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P. H. Murray has bought the hotel in Salem. Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, tried 19 criminal cases in Jane. Lucy, the little daughter of William Secor, of North Lake, died July 2. Lester VanFleet and Mies Nellie Jones were married in Dexter June 29. Pinckney defeated Chelsea at baseball on July 4th by a score of 13 to 11. Twenty-niDe new volumes have been added to the Ypsilanti Ladies' Library. Mrs. W. R. Basenbark and daughter have removed from Ypsilanti to Chicago. Miss Emma Nissle, of Manchester, had her hand badly burned with fireworks . Otis Cushing and A. J. Sawyer, of Webster, have put up new windmills on their farms. Ypsilanti has traded her old road scraper for a new one and given f 175 as boot ruoney. Ypsilanti will give 300 and an old dynamo for a new dynamo at its eleotric light plant. Will Holt, Fred Werner, Fred Haag and Fred Deatle, of Manchester, have joined the Thirty-Fifth Miobigan. Warren, son of S. M. Case, of Manchester, had his band qnite badly bnrned wbile shootiug a small cannon. Emory Qrant, of Chelsea, picked up a ligbted cannon flre cracker and had bis righu hand and eye badly injaied. Frank, the 12 year oíd son of Joseph Lowery, of Bridgewater, broke his leg, Jnly 4, by falling from a load of hay. Rev. W. E. Burnett and Miss Mary Smitb, of Weston, were married by Rev. Dr. Ryan, in Ypsilanti, last week. Miss Minnie Hord and Barry Penny, both of Ypsilanti, were rnarried in Windsor, Canada, on the gloiions Foorth. Frank A. Qordon, of Chioago, and Miss Ida M. Dixon, of Dexter, were married Juue 29. They will reside in Chioago. Mrs. Foster, of Dundee, was pickiDg cherries this week, when the limb on wbich sbe was perohed broke and she feil, breaking her arm. Tony Staib, of Bridgewater, broke his leg Jnly 4, while driving to Ypsilanti. His horse Leoame frighteued near Jos. Ganss' place in Saline and threw him ont. Rev. J. P. Hutchinson, of this city, has resigned tbe pastorate of the Milan Presbyterian churcb, preaching his farewell sermón last Snnday. He will go to Clinton, Iowa, for his heaith. The Chelsea post, office is to have a uew outfit of boxes. The Saline conncil last week andited bilis anionntiog to $127.00 Dr.Artbur Crafts, of Graas Lake, has been appointed au assistant surgeou iu the army. A oolleotion at Chelsea f or the Y . M. C. A. work uuoug the soldiers aniouuted to $30. Fred Weinmann will open a drag store od Huron st., Ypsilaati, opposite the Oocidental hotel. Fred Stoll, of Ypsilanti, was one of tboNe who Held large lire ciackers in their bands too long. LewiR Stanbro, of Salem, and Miss Lucy M. Grady, of South Lyon, were married last Tuesdav. The Germán Workingrnen's Sooiety of .Saline, took in about $500 at their Fonrth of Jnly pionio. Weinmann & Mattbews is the name of a new drng firru in Ypsilanti wbich will open np Aogust 1. T. Wilson & Sons have been iiaproving their flouring mili at Milan by adding new rnacbinery. Gny Alvard and Miss Mary Glotz, of Manchester, were married in Saline July 2, by Justioe Fish. Gaorge, the 1 1 year oíd son of Claude Rowe, of Waterloo, feil from a horso reeently and broke his arm. Jnstioe Doyle, of Milan, on Jnly 7, married E. Cooper Ackerman and Miss Lena Russell, both of Detroit. Mts. Ann Kehoe, of Lenawee connty, who was bnried in Clinton, Satnrday before last, was in her 98th year. Mrs. Chloe Ardell, of Saline, died last Thursday morning after a long illness. The funeral was held od Saturday. G. J. Crowell has been appointed deputy postmaaster of the Chelsea office. He is right at home at the business. Lightning killed a hotse and a hog Delonging to Mr. Gable, of Augusta, last week. In death they were not divided. Rev. J. C. Armstrong, formerly pas;or of the Saline Baptist chnroh, was 'ound dead in his bed at