in accordance with the prcoepts and example of that perfect life th?t God in His great goodness and ineroy has giveo ns to follow. Yod know what it is to experienoe perfect religious freedom bnt retnember, I beg of you, that religious freedom shonld not mean religioas indifftrence. It is to be hoped tbat eaob of you whose conviotions are as yet unsettled, inay soon iind in some obnrch organization artioles of faitb to whicb you oan without reservation subscribe. But tbis, although desitable, is not really essential to right living or to a religious life. Rut one tbing is essential, and without it you cannot hope to approach that oornplete and harrnonious development that finds its most perfect exernplification in the life of the Master. And it isthis: That your life should be direoted and governed by the fundamental truths that have been given tp us in the Book of Books. LATV' CLASS DAY. Whansr-a-doodle, Whung-a doodle, Whans-a-dieker-daw, U. of M. hot stuff, '98 law. Thus sang out the senior law class Monday. One hundred of tbem will lócate in Michigan and nearly every state in the Union will see some shingle of this law class bung up. Class president Lewis Láveme Thompson, of Allegan, made the president'saddress. Cari Theodore Storm, of Kirksville, Ho,, on behalf of the class presented the' university with a fine portrait of Levi T. GrifHn, as a class memorial. Regent Farr accepted it on behalf of the university. Rufus Lee Weaver, of Prazer, Ky., delivered a forceful ovation, entitled "A Plea for the South." Mrs. Merrie Hoover Abbott, of this oity, one of the three lady law graduates this year, read the class hiatory Paul Young Allbright, of Philadelphia, iead the class prophecy, and Robert Healey, of Fort Dodge delivered the valeditory, taking as bis subject, "The Anglo-American Alliance. " THE SENIOR PROMENADE. The senior promenade promised to be a very pretty affair, but just affcei the ligbts carne out and the promenaders began to arrive a heavy rain carne down, putting out the lights and spoiling tbe lanterns. The rain ceased, the band aRain took up the rnu&ic the orowd reappeared upon the scène but tbe beauty had been destroyed. This is oue of the best features of oommenceruent week and should be continued. . THE LITERARY CLASS DAY. An attractive programme was carried out nuder the far famed Tappan Oak Tuesday morning. Frank S. Simons, of Detroit, a newspaper man by the way, delivered the Prsident's address and presided with great aplomb. Charles H. Farrell, of Dexter, read a carefuily prepared bistory. The class orator, Charles Simons, of Detroit, argued against territorial expansión and the class poet, C. Fred Gauss, of this oity, read the class poem, "Cybele, the Spirit of Nature. " Miss Florence Helen Pomeroy, of Ann Arbor, read a startling prophecy predicting the future of the members of the class and some of the faculty. Paul W. Voorhies, of this city, then presented tbe university on behalf of tbe class witb the class memorial. The snni of $275 bas already been raised and efforts are being made to raise the amouut to $600 to be placed in the treasurer's hands to be loaned to wortby students. THE SENIOR RECEPTIOX. The senior reception was a brilliant affair and was all the better for not being so crowded as in furmer years. The national colors were everywhere mingled with the yellow and the blue. Music was furnisbed by the Cbequamegon orchestra and tbe U. of M. band . The patronesses were : Mesdames Harry B. Hutchins, Charles E. Greene, W. W. Beman, Jerome C. Knowlton, Charles B. Nancrede, Paul C. Freer, Andrew C. McLaughlin, Israel C. Russell, Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, Victor H. Lane, James H. Brewstar, Edward D. Campbell and Paul R. DePont. There were 30 dances on the program and dancing stopped promptly at 3. a. m. DENTAL CLASS DAY. This proved very interesting to the members of the department and their friends and the following program was oarried out: president's address by Ralph Jay Roper, of Santa Anna, Cal., address by Dean Taft, class history by Robert Brown Howell, of Philadelphia, address by Prof. Watling, olass poem by Claude B. Roe, of Buchanan, address by Dr. Dorrance, olass oration by Walter Herbert Bowman, of Toledo, Ohio, address by Prof. Hoff, class prophecy by Bessie Hutchinson, of Ann Arbor, one of the few young ladies who have ever graduated from the department, valediotory by Robert Norman Forbes, of Centre Lisie, New York. ALUMNI DAY. A larger number of alumni returned tbis year than in any year since 1875. All the classes whose numeráis end in 8 held reunions. The oldest class was the class of '48, which graduated 18 of whom 8 still survive. Just 5 per cent of the surviving members were present : Rev. David M. Cooper, of Detroit; Sidney D. Miller, the well known Detroit lawyer; Col. William R. Ransom, of St. Jo6eph, Mich., and