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Death Of Samson Parker

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Hon. Samson Parker, one nf the best knowD of Lima farmers, died at bis home Tuesday niorning froiu a stroke of paralysis reoeived five days previeras. The funeral services were held yesterday. Mr. Paiker would have been 80 years of age next November and bad resided in this connty for 65 years, ooming bere witb bis parents in 1833, four years bef ore Michigan beoame a state. He was bom in Otsego connty, N. Y. Es was married in 1851 to Esther Clements, who came to tbis connty with her parents from Pennsylvania in 1825. They had three ohildren, George C, Charles C. and Alta J. He was prominent in demooratio politics and represented his dstrict in the legislatura in 1867 and served several terms as jnstice of the peace. He was always a farmer and cnltivated 220 acres. He will be greatiy missed by those who knew hiiii.