Adrián last week. George Brenner, working for James VfoLaren, of Lima, was kicked in the stomach by a horse last week but will recover . Rev. A. J. Hutchings bas resigned ;he pastorate of tbe Clinton Baptist chnroh to enter the Newton Theological seminary. While Charles Roan was wading the river at Rawsonville he stepped on a rusty nail and had to pnt bimself under a dootor's oare. W. S. Kimball, of Clinton, has placed a bandeóme 1 í t tía gasolina lanncb with a oapaoity for 10 persons on Wampler's Jake. Mrs. Adelia Thatcher rlied in Chelsea, Jane 30, aged 77 years. She carne to Sylvan township in 1849 and removed to Chelsea in 1865. Grasshoppers are oreating bavoo at Milán. Fields of grain on the farms of R. C. Allen and J. Ferman have been utterly destroyed. Mrs. Hannah Eco, ofOakville, has a oow for sale. Last week it kioked and kioked so bard tbat it broke one of Mrs. Eno's legs in tbree plaoes. The hnrses of Charles Knorpp, of Manohester, ran away Taesday, throwing him out. He snstained severe bnt not serions injuries about the head. Nathan W. Wooster and Miss Nellie Leland, both of Northfield, were married Jaly 4, at the residence of tbe bride's father Orton Leland by Rev. E. P. Clark. Tbe Saline Observet sagely remarks "Tüe fourtb is over." We are glad to know it. We migbt have tbought that it was still witb ns, bad the Observar not kindly relieved us from suspense. Mr?. James Kimball and Miss Millie Yoang, of Ypsilanti, wsre tbrown ont of tbeir buggy by their horse (urning soddenly last Friday. Mrs. Kimball struck on her head and was badly injured. Ira Bell, of Ypsilanti, asks tbe Detroit common connoil for $5,000 for arresting bim whilemaking a bioycle trip to Detroit, under tbe impression tbat he was another man. The pólice released him as soon as tbey fonnd ont tbeir mistake. Mrs. Etta Hmalley complained aganst Heory Pierce, of Ypsilanti, for usina indecent language on tbe streets. Ou Satarday sbe proved that he called ber an oíd Spaniard and Jcstioe Cbilds foand him gailty, releasiDg bim on suspended sentenoe. Mrs. Jennie Simmons, of Dundee, bas a pet cat, for wbich sbe was willing to sacriflce her own existence. Bnt tbings are dfferent now. On Thursday the oat bit tbe lady in the hand, inflicting a painfal wound. At latest reports tabby was still alive. Mrs. Margaret Cosgrove died in Ypsilanti townsbip July 6, of asthma of the heart, aged 63. Her husband and saven children snrvive ber. The obildren are: Maggie Cosgrove, Ann Arbor; Mrs. James Qaiulan, Ann Arbor; James Cosgrove, Whittaker; Frank Cosgrove, Ann Arbor; Ann Cosgiove, who is with the Sisters of Charity at Middletown, Ohio; and John and Aggie Cosgrove, who are at home in Ypsilanti. The plans for the new Presbyterian cbuiob in Ypsilanti have been approved. The chapel, which will be bailt first, is 52x40 feet aud abont 30 feet high, and aoross the baok of the obnrch the addition will be 60 feet long and 24 feet wide, with a tower and entranoe on Emmett et. In front the cbnrch wil] have a 127 foot tower on eaoh corner between whion will be the entrance. It is to be built of briok with stone trimminge. The Chelsea Rifles have blossorned out in new uniforms. Dr. Edward Batwell, of Ypsilanti. has been a praotising physician for fifty years. The Milau boys who went to Island Lake with the Dundee conipany were all rejeoted. A five year oíd son of Albert Girth, of Salem, feil f rom a load of hay and broke bis arm. Tbe yield of wbeat aiound Grasa Lake is reported large and the wbeat is of exoelleut qnality. Justice Doyle, of Milan, on Tuesday sentenoed Arfchur Mexioo tosixty days in the oonnty jail for stealing a bicyole of Bert Edington, of Milan. Miss Newberger, of Chelsea, was one of the seven young ladies wbo took the blaok veil at St. Mary's in Monroe, Tnesday. Sbe wil] be known as Sister Mary