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Robt. Gerner, of Detroit, visitad his sisters over Sunday. Charles A. Maynard audfanaily have i removed to Jaokson. Daniel T. Pierce celebrated his 57th birthday last Snuday. Mrs. George R. Kelly has been visiting ia Brautford, Out. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Beek, of Obioago, are visiting in the city. W. B. Phillips is spending his vacatiou iu Carthage, N. Y. M. W. Wells, of Channti, Kansas, ia visiting oldfriends here. Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, of Monroe, is the gaest of Mrs. Joseph Claik. Mips Lonise Rump, of Saginaw, is vistiDg Miss Eraile Pietorins. City Clerk Mills was iu Owosso Monday on directory business. Miss Helen Ames is spending the sumraer with her sister in Duloth. Miss Gertrnde Beakes left Monday for her home iu Bloorningbnrg, N. Y. Mrs. Williaru Meathe, of Bellevne, is visiting her annt, Mrs. F. Harris. Prof. Thomas Moran, of Purdoe University, was in the city for cornmencement. Mrs. J. J. Bead, of Chicago, with her sou, is visiting her father, Daniel Hiscook. Mrs. Mary Büss is visiting her danghter, Mrs. Dorr J. Gasser, of Kenton, Ohio. Charles Andrews has retnrned from Chicago to becorne a driver in the flre department. Miss Helen Gibbons, of Detroit, has been visitiug Miss Cora Robinson, of S. Fifth ave. Mrs. H. J. Pearson was called to Union City, Iud., Sunday, by the death of her sister. Karl Harriinan and Miss Edith Lee, of Detroit, are visiting at Jndge W. D. Harriman's. Miss Marjorie Waite, of Detroit, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D Cramer. Dr. F. E. Baal, of Omaha, Neb., bas been spending the week with nis sister, Mrs. Beywood. Mrs. and Miss Patterson and Miss May McGrath, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. M. L. Walker. Mrs. Edward Gedney, of Minneapolis, is visiting her motner, Mrs. Anna G. Miller, of Packard st. Nathan Stanger is taking a two weeks' vaoation in Philadelphia, Washington and np the Hndson. Miases Mattie and Urace Taylor, oí Iugalls st., have retnrned f rom tbeir school in Terre Hante, Ind. Marshal Sweet attended the state convention of sheriffs and chiefs of polioe in Mt. Clemens Tnesday. Mrs. Ray K. Moaltou, of St. Joseph, Mioh., is visiting her ruother, Mrs, Mary Bill, of 216 S. State st. L. C. Sabin, of Detroit, engineer for the deep waterways commission spent Sunday witb John W. Bennett. Mrs. Boss Granger left for Chickamauga Park, Ga., on Sunday eveüing to visit her hnsband, Capt. Ross Garnger. S. W. Burohfleld and Al Shetterley leave at noon today for a four weeks' flsbiug trip down th Huron river and contiguons lakes. Prof. Walter M. Hamilton is home froru his school at Moline, 111., and is spending the summer with his father Prof. F. M. Hamiltou. Miss Mande VTanArsdale, of Beatrice, Neb., has been visiting Mrs. John Burg. Sbe left for Buffalo, N. Y., to visit her b o her today. Mrs. B. F. Granger, who has been visiting in California for the past sis years, is making her home with Mrs. Ross Granger, 312 Maynard st. Lieut. Belser and Sergeant Seabolt left at noon Wednesday for Camp Thomas, Chickamanga Park, haviog concluded their duties as recruiting officers . Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Olinger, of Lansing, were in Ann Arbor Tuesday evening on their way to Ypsilanti to spend a few days with Mr. Olinger's ruother. Mrs. Eli F. Harrington and danghter, Mrs. E. E. Dryden, cf Grand Rapids, are spending commeuoernent week with Mr. and Mre. L. P. Jooelyn, 545 3. División st. Mr. and Mrg. John Lewis and little son Elmer, of Packard st., left Monday morning for a three weeks' visit with relatives and frienda in Tecumseb, Ridgeway and vioinity. Mra. W. W. Saundera and two ohildren, of G-rand Rapids, are viaiting Moaes Seabolt and family. They will stay aboat fonr weeks. Dr. Saunders will arrive tomorrow to stay over the Fourth. Mr. and Mra. Glen V. Mills attended the wedding of Mr. E.C. DeWolfe toMiss Minnie A. Wells at Ypsilanti Wednesday evening. Tbeir litrle daughter Rhea Hortense acted as ring bearer at the oeremony. Dr and Mrs. Wm. J. Stapisb, of Anderson, Ind., formerly of Cbelsea, were in the city yesterday. Dr. Stapish gradúate witb the dental claas of '96 and is now ruaking a visit to his old norne. He bas built np a fine practice in Anderson. J. K. Monahan, of Denver, Col., accornpanied by his son, Master Clair Herey, aud sister-in-law, Miss Emma Herey have been visiting relatives in Aon Arbor. Mr. Monahan represented bis state as a delégate to the national convention of Knigbts of St. John, held in Detroit June 38 to 30.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News