Col. Joseph R. Smith, of Philadelphia, on the retired list of the U. S. army. Col . Smith graduated at the age of 17, and so bas the honor of being the yonngest gradúate. Eight of the olass of '58 were present, as were 18 of the class of '68. (Continuad on Fourtn Page.) 0 COMMENCEMENT DAY (Continued frora First Pace.) At the alumni meeriup, presided over by President Levi L. Barbour, Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin was eleoted director for five years in the place of Prof. F. C. Newoornbe. Secretary Prentiss reported tbat be had the correct addreases of 11,000 of tbe alainni. The necrology list shows that 1,839 graduates have died, of whom 116 died doring the past year. Tbe reoeipts of the association were $2,474.48 and the expenses #2,471.80. Prof. Jocelyn reported for the speoial comrnittee to raise $500 for a memorial monument, reported tbat that amount had been easily raised but was not suffioieut to parchase an appropriate design. It was decided to raise the amount to $1,000 and to ereot a model of the fanious Soipio monument at Rome. Tbe Williams fund now amounts to $14,907.88, and a lively disoussion followed as to its disposition. While no action was taken it is probable that it will be held nutil it reaches $25,000, when it will be applied to tbe support of a Williams profensorship. THE SENATE RECEPTION. Wednesday evening another opportunity was given the alumni to et together for a sooial time, and it proved a delightful feature of tbe day. Light refreshments were sesved, and a card was pinned upon eacb gradúate stating what olass be belonged to, so tbat his fellow olassmates migbt disoover birn more readily. Tbe guests began to arrive early and many old friends met af ter years of separation. THE REGENTS' MEETING. The board of regents deoided to make work in rhe gymnasium oompnlsory hereafter for freshmen in the literary and engineering departruents. They will allow a small credit for the work. Keene Fitzpatriok the farnous Michigan physical trainer in 1894-5, now ooonpying a similar position at Yale, was elected acting director of the gymnasinm at a salary of $2,000. He is the foremost athletio trainer of the west. Prof. A. C. Angell resigned his position as law professor on account of other business. Robert Clark Stevens was appointed instructor in English at $900. Norman K. Mclnnis was appointed assistant in English, salary $300 and Fred A. Boylan assistant in pathology, salary $200. Miss May Miller becomes direotress of the training school for nurses; Charles B. Gauss house surgeon, and Will MaoLake house pbysician at the nniversity hospital. Thomas S. Burr was chosen assistant to the professor of sargery. The regents on Wednesday appropriated $8, 000 to repair tbe roof of the main building which Prof. Davis reporte'd to be unsafe. S. D. Tromley was appointed instructor in astrqnomy. P. F. Trowbridge of the cberuical laboratory was granted a year's leave of absenoe to study abroad and Arcbibald Campbell snceeeds biin for the year at $900 salary. A contract was awaided B. F. Sturtevant & Co., of Chicago, for putting in aheating and ventilating plant in the new law building for $6,030. A 50 f oot addition to the university library wil] be bnilt this year at a oost of f13,430. The contraot.for it was let to Carew & Co., of Detroit, the builders of the new law building. NOTES. The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority held a reunión. Twenty senior law students were admitted to the bar here Wedne6day. Seoretary Jocelyn is endeavoring to obtain the portraits of all the alumni. The judges of the suprema court were in attendance at commencement yesterday. E. R. Hedrick, lit 96, has been awarded a Morgan fellowship at Harvard with an income of $500. William W. Bishop, A. JM. '93, bas been awarded the fellowship in Christian Archaeolngy at the Aaaerican sohool in Rome. Forty-seven of the Zeta Psi fraternity oelebrated the fortieth anniversary of tbe fonndation of the founding of the local chapter. Duane Reed Sfcnart, of Detroit, '96 lit, has been reawarded the Elisha Jones fellowship to Btndy in Mnnich, Athens and Rome. Times: One of the most comical and laughable incidents that has ever occured on the class day of the lits happened on Tuesday at the Tappan oak. A little dirty-looking midget, a boy abont three years old, bare-legged and notbing on bnt a Mother Hubbard dress, no bat and sucking two of bis fingers was led by a young sister holding a drum with a hole in its head and a baton in band to keep time as they marched around in froDt of the andieuce, and when right in front of the stage they halted and lstoned to the eloquence of the speaker. As soon as the U. of M. band oommenced playing a Dumber, these waifs wonld start on a donble-quick to reach it, and regúlate tbe time by beaitng the little drum with the little six inob baton.