Evantelista. Rev. Mr. Stephenson, of Clinton, has been appointed chaplain of tbe Thirty-Pifth Michigan Infantry His ready wit captivated the governor and tbe oommanding offloers. Clark Wortley, tbe well known Ypsilaati business man, was married last Tuesday in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Eloise C. Whitney by tbe Rev. Geo. W. Lincoln. They will spend the summer at Charlevoix. Clinton had an impromptu display of fireworks jast before the 4th. A toy pistol ignited the fireworks in John Bush's store window and rookets, pin wheels, cannon firecrackers, devilchasers, etc, were soou flying in every direotion. Our readers oan hardly fail to remark the large number of broken arms and legs wbich bave been chronicled in these columns during the last two weeks. It behooves everyone to be careful in these days in climbing, playing and to beware of kicking cows as well as kicking horses. John J. White, an aged merchant tailor, of Clinton, caused considerable excitement last Friday by wading into the river and lying down with the intention of drowning himself. He was pulled out before be had accomplished his purpose. It is believed his mind is slightly unbalanced. Miss Genevieve B. Kinne, of Ypsilanti, was married to Dr. Charles J. Bartlett, of New Haven, Conn., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jennie B. Kinne in Ypsilanti Jnly 6. They will spend the first six months of their married life in Germany, sailing from New York last Saturday.. Dexter Leader: Elmer Bates, one of the Chelsea men who went to Klondike this spring, got lost in a storm in company with another man, says a recent letter from Alaska, and, before they werfi found, about three weeks, they nearly staived, ast nearly in fact tbat they killed their faithful dog and ate it raw without salt. Manchester Enterprise: George Wurster met witb a painful and serious aocident about 2 o'clook on the afternoon of Jnly 6. He had raised a 35foot windmill derrick for William Haeussler, near Silver lake, in Freedom, and was on top of it when it feil, and was oarried down with it, breaking his hip and oroshing the thigb and one foot and braising bita badly. It is a wonder that he was not killed outright. Stockbridge Sun : Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stanley are now at their summer camp on the banks of Zukey Lake, Hamburg Junction. While waiting for tbe train at that place Thnraday morning, we called upon Jim and bis wife, and bad a good visit. He inforrned ns tbat a large tract of land near bis cottage, bas been bought up by a oompany tbat manufactures water lime, and that the oompany proposes to make use of the extensivo marl deposits known to lie in Zukfly lake and tbe adjoining marshes, in the manufacture of tbat commercial product. Surely as a shipping point, Hamburg Junction has great advantages. Grass Lake News: Last Suuday morning notwithstanding favorable weather, attendance at publio worship in our cherches was not wbat should bave been. Probably one cause was that people were resting and reouperating for tbeir opening harvest work. But tbe same rest could have been had in the pews, to say nothing of tbe mental and spiritual refreshment attendant thereou. Say, folks, go to oburoh and thereby draw a bealthfal line between your owu and pagan oustotns. It looks bad for pnblinans and sinners to stay away from God's house, but it looks far worse for tbose who profess sacred things to stay at home on Sonday in indolent repose. If a professor of diviDe graoe ignores or goes back on his Christian vows, he is full of hyprocisy and a ruanner of unclaenness. When Sunday comes scour your neck and ears, put on a clean dickey and go to the sanctuary like a civilized human being. It will do you good, do the preacher good and at tbe same time set a proper example before the world.